what do you mean they buffed everything about him? lol. the only actual buff he got was shield on ult, and since then he's only been nerfed.
Selective memory man.
i know i know
i dunno why i write things i know are wrong, i'm stupid
he got a bunch of qol shit and bugfixes and the ult shield thingie
i thought he was balanced and fun before that but probably he wasn't even without the ult shield
memory has to do with this for sure as playing against him was pretty fun early on cos no one really knew how to play with or against him
Also I don't see how Yasuo has no counterplay. I guess you could argue his ult distance, but his ult is conditional on a knock up and if an entire team is clumped together and getting knocked up for a Yasuo ult then the problem lies with their misplay, not with Yasuo being broken.
i think his "windows of counterplay tm" are too short and too conditional for sure
you want to harass him under turret, windwall
you want to harass him in lane or when he's csing, shield
you want to all in him, ult shield
you can buy zhonyas but it's only half as effective
you can't really outfarm him as he doesn't even take damage from wraiths lol
and yea everything you do has to go through a billion dashes
ult is not specially a "conditional thing" when champions with spammable aoe knockups like thresh, nami, maokai, alistar, etc. are in meta.
and yea i can pick lizzy and grab exhaust but that's just such a lame way of "outplaying". like it's just all champion select shit which is completely against what riot is always saying.
edit: ofc u can all in him without him getting his ult off or he might fuck up windwall but imo it's usually an uneven amount of work on the receiving end
you find him annoying to play against, that doesn't mean he has no counterplay. I'd also wager the majority of your dislike comes from you play mainly mages, which is what he's good against.
ok hey, it's not me
go to lolking ban stats, 67% of the people find him annoying to play against
that's a lot of people, literally two thirds of the players in the game don't want him in their games
yasuu is a champion that is just unquestionably problematic because everyone fucking hates him
and i don't "dislike" him the way i dislike morgana or whatever, i think windwall is really fun to play against and i like the knockup thing. he has tons of dumb stuff in him that are exciting. but he's just frustrating to play against, he's hated by children and adults alike, so something's gotta give