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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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k bought me some cdr blues

sounds like fun stuff

Uh, for what? I run a few on a jungle page but that's it. Honestly I should probably take them off the page too.

I use them on one of my Nami pages, it's nice to have 10% cdr from the get go. It allows your builds to be better than if you are shoe horned into lucidity boots.

Also some other support pages. They can be quite useful to open up the build paths.


I'd like to play more Nasus, but more often than not, I get teammates who do not understand what stalling means.

"Hey guys just stall their 5-man siege while I bulldoze their towers, my TP is still down from that dragon"
team: *engages* "report nasus refusing to communicate"

I love stacking Nasus q's. Its weirdly relaxing for me.

But yeah sometimes you get people on your team who must just not understand how Nasus gets strong. When your asking me to come team fight at 20 minutes, i'm probably not gonna be much help to you, sorry.
Scaling CDR blues are very useful on mids if you want to cap out CDR with one CDR item and if you can get away with not having MR runes in lane.

Stuff like Ziggs and Xerath can use it pretty well.


I have done it boys. After four years, I have hit level 30 on my LoL account, and now I have beat my solo queue anxiety and learned (somewhat) how League works. Coming from > 4K MMR DotA, I was expecting an easy ride to platinum or higher... But I was very, very wrong. Of course I don't really know this game all that thoroughly, and there's still some champions I've never even played against, but most of all... I have never once solo queued in ranked DotA, since I cannot handle all the toxic people and I usually go in idgaf-mode, mute everyone and play my own game. It turns out, that is not how you win teamgames, regardless of how many angry children your team consists of!

I started with 6-4 placements, ending up in Silver II. The games were quite pleasant, aside from my first two games having people DC/rageafk (quite the start to ranked after having JUST hit level 30 on my first account).

After my placements, the rollercoaster ride begun. I was not prepared, whatsoever, for the amount of sheer toxicity I'd see every moment. Angry fits, trolling, arguments about picks, you name it, I've seen it. Games felt absolutely impossible to win. I dropped from Silver II HARD.

I took a break from my computer for a week, after which I started to only focus on my own game, doing my best to read guides on champs and lane matchups. I did okay... Yet I still fell down to Silver V.

Then I flipped the switch. I've since then only muted the most irredeemable toxic people, and I've tried my damn best to lead my team towards playing for OBJECTIVES over kills, stop people from flaming each other, stopping everyone from just clumping in middle for no purpose and chasing after kills forever. It actually has worked. There's been some very rough loss streaks at times (often coinciding with times I didn't feel like trying that hard, though), but overall I've only gone up.

I didn't think I'd be proud of reaching the equivalent of 1500 ELO, but it is what it is. The only road from here leads forward (that is, higher ranks). It's been one interesting ride, and I will not stop myself from improving. Thank you for listening.

Special thanks to Yuuka for teaching me important points about the wonders of Sorrow Queue!

That sounds amazing! Congrats :) It must feel really good!
I was running CDR blues and masteries to get 10% off the bat on Azir, which was pretty nice. Nashor's Tooth and a blue buff or blue pot will get you to 40% CDR, which means 80% attack speed. It's nice.


Was watching Nightblue do some jungle azir yesterday. He was able to solo dragon without taking any damage when he got his spectral wraith.

Wasn't exactly surprising but its still pretty cool.
I don't even know what to do anymore. I don't feel like I can play ADC or any role with any skill. Even though I'm doing my best, I constantly feel like I end up with too few kills, too many deaths, and I feel nothing but disappointment that I'm always stuck on the losing end, surrendering right at 20 or getting steamrolled.

I think it's time I gave up on League. I just suck at it now and I feel pathetic every time I see my team struggling. :(


Kind of in the same boat after taking a break for a while. I think I am going to take another break and play something else for a bit then hopefully come back and play with another groups of friends.

The hardest part when playing adc is having a support who is on the same page as you (not skill) so when you want to be aggressive they are when you want to be passive they are etc. With the group of friends I was playing with one guy wanted to start maining support and it just didn't really click with me at all, they would always be too aggressive at all the wrong times and as soon as laning phase was done that was it they would provide zero peel or support to the fight and just go as agro as they did they they played top champs :p When they were mainly playing Nami it didn't work out so well.

I've been poking around playing Thresh still which is just so much fun :D But as I haven't been playing as much and nearly always with randomers it hasn't been half as fun and my skill level has dropped significantly!


I tried a few games of Ascension today. Besides people afking after 5 minutes of play, I'm not sure it feels 'fast' enough so to speak. There's no escalation, the pace doesn't change and the gameplay pattern is the same - you're just killing, fighting over the ascendant and then killing - repeat.

Hunger games this is not - in hunger games, not only do you have the risk/reward in the centre, the arena constantly encourages the players to come closer and closer together. Otherwise, the game becomes 200 points of random killing, relic capping and ascendant fighting.
Kind of in the same boat after taking a break for a while. I think I am going to take another break and play something else for a bit then hopefully come back and play with another groups of friends.

The hardest part when playing adc is having a support who is on the same page as you (not skill) so when you want to be aggressive they are when you want to be passive they are etc. With the group of friends I was playing with one guy wanted to start maining support and it just didn't really click with me at all, they would always be too aggressive at all the wrong times and as soon as laning phase was done that was it they would provide zero peel or support to the fight and just go as agro as they did they they played top champs :p When they were mainly playing Nami it didn't work out so well.

I've been poking around playing Thresh still which is just so much fun :D But as I haven't been playing as much and nearly always with randomers it hasn't been half as fun and my skill level has dropped significantly!

Yeah, I feel like no matter how I play, the end result is I end up dead and my team gets pissed at me for dying. I just got annihilated by a Gold V Vayne and I realized I'll never be that good at this game. I always feel like I can't safely farm in bot lane, either, when it's 2v2 because I never have that cushion of safety to go in and not get bound/bubbled/grabbed/etc. So I inevitably end up behind on farm and try to play catch up.

Sometimes, like last game, jungle comes down to my lane and tells me to get out, takes the lane farm and puts me further behind. Sometimes support just doesn't do enough. Sometimes I get to aggressive trying to stay ahead or catch up and it's my own fault. But man, I'm just tired of trying to improve and not see the results. I'm tired of going 2/8/10 or 4/4/7 when I feel like I should be carrying more of the weight. Maybe I try to play too much like Doublelift or WildTurtle or the LCS ADCs. I don't know, but I rarely feel like I played a good game. I always feel like I could play better in a win or that in a loss, it's my fault for not doing more.


Yeah, I feel like no matter how I play, the end result is I end up dead and my team gets pissed at me for dying. I just got annihilated by a Gold V Vayne and I realized I'll never be that good at this game. I always feel like I can't safely farm in bot lane, either, when it's 2v2 because I never have that cushion of safety to go in and not get bound/bubbled/grabbed/etc. So I inevitably end up behind on farm and try to play catch up.

Sometimes, like last game, jungle comes down to my lane and tells me to get out, takes the lane farm and puts me further behind. Sometimes support just doesn't do enough. Sometimes I get to aggressive trying to stay ahead or catch up and it's my own fault. But man, I'm just tired of trying to improve and not see the results. I'm tired of going 2/8/10 or 4/4/7 when I feel like I should be carrying more of the weight. Maybe I try to play too much like Doublelift or WildTurtle or the LCS ADCs. I don't know, but I rarely feel like I played a good game. I always feel like I could play better in a win or that in a loss, it's my fault for not doing more.

It sounds like you're on a little bit of a long-term tilt. Probably the best thing to do is to take a break, and then maybe play some normals and try to get some confidence back.

It's really important to know how to get carried (and you should note that Doublelift and Wildturtle are actually pretty bad at that). If you're like 0/2 and the enemy ADC is 4/0, then you probably just need to farm under turret. Yes, you're going to fall even further behind, and in teamfights you won't do that much. But you can catch up by pushing out lanes in between teamfights, getting kills when enemies are low, etc., and get back into it. You can't stop the enemy ADC from getting more CS than you, but you can stop them from killing you any more. Remember, League isn't about carrying, it's about winning. There are a lot of things you can do to make your team successful that aren't getting kills.

It's good to feel like you can always do better, because you can always do better. That will be a strength for you if you can keep it from being a weakness.

What ADCs are you playing, and what ADCs do you have trouble against?
I don't even know what to do anymore. I don't feel like I can play ADC or any role with any skill. Even though I'm doing my best, I constantly feel like I end up with too few kills, too many deaths, and I feel nothing but disappointment that I'm always stuck on the losing end, surrendering right at 20 or getting steamrolled.

I think it's time I gave up on League. I just suck at it now and I feel pathetic every time I see my team struggling. :(
You have the right attitude, but you need to worry less about immediate results. Pay less atenttion to how you're doing and more to what you're doing and you'll eventually start understanding how you can improve.

Take a step back from the game, try out new champions and roles in normals, no need to rush things.
It sounds like you're on a little bit of a long-term tilt. Probably the best thing to do is to take a break, and then maybe play some normals and try to get some confidence back.

It's really important to know how to get carried (and you should note that Doublelift and Wildturtle are actually pretty bad at that). If you're like 0/2 and the enemy ADC is 4/0, then you probably just need to farm under turret. Yes, you're going to fall even further behind, and in teamfights you won't do that much. But you can catch up by pushing out lanes in between teamfights, getting kills when enemies are low, etc., and get back into it. You can't stop the enemy ADC from getting more CS than you, but you can stop them from killing you any more. Remember, League isn't about carrying, it's about winning. There are a lot of things you can do to make your team successful that aren't getting kills.

It's good to feel like you can always do better, because you can always do better. That will be a strength for you if you can keep it from being a weakness.

What ADCs are you playing, and what ADCs do you have trouble against?

Most trouble right now is against Lucian, to be honest, and occasionally a skilled Vayne or two (usually the ones who are Gold-tier, but that's perhaps to be expected since I'm not even at 30 yet). I play a lot of ADCs without an easy escape (Ashe, Sivir, Jinx) and a few that do (Tristana and played a bit of Vayne while she's in free rotation), so I have to rely a lot on my positioning and my support's ability to counter their support's pulls. I have a fairly good idea of the range of the different pulls like Blitz's fist and Nami's bubble, so I know where not to go.

I have a lot of games where I don't have the shiniest record but I'm able to put in a lot of damage and set up my teammates for kills and pushes, even if I get killed in the crossfire. For example, there was a game about a month ago where I went 2/8/26 as Sivir but we sure as hell won that because I kept chipping away at the enemy team's health that I was setting up mid and top for kills during team fights.

And thanks, pigeon. Sometimes it just helps to have someone to talk to. You've always seemed like a good guy be it here or over in PoliGAF.

You have the right attitude, but you need to worry less about immediate results. Pay less atenttion to how you're doing and more to what you're doing and you'll eventually start understanding how you can improve.

Take a step back from the game, try out new champions and roles in normals, no need to rush things.

Yeah, I think that might be a good idea. I'm probably trying to put too much pressure on myself to play God-like every time I go out there. Like I mentioned, I'm giving Vayne a shot right now while she's in free rotation, and I'm thinking of picking up Lulu to add to my support pool. I also played Morgana in mid recently and completely and utterly outplayed the enemy Ryze, so I'm starting to consider mid as a possibility.

Oh, and I learned that I'm really rusty on my top lane skills, lol.
On an unrelated note



Had one of those team love moments last night that have become increasingly rare where in champ select I was third pick, our first pick wanted mid, and the second wanted support. At this point I generally assert myself and go ADC as it's my best role, but nobody wanted to jungle on the team. I'm not a great jungler, but I am serviceable. I gave up the ADC slot and took jungle with Skarner and we won fairly comfortably. It definitely worked out well with me going into the jungle, because everybody else entered the game feeling good about things and we all communicated well.

Skarner's ult is so freaking awesome. You do have to get close to make it work, but it's ridiculous how much easier it is to dart in, grab someone from the front line when teams are feigning at one another, and get out to let your team blow them up or bring them into turret range. If you're tanky, you don't even take a ton of return damage unless they blow their CC on you, which is a win.


Caved in and bought Red Riding Annie, since it was on sale today and it's the cheapest skin (and got the splash rework, out of that atrocity). It's a champion I use often and I kinda wanted something "unique".

Anyway, got a really nice game (loving the IP Boost this weekend) but the one after, we had this Ryze that absolutely freaked out. He kept getting caught and for trying to save him (our fault ofc), it generated a couple of aces. I politely asked him to please wait for us to be 5v5 and then we could have a real engage. Guy absolutely loses it and goes apeshit and says he will be trolling now. So all he did for the rest of the game was give himself to enemy team. ;/

We were winning lane so hard too, top was winning hard as well. Was a shame tbh...

Reported, and after stalking him on opp.gg it seems it's not the first time he griefs so hopefully he gets a suspension/ban.


Was watching Nightblue do some jungle azir yesterday. He was able to solo dragon without taking any damage when he got his spectral wraith.

Wasn't exactly surprising but its still pretty cool.

I don't think I'll bother trying him in the jungle. He's like Lissandra - all sorts of nice tools to jungle with, but the first few clears are absolutely brutal.


I don't know if I'm a fan of the Viktor changes.

All they really needed to do was slightly increase the range on Q (compensate with maybe making it a skillshot) and make it so his augments could be upgraded twice and bring the other two up to bar with the red one.

His biggest issues are that he has an item that takes up a slot that didn't scale to the super late game and his Q range is too short. I think the rest of his kit is quite strong.


I don't think I'll bother trying him in the jungle. He's like Lissandra - all sorts of nice tools to jungle with, but the first few clears are absolutely brutal.
Yeah, Liss is such a shame. If I could run her in the jungle, no doubt she'd be my favorite champion. Game needs more AP bruisers.


I feel like i've seen a lot more of Lissandra recently. Is she more viable now? Seems like a fun champion (I've never played her).


I feel like i've seen a lot more of Lissandra recently. Is she more viable now? Seems like a fun champion (I've never played her).
She's plenty viable, but not really top tier or anything. Her Q is pretty garbage because it has terrible range on its own and relies on minions to get any distance. Makes her a much better choice top than mid, although that cuts down on her great roaming potential she has with her E. I'm actually surprised I don't see her as support more. She doesn't have great poke, but her R and W make for a pretty awesome total lockdown instagib combo. Reminds me of Morg with her power shifted around a bit.


His biggest issues are that he has an item that takes up a slot that didn't scale to the super late game and his Q range is too short. I think the rest of his kit is quite strong.

They're making the hexcore much stronger.

baconbm said:
feel like i've seen a lot more of Lissandra recently. Is she more viable now? Seems like a fun champion (I've never played her).

The kit changes ended up being a net positive (from what I can see) but more importantly she has the tools to deal with the assassin's who've come back to mid.

Burt said:
Reminds me of Morg with her power shifted around a bit.

Not really, IMO. Morg doesn't put herself in danger to do what she needs to do and offers the ADC decent protection with her shield. Lissandra's Q will push the lane and she has no form of protection when she's going all-in. She's a squishy less reliable Leona with unwanted poke.

You can do it and have the odd successful game here and there, sure. But if that's your criteria for viability in a certain role than you can add a whole swath of champions who can be played support.
Well, there's that, and there's also the times when you have to realize some guy on your team is really good at shot calling and you should follow his calls rather than what your own gut is telling you.

Yep, I try to keep an ear out for when someone is shot calling and defer to them if they're on point with their calls, while also pinging to let folks know when I see anything that doesn't look right.


Most trouble right now is against Lucian, to be honest, and occasionally a skilled Vayne or two (usually the ones who are Gold-tier, but that's perhaps to be expected since I'm not even at 30 yet). I play a lot of ADCs without an easy escape (Ashe, Sivir, Jinx) and a few that do (Tristana and played a bit of Vayne while she's in free rotation), so I have to rely a lot on my positioning and my support's ability to counter their support's pulls. I have a fairly good idea of the range of the different pulls like Blitz's fist and Nami's bubble, so I know where not to go.

I have a lot of games where I don't have the shiniest record but I'm able to put in a lot of damage and set up my teammates for kills and pushes, even if I get killed in the crossfire. For example, there was a game about a month ago where I went 2/8/26 as Sivir but we sure as hell won that because I kept chipping away at the enemy team's health that I was setting up mid and top for kills during team fights.

And thanks, pigeon. Sometimes it just helps to have someone to talk to. You've always seemed like a good guy be it here or over in PoliGAF.

No problem :) I try to be.

From your post it sounds like the ADCs you have the most trouble with are the strongest duelists -- Lucian is pretty bursty, and a well-played Vayne is one of the strongest 1v1 champs in the game. I'm just guessing, but if you are trying to Doublelift your way through games, then champs like Luc/Vayne will be big problems for you because you might underestimate their ability to burst you down before you burst them down. Draven is another example of an ADC who just outduels other ADCs.

Ashe is a great champ to play with to develop the defensive skills against ADCs like that. You already know going in that Ashe isn't going to outduel anybody, so you HAVE to poke and play slow. So since you're already playing some Ashe, you've got a head start -- maybe just work on her a bit, and pick her into aggro ADCs or if you have to pick first (now that Luc's E doesn't remove slows, Ashe's only really terrible matchup is probably Twitch).

(And, coincidentally, Ashe is a good champion to play to work on getting carried, because even when she does well Ashe probably won't roll out of lane phase with 6 kills, so she's always going to need to play safe in teamfights, and she has a great kit to do that.)

I've had my share of times where I just didn't play for a couple days, often because a teammate rages at me and I get demoralized. So don't feel like you're the only one who gets frustrated! It happens to everybody in different ways. It's probably still better to be frustrated with yourself than it is to start flaming teammates, so at least you're socially well-adjusted :)

On an unrelated note, Cho'Gath might be my new favorite champion. When I would play against him I'd be like "man, it's like playing against Godzilla." Now when I play him I'm like "WOO I'M PLAYING GODZILLA"

Nothing's more fun than eating an enemy champion. The only way that could be improved is if there was a special kill icon with teeth instead of swords.


Nothing's more fun than eating an enemy champion. The only way that could be improved is if there was a special kill icon with teeth instead of swords.

Does he burp afterwards? I feel like it should burp afterwards. I like a bit of camp in champs!


...how often is Yi supposed to do his Warp slash move? Lost a game where a Jungle Yi could pull it off every 1-2 seconds...
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