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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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It's not a booster -- I read it wrong. It REMOVES 20% of your bonus MR and Armor and gives it to you as AP. Compare the wording to the booster passives that exist.

That's why the designer keeps saying it lets them keep Soraka from becoming too tanky.

Since AP is very slightly more expensive than MR/armor, it still boosts you a little, but I don't really think, for instance, that Feozen Heart being 80 Armor 20 AP makes it that attractive.

Ouch, I think "soft" tanky items like locket/crucible might be more useful then. I wonder if the Ardent censer might be useful now that soraka has a low cd on her heal.. Probably not, I suppose.


It's not a booster -- I read it wrong. It REMOVES 20% of your bonus MR and Armor and gives it to you as AP. Compare the wording to the booster passives that exist.

That's why the designer keeps saying it lets them keep Soraka from becoming too tanky.

Since AP is very slightly more expensive than MR/armor, it still boosts you a little, but I don't really think, for instance, that Feozen Heart being 80 Armor 20 AP makes it that attractive.

I dunno. See, even on basic items like Sightstone there's +HP.

Her kit like this will have extremely slim pickings for itemization, especially on a support budget. I don't mind her always picking the Coin line since pretty much every support sticks to one of the three, Supports obviously don't *need8 to be tanky, but that's not exactly a new concept either. I'm guessing either Moro's or Grail/Crucible would work, but then what? I feel like I'm trying to find what sucks the least more than what looks the best. maybe I am just being whiny about that though, there's gotta be something.

For her mechanics though, I'm genuinely having a hard time figuring out want ADC will want this kit of hers during the laning phase. As far as sustain goes, it seems extremely mediocre due to limited health regen at low levels, so it's gonna boil down to how effective her harass is I guess? I'll wait to see more of that before I get too worried.

Also I don't think Riot is worried about the people that currently like her considering she's barely more picked than Poppy. It's a risk worth taking that worked for Trundle and Karma, plus it's not like she's losing her identity.

I'm all for a rework, and I don't necessarily care about her current identity (which she kinda is losing some of in her Infuse/ama donation going byebye, that was super unique), but even after her explanation I'm not really sure where they are going with it. Or maybe I should say I don't see where she'd be going into a team comp. But, as I have admitted, a few crucial things (like her CC) are still up in the air as to how effective they are.
start a teambuilder game

this happens.


So I posted on the League Subreddit saying how it would be cool to have a random champ skin option in champ selection. You know, like how fighters have random map options but this would be for skins...

And I got this... and pretty sure it's the highest upvoted comment:

"if you don't want to pick one over the other, don't buy other skins. jesus you're indecisive. you want riot to tell you when to go pee too?"

Jesus, such hostility for a simple suggestion.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So I posted on the League Subreddit saying how it would be cool to have a random champ skin option in champ selection. You know, like how fighters have random map options but this would be for skins...

And I got this... and pretty sure it's the highest upvoted comment:

"if you don't want to pick one over the other, don't buy other skins. jesus you're indecisive. you want riot to tell you when to go pee too?"

Jesus, such hostility for a simple suggestion.

Don't listen to them, their all just salty noobs because they don't have as many skins as you.


Just played my first game as Riven in Team builder, I died a lot, got many kills, we won. Can get better, but she is really, REALLY fun.



Jesus fucking christ. I just can't.

I don't believe in elo hell but I don't even understand how that happens. What runs through someone's head when they're down 5 kills 5 minutes into laning phase that makes them think "oh i can def push the lane and fight them at their tower. what a rad idea".

Jesus fucking christ. I just can't.

I don't believe in elo hell but I don't even understand how that happens. What runs through someone's head when they're down 5 kills 5 minutes into laning phase that makes them think "oh i can def push the lane and fight them at their tower. what a rad idea".

Dat fiora ate everyone


woke up, no pbe update on ori splash :<

So I posted on the League Subreddit saying how it would be cool to have a random champ skin option in champ selection. You know, like how fighters have random map options but this would be for skins...

And I got this... and pretty sure it's the highest upvoted comment:

"if you don't want to pick one over the other, don't buy other skins. jesus you're indecisive. you want riot to tell you when to go pee too?"

Jesus, such hostility for a simple suggestion.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

Jesus fucking christ. I just can't.

I don't believe in elo hell but I don't even understand how that happens. What runs through someone's head when they're down 5 kills 5 minutes into laning phase that makes them think "oh i can def push the lane and fight them at their tower. what a rad idea".
fiora was stylin on you


riot tactically making servers go down

less ppl playing league -> more ppl watching lmq vs tsm -> more money and sponsors

fault proof plan. riot ddos'ing their own servers

edit: oh shoot lcs players disconnecting in game too!


Are Riot seriously that lazy with their servers or are we getting DDOSed a lot?

Lazy's definitely not the right thing to say. I mean, be real here, I guarantee an hour of downtime costs them several thousand dollars. Nobody at Riot thinks that it's cool to have servers down.

They should obviously work on their infrastructure, but, I mean, the only company that's been targeted that didn't have meaningful performance degradation was Blizzard. Anybody with as much money as Blizzard can probably come up with a DDOS protection strategy.


riot tactically making servers go down

less ppl playing league -> more ppl watching lmq vs tsm -> more money and sponsors

fault proof plan. riot ddos'ing their own servers

edit: oh shoot lcs players disconnecting in game too!

wow lol

Lazy's definitely not the right thing to say. I mean, be real here, I guarantee an hour of downtime costs them several thousand dollars. Nobody at Riot thinks that it's cool to have servers down.

They should obviously work on their infrastructure, but, I mean, the only company that's been targeted that didn't have meaningful performance degradation was Blizzard. Anybody with as much money as Blizzard can probably come up with a DDOS protection strategy.

This isn't true. I haven't logged into WoW in a clip or two but Hearthstone was borderline unplayable for a few days, even in the solo adventure stuff. And I only really log in to do my dailies atm. I can link you the piss/moan threads on their forums if you like lol.

Granted, it's much better now, but there's still lag pockets. I don't really blame either company but it is pretty annoying. I hope a better solution is found soon. I'm sure there will be with the money they lose.


Boo. Had a chance to play, got into a team builder game and instantly people started disconnecting. Oh well. I lagged out too. Gave up trying to reconnect. So much for that sweet IP boost.

Edit: got to play fiddle jungle this morning. (Thanks for the mystery surprise party fiddle type2). I've been missing out. That was fun and potent. I messed up his ult a bunch though. Gotta get used to it. Same thing with the range of drain.

Edit2: also finally got to see the mecha malphite skin in action for myself. It kinda sucks :( I may use my last refund on it.


Man my Mystery Gifts have been kinda sucky lately. :( Gave away Tempest Janna and Pentakill Olaf, get BF Anivia like a scumbag.


Does anyone know if skin codes are locked to a region? I've got two Mad Scientist Ziggs codes that I don't want/need, but they might be Oceanic region only?


Does anyone know if skin codes are locked to a region? I've got two Mad Scientist Ziggs codes that I don't want/need, but they might be Oceanic region only?

Historically, they have been usable once on each region. I.e. even if used on OCE, they can be used on EUW, NA, etc. This might not be the case for all codes, but that's how they usually worked.


I wouldn't mind the Ziggs skin if you have a spare one o.o/ (EUW here!)

Also, I really need to go to bed but I am hooked on LCS ;A; 3AM now, wtf! Really excited with the first match of C9-CRS <3


Boo. Had a chance to play, got into a team builder game and instantly people started disconnecting. Oh well. I lagged out too. Gave up trying to reconnect. So much for that sweet IP boost.

Edit: got to play fiddle jungle this morning. (Thanks for the mystery surprise party fiddle type2). I've been missing out. That was fun and potent. I messed up his ult a bunch though. Gotta get used to it. Same thing with the range of drain.

Edit2: also finally got to see the mecha malphite skin in action for myself. It kinda sucks :( I may use my last refund on it.
I want to try fiddle jungle too. I've been watching the top fid players start ancient tomb and pretty much all ap runes and carrying. Setting up for his ult is key because if it lands right a teamfight should be won. The tomb allows you to rush zhonyas and you can always back off to spectral wealth if the early game isn't going well.


I want to try fiddle jungle too. I've been watching the top fid players start ancient tomb and pretty much all ap runes and carrying. Setting up for his ult is key because if it lands right a teamfight should be won. The tomb allows you to rush zhonyas and you can always back off to spectral wealth if the early game isn't going well.

I've been watching azingy. He's a really strong solo queue fiddle jungle. Maybe one of the best. He starts dorans ring, spectral then rushes zhonyas. Dorans start with the health, ap and mama recovery seems to give him a pretty good first few clears.
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