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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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...how often is Yi supposed to do his Warp slash move? Lost a game where a Jungle Yi could pull it off every 1-2 seconds...

14 second cooldown, -1 second whenever he autoattacks, -9.8 seconds whenever he gets a kill or assist.

In a fight where everybody's low, he can throw a whole lot of them, especially if they're scoring kills.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Today is actually people's opportunity to buy the best Cho'Gath skin: Nightmare Cho'Gath.


Haven't been seeing any Heimer in my Normal and Ranked matches lately...He used to give me trouble in the past @_@


I'm pretty interested in the Viktor rework, although honestly if all they did was make Hex Core have multiple upgrades I think they probably could've left off the rest of the changes.

It sounds like he'll still be great at kiting while lasering (less good at lasering, but better at kiting, as he'll get the Q speed boost faster and enemies will have to avoid the E explosion) and probably even stronger in teamfights, but weaker in laning.


I'm pretty interested in the Viktor rework, although honestly if all they did was make Hex Core have multiple upgrades I think they probably could've left off the rest of the changes.

It sounds like he'll still be great at kiting while lasering (less good at lasering, but better at kiting, as he'll get the Q speed boost faster and enemies will have to avoid the E explosion) and probably even stronger in teamfights, but weaker in laning.

I think all the changes were necessary once taken in as a whole. The two biggest complaints about Viktor were hexcore taking up an item slots and the implementation of Q. The changes to everything else are essentially collateral.

Looking very forward to trying him out. Always loved the concept and aesthetics of the Viktor.




They've tossed around some ideas that basically center around making her more of a bruiser and less of an assassin, using her whirlpool for initiation. But no timeline.

Other way around. At the moment she's tried as an "AP light fighter"

Vesh said:
Diana is definitely on the board for changes, and it seems from the many threads like this that have been made in the past that people are fairly opposed to a bruiser direction. The key will be pushing her more towards the light fighter/assassin pattern in healthy ways which means not just going Q->R->R and mudering a guy.


Other way around. At the moment she's tried as an "AP light fighter"

Oh, my bad.

They keep tossing around "light fighter" and I feel like it sounds a lot easier than it is to actually accomplish that on the design side. I feel like the only real "light fighter" in the game right now is Riven, and you can't make five Rivens.


Oh, my bad.

They keep tossing around "light fighter" and I feel like it sounds a lot easier than it is to actually accomplish that on the design side. I feel like the only real "light fighter" in the game right now is Riven, and you can't make five Rivens.
i don't think anyone counts tbh, yasuo or riven or yi or fiora imo are just assassins



yoko cait and kamina vi rito plssss

Assassins usually denote there's some kinda way to escape with them after the kill.
so a light fighter's an assassin without an escape?

imo light fighter is just a stupid name that doesn't really mean anything right now other than maybe assassins that also have dps

hopefully new items etc

Guess a rebranding of Melee AD carry.
light fighters shouldn't have burst

like say fiora walks to you goes invulnerable, burst you down and then has like 140% attack speed buff wth

not saying she's op but what the fuck kind of champion is she lol

light fighters would be much better if you take the burst part out so they actually need to use their mobility to fight you rather than just to get to you


what the fuck is a light fighter?

a melee dps champ?

A light fighter is basically a fighter with better sustained damage than most bruisers, but not as much tankiness, who's supposed to use maneuverability or abilities to survive? I think, anyway.

I think zky is right that Fiora/Yi are basically just assassins. Fiora is actually in line for a rework specifically because she's too much of an assassin and not enough of a fencer.

I think of Riven as a light fighter because her effectiveness depends on using her Q mobility, her shield, and her stun to both damage her opponents and avoid their attacks. I guess Yasuo is along the same lines, except he gets even less survivability and even more damage.. I don't really think of them as assassins because they don't have resets or escapes -- they're meant to hang around and win fights rather than go in hard and then leave fast.

I agree that light fighters can't be bursty or they just become assassins.


86min game where their Yi jungler D/C'd at 42 mins. team refused to group and push inhibitors and just ran into teemo mushrooms for 40 minutes. 6 barons later we finally won after they finally relented and pushed them all down.

my brain hurts.



This shit is wacky.

10% max health cost on Soraka's heal seems way too high to me, but I guess I need to see what the scaling on the Starcall heal looks like.

It's so weird that they spent half that thread explaining why tanky healer is a bad paradigm and then gave her a passive that explicitly rewards her for building resists.

AoE silence zone is SO CRAY.

I feel like this is on a razor's edge between "absurdly strong" and "absurdly weak." I do want to see how it plays out, because I actually like Soraka pretty well as long as you have an ADC that doesn't want to actually do anything.


There has been a Vayne on my team in every single game that I've played tonight. I don't know what i did to deserve this.


Just dodged my first ranked game. Had a duo, one was first pick and the other last.

"Hey guys, I'm mid and my duo is supp"
"but your duo is last pick and i want supp"
"that's not my problem"
"asshole i'll make it your problem"

Commence classic bronze meltdown because "i'm in elo hell and i'm carrying this game"

Lol no. I love that I get to lose LP because of these idiots though.
they are so leaps and bounds ahead of what Riot is doing, it's not even funny. Sadly i somehow can't get in to the game :/
you have no idea over the last few months how many people have asked for valve to be more like riot

"look at how many heroes theyre getting! we get one every 7 months! etc etc"



there are boobs in that page

they are so leaps and bounds ahead of what Riot is doing, it's not even funny. Sadly i somehow can't get in to the game :/

A light fighter is basically a fighter with better sustained damage than most bruisers, but not as much tankiness, who's supposed to use maneuverability or abilities to survive? I think, anyway.

I think zky is right that Fiora/Yi are basically just assassins. Fiora is actually in line for a rework specifically because she's too much of an assassin and not enough of a fencer.

I think of Riven as a light fighter because her effectiveness depends on using her Q mobility, her shield, and her stun to both damage her opponents and avoid their attacks. I guess Yasuo is along the same lines, except he gets even less survivability and even more damage.. I don't really think of them as assassins because they don't have resets or escapes -- they're meant to hang around and win fights rather than go in hard and then leave fast.

I agree that light fighters can't be bursty or they just become assassins.
yeah i mean i understand what you mean with riven and she might be more on the fighter side of things but imo most of these champions have very assassin-like patterns in that they're high mobility, low survivavility and high burst.

i'd probably add tryndamere to the list

overall i think all light fighters are problematic champions although riven's pretty alright

4s heal seems pretty cray but considering you're killing yourself by healing people it might be balanced against spammy stuff

also i'm guessing this means soraka can't heal herself with w which really tones down her tankiness.

i like the ms part of her passive and she kinda got a lot of cc now so she might be actually pretty strong now

i think it may actually be too much cc


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Naga siren is basically Nami with swords...

*installs Doto2.






They're classically called Melee AD carries. It's not some new revelation of type of hero design.
? i don't understand what you mean

yeah we already know who are the "light fighters"

i'm just saying it's a frustrating class cos it has too much burst to be a dps class like ad carries and almost all of them have shit mechanics like invulnerability, becoming untargeteable, etc.
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