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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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? i don't understand what you mean

yeah we already know who are the "light fighters"

i'm just saying it's a frustrating class cos it has too much burst to be a dps class like ad carries and almost all of them have shit mechanics like invulnerability, becoming untargeteable, etc.


yeah we already know who are the "light fighters"

i'm just saying it's a frustrating class cos it has too much burst to be a dps class like ad carries and almost all of them have shit mechanics like invulnerability, becoming untargeteable, etc.

Because there'd be no other way they could do their job... since they're melee.


not a new skin but still some ori love makes me so happy T_T

shurima ori i still believe T_T

When will Rito update all their splash arts. Cho and Warwick need more love...

both of them will get vus so doing new splash when their appearances may drastically change (ww walking in two legs is imo stupid as fuck :p) is not a good use of money i think

Because there'd be no other way they could do their job... since they're melee.
yeah that's a way of thinking that just doesn't go well cos the idea with the game right now is to for it to be interactive, counterplay, all that shit

like it's a loosely defined class that's either super strong or super weak depending on your elo, unless you're yasuo in which case you're just permaban no matter where you are

that's not how a class working correctly looks

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
both of them will get vus so doing new splash when their appearances may drastically change (ww walking in two legs is imo stupid as fuck :p) is not a good use of money i think
Hell probably be running on all fours for his new E change or when he has the speed boost from homeguards. Yet champs aren't really known for those speed boost animations. It took a while to realize thresh would float from the speed boost.


i'm like desperately f5ing s@20 in hopes full picture will be up T_T

Hell probably be running on all fours for his new E change or when he has the speed boost from homeguards. Yet champs aren't really known for those speed boost animations. It took a while to realize thresh would float from the speed boost.
i dunno current ww looks like a silly man in a wolf costume, he should be on all fours like a beast

like it's too goofy

i would've commented on this but ORI SHIT OMG ADJLKAJFLA

those are like fake mermaid boobs

dont you like boobs?
i dunno something something riot exploits women

yeah i dont know how someone couldnt either
yea i mean ppl have been unable to login to league in like weeks

doto you're late to the party

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Warwick would look too weird on all fours all the time, league has a lot of bipedal or upright champions. He might be mistaken for one of those wolves from the jungle.


They're classically called Melee AD carries. It's not some new revelation of type of hero design.

The point is that Riot doesn't call them that any more (or, more specifically, they call YASUO that but not any of the others) because they decided that melee ADCs were a bad design choice that was impossible to support and turned them all into assassins or bruisers instead.

So presumably when they say "light fighter" and explicitly don't say "melee ADC" they're trying to draw a distinction, although I guess I could be wrong about what that distinction is.

And again, Riven is the example of a champ that makes "light fighter" work without having to have untargetability, invulnerability, or anything insane. Just a lot of maneuverability and probably a little too much burst.

I buy the inclusion of Trynd as a light fighter, although personally I just think of Trynd as a terrible champion.


i think naga siren is like the one doto hero i find attractive as a character

like death prophet and windrunner have cool things i like but they're kinda boring imo

The point is that Riot doesn't call them that any more (or, more specifically, they call YASUO that but not any of the others) because they decided that melee ADCs were a bad design choice that was impossible to support and turned them all into assassins or bruisers instead.

So presumably when they say "light fighter" and explicitly don't say "melee ADC" they're trying to draw a distinction, although I guess I could be wrong about what that distinction is.

And again, Riven is the example of a champ that makes "light fighter" work without having to have untargetability, invulnerability, or anything insane. Just a lot of maneuverability and probably a little too much burst.

I buy the inclusion of Trynd as a light fighter, although personally I just think of Trynd as a terrible champion.
yeah riven is alright cos her gameplay isn't really that obnoxious and her kit is outplayable. no point and click to murder shit, no passive sustain, no invulnerability, short range cc, etc.

i actually thought she didn't really deserve the nerfs she got when faker was playing her mid, i think she was pretty manageable even if she was of course a pretty strong lane bully

and yeah everything about tryndamere is rotten as fuck and needs killing
just played mundo for the first time and went 7/3/11

i love running around being unkillable and disruptive so he's perfect for me

gnar was a pain in the ass to face in lane though, that W passive destroyed me

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Riven is like the lesser version of tryn. I've seen my team chase through the junglw for her with her using her abilities to jump and dash and never catching her. Trynd is just the backdown king 2.0 in any map other than SR.


Guys, I'm only a level 8 but can anyone explain why Yi goes about 25-2-5 in virtually every game?

Because you're only lvl 8. Very offensively orientated characters do really really well at low levels since no one knows how to deal with them and they rarely build defense.
I never see anything but that move where he goes invisible and jumps all over the screen so you can't hit him. Seems like a plain and simple win button.


When will Rito update all their splash arts. Cho and Warwick need more love...
It seems like they're updating the popular LCS champs first because their splashes get shown during live games. What popular champs with shitty splashes are left?
-Irelia (needs serious attention)

those are like fake mermaid boobs

dont you like boobs?

yeah i dont know how someone couldnt either

But which game has real mermaid boobs?
It seems like they're updating the popular LCS champs first because their splashes get shown during live games. What popular champs with shitty splashes are left?
-Irelia (needs serious attention)

But which game has real mermaid boobs?
fizz doesnt have boobs


Enemy team is coming to siege our inhib mid turret. I tell the team to not go out and fight. They do anyway and all die and I'm left in a 1v4 fight at the end. They take the turret, the inhib, the nexus turrets, and the nexus.

You can't help it when your team is hell bent on being stupid.


Trying to be original and make everyone connected somehow?

it's all over the place.

skarner suddenly has no connection with the crystal scar? nasus and renek are no longer godlike beings?

anyways, some lores like most champs are long, fleshed out backstories. then you have the most recent champs and VUs that have short stories that have to do with them.

then you have these 5-7 sentences barely describing a champion.


Does anyone want to duo ranked sometime?

Also anyone else notice a surgance of assholes? Like seriously I don't think I've had a single game this friday where someone wasn't yelling. Is it because of double IP?

That or because i'm in silver III... Where you got players who think they should be in diamond.

Really can't wait to get to Gold V and then quit ranked all together... Then just go sit back and relax in Team Builder...
i cannot put into words the idiocy contained without the game i just played

i wish i recorded it

i duo'd with my friend and i swear to god he must play in some weird twilight zone where everyone in the game is a complete moron. i'm so mad i played 50 minutes of that game. i'm so mad that i lost to a garen velkoz botlane because my adc decided to dive level 2. I'm so mad that maybe half of the lanterns I threw out got taken. Like, I flash hooked a brand who was alone in midlane while his teammates were 2v4ing mine (we had numbers advantage). threw a lantern directly to my teammates as soon as the hook landed. yasuo just moseys on over. takes his time. no rush at all! just a thresh trying to solo a brand over here!

i'm going to claw my eyes out

this wasn't just any stupid

this was advanced stupid

i felt like ghost.


i cannot put into words the idiocy contained without the game i just played

i wish i recorded it

i duo'd with my friend and i swear to god he must play in some weird twilight zone where everyone in the game is a complete moron. i'm so mad i played 50 minutes of that game. i'm so mad that i lost to a garen velkoz botlane because my adc decided to dive level 2. I'm so mad that maybe half of the lanterns I threw out got taken. Like, I flash hooked a brand who was alone in midlane while his teammates were 2v4ing mine (we had numbers advantage). threw a lantern directly to my teammates as soon as the hook landed. yasuo just moseys on over. takes his time. no rush at all! just a thresh trying to solo a brand over here!

i'm going to claw my eyes out

this wasn't just any stupid

this was advanced stupid

i felt like ghost.
Sounds rough.


Oh, my bad.

They keep tossing around "light fighter" and I feel like it sounds a lot easier than it is to actually accomplish that on the design side. I feel like the only real "light fighter" in the game right now is Riven, and you can't make five Rivens.

the light part seems unnecessary. It is kind of a given that any fighter lacking tank as the other classification is squishy. Although I guess irelia and vi can be kind of tanky.


So i've been playing corki adc because people in silver don't understand how sheen works. The few times i've played him i just get so big fast. So i'm not sure exactly what to build after TF/Sorc. Any ideas?


So i've been playing corki adc because people in silver don't understand how sheen works. The few times i've played him i just get so big fast. So i'm not sure exactly what to build after TF/Sorc. Any ideas?
IE or BT. IE is probably the best choice most of the time.

I don't like seeing Corki questions tho. Where are the Sivir questions people?


Essence reaver much?
ER makes no sense as a second item, and TF helps my mana costs
I think a lot of pros go bork.
This is what i saw, but i'm not sure why since i don't get how it goes with his kit

IE or BT. IE is probably the best choice most of the time.

I don't like seeing Corki questions tho. Where are the Sivir questions people?
yeah, IE seems like a good choice. I assume the sheen proc can crit?
Also, i already knew the Sivir question's answers since you already answered them
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