Thanks to those who suggested maxing Katarina Q first. I've been doing a lot better that way.
What these scores don't show is how difficult the two wins were. I think I posted the map of the 48-minute win yesterday -- we basically only won because one player scewed up an ult and we were able to make up for our lack of objectives.
The most recent win, my team had about a 10k or more gold advantage for 10+ minutes at the end of the game. The ABSOLUTELY MIND-BOGGLING thing that I've probably posted about before is human behavior in situations like this. There are players who keep doing the same bad habits with the same bad results. I'm almost certainly one of them -- players like that keep dying to ganks, never put wards down, keep walking in range and feeding over and over. Okay, from an outside perspective that's bad, but at least they're doing the same thing, right? Humans fall into habits and that's understandable.
What is crazy is games like this, where we were winning each teamfight, and not like, barely winning, but CRUSHING each teamfight. We'd lose maybe 1, and ace the other team. This probably happened two or three times. Once we finally begged and wandered and pestered and got all 5 people in mid lane, we rolled down and I think got the tower + inhib right then.
Now, you would think human nature would say "Oh, that teamfight / lane push thing that worked so well, let's keep doing the same thing", right? No. We would start having two of our major damage dealers randomly wander to jungle camps. Ping top a million times? People go to a jungle camp instead, or a completely different lane. Ping baron? Four of us go there to defend? Our jungler went to dragon 30+ minutes into the game. With no jungler, the other team predictably killed baron, killed one of us, and the game almost could have ended there.
Once we FINALLY got all 5 people in the same place again, we killed the towers and won the game. Shocking.