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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Secret hurricane meta confirmed!

I thought it was funny because there was also thornmail and sunfire cape, which are probably also items people typically condemn as bad ideas.

Nah, if you're not building him bruiser, you're doing it wrong.
9-1 almost the dream...



Nah, if you're not building him bruiser, you're doing it wrong.
9-1 almost the dream...


Might not be 10-0 but that sure looks damn nice!

Had a full 5-premade yesterday, and at bot we had a really bad Gnar as ADC? (wat?) We were basically winning in lane but we got cocky, and all of a sudden he got a triple kill. It was more because of our bad play (also 3 of my friends didn't know what he did at all) than that Gnar being good though! Anyway, a friend of ours was playing jungle Gnar, and besides him not being a very good jungle (or not as good as with his Amumu), it seemed like he was struggling? Is Gnar Jungle viable? It certainly didn't look like it was (either that or he was bad at controlling rage) but I assume someone with more jungle experience could work wonder with his kit, maybe?


Despite playing this game for three years, I never played Annie until today. She's a damn fun champion to play. I'm so used to playing poke mages that pumping out huge burst is a real trip.


Despite playing this game for three years, I never played Annie until today. She's a damn fun champion to play. I'm so used to playing poke mages that pumping out huge burst is a real trip.

Annie is a lot of fun to play if you get the chance to get all combo in! Also her range is amazing for poking with autoattacks. She's one of my favorites! Cheap too.


Despite playing this game for three years, I never played Annie until today. She's a damn fun champion to play. I'm so used to playing poke mages that pumping out huge burst is a real trip.

Except there's no reason not to pick Syndra right now because she has better poke and better burst with shorter CDs.

Annie is a lot of fun to play if you get the chance to get all combo in! Also her range is amazing for poking with autoattacks. She's one of my favorites! Cheap too.

If by cheap you mean her playstyle is toxic as fuck then yes, she's quite cheap.


It isn't. There are others far more unhealthy, like Irelia or Veigar, but that doesn't make her less toxic.


It isn't. There are others far more unhealthy, like Irelia or Veigar, but that doesn't make her less toxic.

Can't be worse than that Nunu that got me with his ult when he was in the river bush and just insta-deleted me yesterday (wasn't warded, so animation didn't appear until inside the bush). That's so cheesy!

I still don't understand what do you mean with toxic though, that doesn't require skill?


Almost every champ is toxic to Nev

Jinx, Heimerdinger, Janna, Zac, Aatrox, Ahri, Zyra, Draven, Sivir, Ezreal, Vel'Koz, Varus, Zed, Sejuani...

Plenty of champions aren't toxic to me.

I still don't understand what do you mean with toxic though, that doesn't require skill?

That is impossible to have fun playing against because it has little to zero counterplay. Not requiring skill is a factor too. There's no skill required at all in playing Irelia, for instance. She must be the champion with the lowest skillcap in the game.


Despite playing this game for three years, I never played Annie until today. She's a damn fun champion to play. I'm so used to playing poke mages that pumping out huge burst is a real trip.
yea i like annie a lot, she's not the best at anything but she's a lot of fun

she's also adorable on the reverse annie skin <3

My heart wants Kakao to win but my brain won't let me believe it. Come on Kakao, pls...
atleast put up a fight..

my heart is too busy admiring kpop

there better be full on ahri kpop band at worlds

Except there's no reason not to pick Syndra right now because she has better poke and better burst with shorter CDs.

If by cheap you mean her playstyle is toxic as fuck then yes, she's quite cheap.

lol i love nev's posts

so much unrelenting disgust lol
Faker's played Kog in NLB I think it was? Guess it wasn't a one-off pick or anything like that.

Now if only we see an OGN Anivia.
Believe in Faker's soloq choice.


she's also adorable on the reverse annie skin <3

I think that's one of the best skins too ;A; Got to see it once in a game, it's awesome!

I don't know about Irelia as a I have rarely played Top but I don't see how Annie doesn't have counter? Basically bait her Tibbers/Stun. At least that's how I tend to die when I play her, when they do that to me. ._.


Hurricane+Cleaver on gnar it works. Not sure if it's the best... but it works. Unfortunately we threw *hard* in that game. You know the type, when people are ahead and suddenly think they can 1v3.

While you're at it, why not just add Hydra into the Mix?

This one's for ya, Dobkeratops

They told me "I fucked up bot". They told me I cant support.
Then they realized that the dawn has arrived.

What did you build the Jungling armor for o_O If you needed more health why not build Warmog?

feels good mang


I miss the rat already...

Honestly, not that bad of itemization. Flare with Hurricane is actually pretty good, on Kayle anyway. Maybe with his onhit it'd be good too. Complete waste in mega gnar though...

I stopped building Flare, the extra Attack Speed isn't worth it and the bonus magic damage is low once you get Flare. Like it start at +25 magic damage per hit once it is 'created'.

Either Ancient Lizard, Jungle Armor or Jungle AP item.

the only reason hurricane used to be good on kayle was because of her passive shred being applied to multiple targets, and wave clear.

It still is.

Bork or IE first for Lucian? I've been going double doran's--->IE but a friend recommends Bork.

IIRC, BoRK is first. I think Lucian's build is like this:

AP Kog now in OGN finale. I think somebody here predicted AP Kog...

Let's see if my slow ass net can load Twitchtv...


The dragon control was quite amazing

Lucian Builds:

Botrk + yomuu = Caster lucian with high damage ult

IE = Auto attack and higher scaling on Q


Neo Member
Great first match despite some odd standing around by Arrows. That teamfight highlight during the break was fantastic though. Slow, move by move account of what would probably look a mess in real time.

Step it up Rito, we need more of that in LCS. In fact, how about having more of the stats they had before the game. That Quickshot can just talk and not voice an opinion, which is a win win.


I think that's one of the best skins too ;A; Got to see it once in a game, it's awesome!

I don't know about Irelia as a I have rarely played Top but I don't see how Annie doesn't have counter? Basically bait her Tibbers/Stun. At least that's how I tend to die when I play her, when they do that to me. ._.

well bait her "tibbers/stun" is kinda hard since w/ult have very short windows and q is targeted. still, her range is short enough and she has enough weaknesses that i think she's pretty ok, tho i can see what nev is saying

and yea reverse annie is godly
I've been playing Doto 2 at work lately since co-workers are playing it. I really dislike that they have to carry over ancient artifacts from WC3 engine.

- Why don't enemies have mana bars? What's the point of hiding them if I can just click them and check anyway? It's an unnecessary relic from WC3. I saw some argue that if mana bars were visible it would make decision maker easier, eg you can chase someone because they don't have mana to cast something. Well, why don't you hide enemy health behind clicks as well? It makes decisions to chase too easy. I saw another person say it would buff Anti-Mage because he'll see the amount of missing mana so he can time his ult better. HEY GUESS WHAT AXE CAN SEE?
- Why aren't enemy items displayed? Again, like with mana bars I can see them if I click them, so what's the point of adding an extra layer of inconvenience? It can be just like League where the items are displayed on the scoreboard, but they are not updated if you never got vision of the enemy. Put an extra step and make it so the enemy item list only updates if someone on your team saw the enemy in their own screen instead of the instant of when enemy pops on the map for 0.1 second.
- By extension, unless I missed it, ally items on the scoreboard. Why... do they need to hide the items of my teammates?
- The HUD is so freaking big.

I've seen fans say "bcoz skillz". It's just inconvenience. Same goes for inaccuracies of analog sticks for shooters. Yeah sure it takes more effort to match the accuracy of KB/M, but why even bother putting a handicap on everyone? What if soccer balls tripled in weight? What if boxers had to wear high heels? What if basketball players had to play with oven mitts? "bcoz skillz"

This is so dumb. I like the game because it plays different. I like that heroes are defined more by the entirety of the skillset they bring to the table rather than being a type of character. I dislike the interface mimicking decisions from an early 2000 game just to avoid alienating fans of the old game.
OGN is fucking amazing right now

I've been playing Doto 2 at work lately since co-workers are playing it. I really dislike that they have to carry over ancient artifacts from WC3 engine.

- Why don't enemies have mana bars? What's the point of hiding them if I can just click them and check anyway? It's an unnecessary relic from WC3. I saw some argue that if mana bars were visible it would make decision maker easier, eg you can chase someone because they don't have mana to cast something. Well, why don't you hide enemy health behind clicks as well? It makes decisions to chase too easy. I saw another person say it would buff Anti-Mage because he'll see the amount of missing mana so he can time his ult better. HEY GUESS WHAT AXE CAN SEE?
- Why aren't enemy items displayed? Again, like with mana bars I can see them if I click them, so what's the point of adding an extra layer of inconvenience? It can be just like League where the items are displayed on the scoreboard, but they are not updated if you never got vision of the enemy. Put an extra step and make it so the enemy item list only updates if someone on your team saw the enemy in their own screen instead of the instant of when enemy pops on the map for 0.1 second.
- By extension, unless I missed it, ally items on the scoreboard. Why... do they need to hide the items of my teammates?
- The HUD is so freaking big.

I've seen fans say "bcoz skillz". It's just inconvenience. Same goes for inaccuracies of analog sticks for shooters. Yeah sure it takes more effort to match the accuracy of KB/M, but why even bother putting a handicap on everyone? What if soccer balls tripled in weight? What if boxers had to wear high heels? What if basketball players had to play with oven mitts? "bcoz skillz"

This is so dumb. I like the game because it plays different. I like that heroes are defined more by the entirety of the skillset they bring to the table rather than being a type of character. I dislike the interface mimicking decisions from an early 2000 game just to avoid alienating fans of the old game.

Dota 2 is full of poor fundamental game design. Like there's a lot to like about Dota but I always get the feeling that I'm fighting the game as much as the enemy team when I play it.


I've been playing Doto 2 at work lately since co-workers are playing it. I really dislike that they have to carry over ancient artifacts from WC3 engine.

- Why don't enemies have mana bars? What's the point of hiding them if I can just click them and check anyway? It's an unnecessary relic from WC3. I saw some argue that if mana bars were visible it would make decision maker easier, eg you can chase someone because they don't have mana to cast something. Well, why don't you hide enemy health behind clicks as well? It makes decisions to chase too easy. I saw another person say it would buff Anti-Mage because he'll see the amount of missing mana so he can time his ult better. HEY GUESS WHAT AXE CAN SEE?
- Why aren't enemy items displayed? Again, like with mana bars I can see them if I click them, so what's the point of adding an extra layer of inconvenience? It can be just like League where the items are displayed on the scoreboard, but they are not updated if you never got vision of the enemy. Put an extra step and make it so the enemy item list only updates if someone on your team saw the enemy in their own screen instead of the instant of when enemy pops on the map for 0.1 second.
- By extension, unless I missed it, ally items on the scoreboard. Why... do they need to hide the items of my teammates?
- The HUD is so freaking big.

I've seen fans say "bcoz skillz". It's just inconvenience. Same goes for inaccuracies of analog sticks for shooters. Yeah sure it takes more effort to match the accuracy of KB/M, but why even bother putting a handicap on everyone? What if soccer balls tripled in weight? What if boxers had to wear high heels? What if basketball players had to play with oven mitts? "bcoz skillz"

This is so dumb. I like the game because it plays different. I like that heroes are defined more by the entirety of the skillset they bring to the table rather than being a type of character. I dislike the interface mimicking decisions from an early 2000 game just to avoid alienating fans of the old game.

truth bombs b dropped

OGN is fucking amazing right now
yea, finals delivered for sure


Neo Member
That OGN finals was really something else. Everything so close, kept me on edge of my seat. Just ridiculous. All of it.


Neo Member
Kind of related, but how does Korea decide who goes to the world championship? I understand it is based on circuit points, but I keep seeing stuff about regionals and nothing concrete about what that is. Is there something like a gauntlet or playoffs?


top 2 teams in circuint points go to worlds

i think the teams that are 3-7 fight for third spot

pretty sure that's it

it's a bit more complicated in this case cos
i think kta and samsung white are tied for points
Korea has the following atm:

Samsung goes to Worlds #1 seed.

SKT vs Samsung White on the 27th for #2 seed.

Rest of the teams, including loser of Samsung White vs SKT K and KT A play in Korean Regionals which start next week.

KT A, because of today, have to play one less Bo5 on their way to Worlds. If SKT K loses to Samsung White as expected, whoever slogs through Korean Regionals has to face them last to secure the third spot for Worlds.

Edit: ^^ Spoiler for today's match. Sorry about that folks.


I hope YouTube has the hd vods up when I get home from work. I hate watching the free low quality stream. I only caught the last game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
- Why don't enemies have mana bars? What's the point of hiding them if I can just click them and check anyway? It's an unnecessary relic from WC3. I saw some argue that if mana bars were visible it would make decision maker easier, eg you can chase someone because they don't have mana to cast something. Well, why don't you hide enemy health behind clicks as well? It makes decisions to chase too easy. I saw another person say it would buff Anti-Mage because he'll see the amount of missing mana so he can time his ult better. HEY GUESS WHAT AXE CAN SEE?
Diehard traditionalists who would bitch and whine if Valve added visible mana bars. Also, the Axe thing is more akin to not being able to see kill range, whereas Rito literally tells you when Darius' ult kills.

- Why aren't enemy items displayed? Again, like with mana bars I can see them if I click them, so what's the point of adding an extra layer of inconvenience? It can be just like League where the items are displayed on the scoreboard, but they are not updated if you never got vision of the enemy. Put an extra step and make it so the enemy item list only updates if someone on your team saw the enemy in their own screen instead of the instant of when enemy pops on the map for 0.1 second.
There's an actual good reason for this, which is that items are way stronger in DOTA2 and a single item at the right time can change the course of the game. It's up to you and your team to keep tabs on all enemy heroes so that you aren't caught off guard by, say, Storm with Orchid, or SK with Blink, or Void with Refresher.

At higher levels, whenever someone gets one of these key items, it's always called out before they get the chance to surprise you with it. As for the suggestion, they could do it, but there's no real reason to. In the end, it comes down to how much Icefraud wants to feed information to the players versus working for it. It's Rito's design philosophy to focus on the tug-of-war between Champions as much as possible, but this isn't really Ice's focus at all.

- By extension, unless I missed it, ally items on the scoreboard. Why... do they need to hide the items of my teammates?
Although this is a fair point, I don't see what need there is to be able to see all Ally's items at the same time with a single button press.

- The HUD is so freaking big.
Yeah, UI scaling is a bitch.


There's an actual good reason for this, which is that items are way stronger in DOTA2 and a single item at the right time can change the course of the game. It's up to you and your team to keep tabs on all enemy heroes so that you aren't caught off guard by, say, Storm with Orchid, or SK with Blink, or Void with Refresher.

At higher levels, whenever someone gets one of these key items, it's always called out before they get the chance to surprise you with it. As for the suggestion, they could do it, but there's no real reason to. In the end, it comes down to how much Icefraud wants to feed information to the players versus working for it. It's Rito's design philosophy to focus on the tug-of-war between Champions as much as possible, but this isn't really Ice's focus at all.
that's a pretty fucking terrible reason tho

having the annoyance of clicking on everyone to get basic information doesn't make the game any more deep, no matter how game changing these items are

it's literally clicking five times vs pressing tab

that's just stupid :I
Diehard traditionalists who would bitch and whine if Valve added visible mana bars. Also, the Axe thing is more akin to not being able to see kill range, whereas Rito literally tells you when Darius' ult kills.

I'm curious as to what you mean by this. Doesn't Axe's ult tooltip literally tell you the kill threshold? As in if they have X health it insta-kills?

Darius' gives you a base damage number and a maximum damage number (depending on bleed stacks), but nothing in between and there's no indicator to say they're in insta-kill range.

So in reality, isn't the opposite true?

Although this is a fair point, I don't see what need there is to be able to see all Ally's items at the same time with a single button press.

Convenience, clarity, allows you to make split second decisions before taking a fight by having easy access to see if your team has hit power spikes or not etc.

Burying information about your own team is really strange.

Yeah, UI scaling is a bitch.

All I want is to be able to rescale it. Volvo pls.

It's my number one gripe with the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Considering it's a skill you don't really see players leveraging until the 4k levels which is like, what, Gold? Plat? It's not an insignificant thing. Also, it plays a big part in the Warding-Counterwarding game.

Example: Witch Doctor walks into vision for a brief 2 seconds before walking out of it. I spot him on the minimap and switch over to him, I see that he has 2 Observers and 2 Sentries. He pops out later somewhere else and I notice that he only has 1 Observer and 1 Sentry left. Now I have a rough estimate of where he just warded, what objective he's trying to control, and then gauge what the enemy is finding important from that, and make a plan to deward it soon. If I didn't, then I put my team at risk if we ever move into that warded area without knowing we're under full vision. Since Wards are also on a limited stock, dewarding a single ward cuts down their vision extension by 50%.

This is an extremely important part of playing Support in DOTA2 that's pretty much limited to upper Plat/Diamond. So yes, it does add depth, as much as you want to think otherwise.
Darius' gives you a base damage number and a maximum damage number (depending on bleed stacks), but nothing in between and there's no indicator to say they're in insta-kill range.
Huh, I must be dreaming or something cause I could've sworn when I played Darius, an indicator popped up when they were in kill range.It made him way too strong to me. Maybe I'm thinking of Cho? No, I never thought Cho was OP.


I think it's more "why does clicking them manually vs hitting tab when they appear matter?" What you say is also something to check for in LoL.

Also, I assume the ult indicator was in reference to Cho'gath's. Darius never got a "you kill him now" one.


what would be the difference from pressing tab in that situation

you can make it so you can't see the items owned by ppl in fog of war if you want, so you still have to keep your "windows of spying" or whatever


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
what would be the difference from pressing tab in that situation
Camera control. A lot of players, and I assume this is true of League, don't watch the minimap. The skill difference in being able to "scout" an enemy hero/heroes within 1 second or within 10 seconds is actually palpable between skill tiers. There is a world of difference between pressing tab to get some information, and flipping your camera to another part of the map and clicking on someone to "look" at them, simultaneously taking away vision of your hero leaving you open for ganks.

you can make it so you can't see the items owned by ppl in fog of war if you want, so you still have to keep your "windows of spying" or whatever
Possible, but this is starting to get convoluted. If the point of this "item visibility" change was to remove unnecessary inconveniences, well, the implementation should be straightforward, rather than trying to do two opposing things at once.

Here it is:


I don't get this part. There is NO if. If you stay, you WILL get ulted. Now that there's an indicator, it just shows that you WILL die, and there's nothing for Darius to lose, no risk.


to me that's the same as the camp timers. manually writing the times is something any idiot can do but only gold+ (sorta) actually did because ppl lower than that doesn't know how to capitalize (and golds through plats usually don't either). you don't have to be mechanically proficient or game savvy to access that information, key thing is always knowing what to do with that information.

like your average dude can see enemy support bought wards but if he doesn't pay attention to how many he had, how many he has now, what are smart spots to ward, doesn't time the actual wards and doesn't coordinate with his team what really does this information grant him.
to me that's the same as the camp timers. manually writing the times is something any idiot can do but only gold+ (sorta) actually did because ppl lower than that doesn't know how to capitalize (and golds through plats usually don't either). you don't have to be mechanically proficient or game savvy to access that information, key thing is always knowing what to do with that information.
Yeah, the whole deal just sounds like artificial skill barriers, making shit harder for the sake of it being harder.

But it sounds like something Dota players care about so to each their own. Not that League is perfect anyways, not being able to see allied summoners and ultimates like in spectator mode is still fucking retarded.
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