Well I was coaching my friend who was in bronze promos and Ori locked in and said she was support last minute so he had to go Leona mid. So I guess so...?is support ori a thing yet?
i want to believe
Well I was coaching my friend who was in bronze promos and Ori locked in and said she was support last minute so he had to go Leona mid. So I guess so...?is support ori a thing yet?
i want to believe
So i've been playing corki adc because people in silver don't understand how sheen works. The few times i've played him i just get so big fast. So i'm not sure exactly what to build after TF/Sorc. Any ideas?
Well I was coaching my friend who was in bronze promos and Ori locked in and said she was support last minute so he had to go Leona mid. So I guess so...?
I hope this post is /s.The most important part of a support's job is to sit next to the ADC and not take any farm.
So any champ can play support as long as they can keep the ADC alive and be effective without ever taking a single CS.
I hope this post is /s.
The most important part of a support's job is to sit next to the ADC and not take any farm.
So any champ can play support as long as they can keep the ADC alive and be effective without ever taking a single CS.
IE or BT. IE is probably the best choice most of the time.
I don't like seeing Corki questions tho. Where are the Sivir questions people?
If you want to play a non-support kill lane pick Pantheon.fizz support is a thing right
imma take it personally if u do support ori
just take that into consideration
Support J4 please.
dam this is ognna be a nail biter isn't it
'Light fighter' will be the new 'marksmen,' just you wait. They're both asinine terms cooked up by Riot.imo light fighter is just a stupid name that doesn't really mean anything right now other than maybe assassins that also have dps
Man, winning so many games ever since I started concentrating on gnar (lost 1 in the last 8). Almost get the feeling that 2 months down the line people will wise up and there will be calls for nerfs.
the fuck do you workSupport J4 please.
This blows. We have an eSports week in our office with our sister companies. Dota 2 got voted over League, and not because it's Dota 2. More than half of the Dota 2 voters also said "voting hoping for Dota 1 since there's no option for it". League was second place but some other F2P FPS that nobody knows got picked instead, probably because too much MOBA.
Same goes for CS:GO votes where people voted hoping for CS1.6 instead. Move on, people.
These Soraka changes
New passive
One of the best local companies out there in terms of making people happy at work. :>the fuck do you work
I think I'm getting clamped at Gold 2? LP movement is pretty low. I gain +15 and lose -13. I get matched with very low Plat at the moment.
My MMR matches me with low Plat. How much more do I need just to climb to Gold 1? :/That's not clamping, it just means your MMR isn't good enough to climb.
My MMR matches me with low Plat. How much more do I need just to climb to Gold 1? :/
is support ori a thing yet?
i want to believe
These Soraka changes
New passive
I didn't really like it. Her scaling means that without a solid AP build she won't do much at all on her own with support stuff, and she gets outranged by quite a few usual suspects botlane. Maybe if you're making a specific comp with Yasuo mid and Malph jungle/top or something it'd be ok, but otherwise I'd just suggest Morg or Karma or Zyra.
I wonder on the range on this passive. Does seem like it could be quite interesting though for sure.
I'm a bit mixed on some of the changes (W seems kinda shaky as-is and I'm surprised her mana return is gone entirely) but overall I like it. I'll have to see how the targeting/delay works for the Q and E but that could be nice. Kinda weird that they didn't want her tanky but then have the MR+Armor booster passive though.
I know not to "worry" about numbers but some of my concerns are more mechanical and as someone who's really into supports I'd like to see her have a viable niche so there's a reason to pick her over Sona and especially Nami since they are both pretty solid atm. Otherwise you might end up turning away people who currently like her (yes, they exist) while not attracting any new blood at the same time, which is a bad combo.
I didn't really like it. Her scaling means that without a solid AP build she won't do much at all on her own with support stuff, and she gets outranged by quite a few usual suspects botlane. Maybe if you're making a specific comp with Yasuo mid and Malph jungle/top or something it'd be ok, but otherwise I'd just suggest Morg or Karma or Zyra.