When I finish #TheClimb this weekend, I'd be down to duo sometime. I normally play the Swain god or Lucian, though I'm comfortable in any role.
Word. Play the Elo bird.
When I finish #TheClimb this weekend, I'd be down to duo sometime. I normally play the Swain god or Lucian, though I'm comfortable in any role.
Played a normal against mostly higher mmr people as lee when I haven't played him too many times. Did a lot of dumb shit. Mehhhh, need to practice him more...
I feel like going full tank as lee requires you to be a lot better mechanically than if you were going a bit of damage at least. Seems harder to play him defensively.
Yeah exactly, that definitely requires a lot more mechanical skill with him.
It's really difficult for someone like Vayne, or any AD carry really, to avoid WW ult range, especially if he also has flash up. In a lot of situations it falls on to the rest of the team to interrupt the ultimate, but that falls on team members with hard CC.Mundo (Me) + Vayne vs. Kha6 + Warwick
I engage
Vayne gets too close
Get's ulted by WW, dies
Vayne: MUNDO
Vayne: ur supposed to tank
Can you still chat?Craaaaaap, stuck in champ select. The game isn't loading.
Yes, and after I waited maybe 10 minutes, the game is now loading. I guess it'll come down to which side had more people not quit. We have 4 and they have maybe 1 so far, loading.Can you still chat?
Can you still chat?
That's gonna be a loss prevented. I remember that happen to me and we just quoted lines in the chat.I could. I logged out to restart and can't get back in. I hope it counts as loss prevented.
edit: I'm in. Crap it is still in progress.
Well, I dunno it has surpassed my expectations. "Yeah, I am that good."I wish Riot had hyped this Shurima event up a bit more. Everything just kinda happened.
Azir was just dropped with zero teasers. A little disappointing![]()
That's gonna be a loss prevented. I remember that happen to me and we just quoted lines in the chat.
Just got back, what'd I miss?
Na servers are awful tonight.
If their support is going all aggro and taking kills, CS, and building for damage, that's actually a good thing for you guys if you can play safe and take advantage of the fact that their ADC is going to be way, way behind your own. Blitzcrank can be super annoying, but just a bit of extra attention to positioning can render him mostly harmless. Don't attack into them without creep support, don't be out in front of your creeps, and don't go blind into the jungle or into bushes.
Without seeing the game, I don't know what the issues were, but I'm sure positioning and lack of punishing their odd play were the biggest issues.
Am i the only maxing w on gnar ?
I'd say you're extremely silly if you do. It's the least helpful skill early game for mini gnar, and the worst skill period on mega gnar.
need to try maxing q again, i have yet to lose lane with maxing w tbh (i take attack speed runes though).
Both are great on him, though BoRK is a little on the situational side with him in reality depending on how many people you can actually hit in a teamfight. If there's too much mobility on the enemy team, don't bother completing it beyond the Vamp Scepter. Hydra is also worth considering somewhere down the line for that reason to boost your splitpushing, since (like Ferga mentioned) it's not exactly recommended to blindly rush it.Which is best to build first on Top Trundle? Trinity or BoRK?
Both are great on him, though BoRK is a little on the situational side with him in reality depending on how many people you can actually hit in a teamfight. If there's too much mobility on the enemy team, don't bother completing it beyond the Vamp Scepter. Hydra is also worth considering somewhere down the line for that reason to boost your splitpushing, since (like Ferga mentioned) it's not exactly recommended to blindly rush it.
Also Iceborn Gauntlet is mediocre on him at best; he doesn't really need it and your money is better spent on other items for armor, CDR or mana.
I didn't think I'd be proud of reaching the equivalent of 1500 ELO, but it is what it is. The only road from here leads forward (that is, higher ranks). It's been one interesting ride, and I will not stop myself from improving. Thank you for listening.
I have done it boys. After four years, I have hit level 30 on my LoL account, and now I have beat my solo queue anxiety and learned (somewhat) how League works. Coming from > 4K MMR DotA, I was expecting an easy ride to platinum or higher... But I was very, very wrong. Of course I don't really know this game all that thoroughly, and there's still some champions I've never even played against, but most of all... I have never once solo queued in ranked DotA, since I cannot handle all the toxic people and I usually go in idgaf-mode, mute everyone and play my own game. It turns out, that is not how you win teamgames, regardless of how many angry children your team consists of!
I started with 6-4 placements, ending up in Silver II. The games were quite pleasant, aside from my first two games having people DC/rageafk (quite the start to ranked after having JUST hit level 30 on my first account).
After my placements, the rollercoaster ride begun. I was not prepared, whatsoever, for the amount of sheer toxicity I'd see every moment. Angry fits, trolling, arguments about picks, you name it, I've seen it. Games felt absolutely impossible to win. I dropped from Silver II HARD.
I took a break from my computer for a week, after which I started to only focus on my own game, doing my best to read guides on champs and lane matchups. I did okay... Yet I still fell down to Silver V.
Then I flipped the switch. I've since then only muted the most irredeemable toxic people, and I've tried my damn best to lead my team towards playing for OBJECTIVES over kills, stop people from flaming each other, stopping everyone from just clumping in middle for no purpose and chasing after kills forever. It actually has worked. There's been some very rough loss streaks at times (often coinciding with times I didn't feel like trying that hard, though), but overall I've only gone up.
I didn't think I'd be proud of reaching the equivalent of 1500 ELO, but it is what it is. The only road from here leads forward (that is, higher ranks). It's been one interesting ride, and I will not stop myself from improving. Thank you for listening.
Special thanks to Yuuka for teaching me important points about the wonders of Sorrow Queue!
Thank you good sir!congrats yo, very nice attitude :>
Quite fitting, isn't it!Sorrow Queue
I like that name
It might be true that they have bad teammates, but are they themselves GOOD teammates?If I had a dime for every time someone claims their bronze because of bad teammates.