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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I don't know why people think Draven axes are hard. They're not, as soon as you get a sense of when to get one and when to pass it up, which takes like 2 days of playing him.

Twitch win rate sucks exclusively because people started using the word "assassinate" with the bjork build, and people think that sounds cool so they rush it when IE is a better rush and/or they don't actually know how to catch people out without gimping their team by roaming the whole match and never grouping.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Twitch win rate sucks exclusively because people started using the word "assassinate" with the bjork build, and people think that sounds cool so they rush it when IE is a better rush and/or they don't actually know how to catch people out without gimping their team by roaming the whole match and never grouping.
Twitch has an extremely weak laning phase right now. He trades very poorly, he doesn't have a good method of cleaning up CS, his pushing power is really weak, and he doesn't have much when it comes to harassing the enemy unless his support can really protect him. You can rush IE on Twitch but good luck beating out any other AD carry who built one if you're running even. I don't mind IE rush on him but it leaves you even more reliant on your ultimate.


Ashe is a lot tougher than you think man. Landing those perfect arrows is really difficult.
i didn't mean to say she was specially easy but just that i think you're underrating ez imo

i think mf and graves are prolly the two easiest ones


Taric/Ashe is a really low synergy lane. Ashe likes strong initiators or super peelers. Ashe/Leona, Ashe/Zyra, Ashe/Sona are strong. If you want to go the other way play Ashe/Janna or Ashe/Karma.
High synergy Taric+Sivir lane.



it's like ppl just can't make bad arcade mf art


For the love of god, why can't you dodge placements?? Saw my team and saw there's and went "I'd so dodge this if I could" Ahri was outta mana by level 2.


So 4 placements, 2/2. All games have been extremely lopsided one way or another. End my night on my 8/0/5 Nasus.



Look at your first two rank games. You got match up with silver1, gold5 ppl. Then your next two you had un ranked players.

So that means you're probably sitting at silver 2-5 MMRish by now. Just so you know where you're probably at. I figure that out when I was watching my friend's placement matches and predicted exactly where he end up.
What's the standard build for Pantheon jungle now? Started playing him a lot lately.

So I really like pantheon jungle. He's the best jungler in the game for snowballing a lead bar none. Great at tower dives, ganks, counter ganks.

His build completely depends on if you're winning or not. Elder lizard and boots are always your first two items. Nothing else is worth considering. If ahead, get brutalizer. Cdr is great for more ults, and the damage/armor pen is ideal for stronger fighting. Next item I get is often hexdrinker for some tankiness while continuing the snowball. Assuming you're fed at this point you want mobi boots and home guards for more map pressure, or perhaps Cdr boots. Finish with last whisper and a Ga/randuins/banshees.

If the game is even, probably consider hex drinker as your second item (brutalizer is still good though) and then go tanky with a randuins and maybe banshees, depending on the other team. Finish with more damage.

If you're behind, get mercury treads and build tank. It's very easy to get caught as panth since you have no escape, so if the other team is taking control of the map you have to be careful.

Example late game build: lizard, black cleaver, boots, maw, last whisper, randuins.


Guys, advancing in this game is impossible right now. I'm not even exaggerating, I'm getting a 75% troll/quitter/afk teammate rate right now. More of my matches have them than don't. Don't know what I can do, but it's so out of hand that this isn't even fun anymore. You can't advance when you literally have someone on your team that flat out states that they're going to feed and so they run into lane and spam the laugh over and over and die. 3 out of my last 4 games in ranked have had game ruining trolls who either quit or intentionally fed. If you extend it out to the last 20, I would guess 10-15 had them.

Riot has got to clean this game up. I'd rather go do yard work most the time.

I don't mind losing if it's a good match or someone is just outplayed, but I'm getting mighty tired of dudes with names like ICREAMPIEMILFS crapping every match up.


The hard thing about Ashe is switching your mentality. Going from ADCs like corki and trist to Ashe who you can't even look at other champs the wrong way or you die is tough.


So generally we see Mobi boots on supports on LCS, and I've switched to those lately because I like to roam/assist mid when we are ahead in bot and such. My consideration is, do you guys recommend a bit of CDR blues for Thresh/Nami to make up for lack of CDR boots? For now I have MR+3xMana Regen.

Also, on Mobi boots, is it better Homeguard enchantment or Alacrity? I never wondered if this last enchantment does stack with Mobi boots, so I suddenly got a bit scared of it. D;

(I used to do Homeguards all the time but switched to Alacrity after a while).


Managed to win despite another quitter. :|

Our mid quit in the late game and nearly cost us the final push and win. We got lucky to win that last 4v5. Only gave me 17LP though. What a rip.


For the love of god, why can't you dodge placements?? Saw my team and saw there's and went "I'd so dodge this if I could" Ahri was outta mana by level 2.


You just have to believe. I had a volibear support in my placement matches.

So 4 placements, 2/2. All games have been extremely lopsided one way or another. End my night on my 8/0/5 Nasus.

I ended up 8-2 and got placed into Gold :)
Time to afk on ranked methinks.


Regardless of whether we think Yasuo is OP or not, I think we can all agree that he has an actual skillcap and does require more commitment to play well than the likes of AP Sion, Malzahar and Garen.

I'd agree he has more of a learning curve than Garen. The dearth of competitive Garens in comparison to Yasuo makes me think it is significantly more difficult to play Garen competitively.
Guys, advancing in this game is impossible right now. I'm not even exaggerating, I'm getting a 75% troll/quitter/afk teammate rate right now. More of my matches have them than don't. Don't know what I can do, but it's so out of hand that this isn't even fun anymore. You can't advance when you literally have someone on your team that flat out states that they're going to feed and so they run into lane and spam the laugh over and over and die. 3 out of my last 4 games in ranked have had game ruining trolls who either quit or intentionally fed. If you extend it out to the last 20, I would guess 10-15 had them.

Riot has got to clean this game up. I'd rather go do yard work most the time.

I don't mind losing if it's a good match or someone is just outplayed, but I'm getting mighty tired of dudes with names like ICREAMPIEMILFS crapping every match up.

I get the feels. I climbed up to gold 4 and like 80+ LP.

I had 3 straight d/c games, then I had 1 game where we threw, then 2 straight DC games.

After that a horrendous streak ended up back in gold 5 with like silver 1-2MMR. I'm quitting rank for this season. At this point I probably might get kick out of gold if I keep this up.


As if I wasn't already anxious about playing normals alone, you guys talking about rankeds make me not even want to try. ;A;


As if I wasn't already anxious about playing normals alone, you guys talking about rankeds make me not even want to try. ;A;

Just had another quitter. Ranked League of Legends is easily the most frustrating game I've ever played online. Thing is, when I play a game online, I want to play it at the highest level possible, so I don't like Normals too much either. I just have to put in my time and deal with the slog of low ELO play until I get good enough to get out and get into tiers where people are actually trying to win.

So...every single match I played tonight I had a troll or quitter. Riot is obviously not doing a thing about these guys. They're in more games than they're not.

Edit: Just got this dude on my team. You can guess what happened...he fed and quit. Tell me more about that system that detects and bans feeders/quitters, Lyte.

Just had another quitter. Ranked League of Legends is easily the most frustrating game I've ever played online. Thing is, when I play a game online, I want to play it at the highest level possible, so I don't like Normals too much either. I just have to put in my time and deal with the slog of low ELO play until I get good enough to get out and get into tiers where people are actually trying to win.

So...every single match I played tonight I had a troll or quitter. Riot is obviously not doing a thing about these guys. They're in more games than they're not.

Edit: Just got this dude on my team. You can guess what happened...he fed and quit. Tell me more about that system that detects and bans feeders/quitters, Lyte.


Shit happens man. I had a streak worse than that and got demoted from gold, just have to keep your head up and work your way up. If you are honestly good then the system works fine.

EDIT: And Zed is not that bad. He's kinda like the caitlyn or renekton of the mid lane, he's a strong laner that is great for players that don't main that role.

He does fall off pretty hard late game and requires really good play to actually take advantage of his damages which is why he's generally not the best outside of really high elo. If you see someone on your team pick zed just make sure you take some late game champs (trist/ryze/vi etc) so your team scales up as he falls off.


Shit happens man. I had a streak worse than that and got demoted from gold, just have to keep your head up and work your way up. If you are honestly good then the system works fine.

EDIT: And Zed is not that bad. He's kinda like the caitlyn or renekton of the mid lane, he's a strong laner that is great for players that don't main that role.

He does fall off pretty hard late game and requires really good play to actually take advantage of his damages which is why he's generally not the best outside of really high elo. If you see someone on your team pick zed just make sure you take some late game champs (trist/ryze/vi etc) so your team scales up as he falls off.


not really


Shit happens man. I had a streak worse than that and got demoted from gold, just have to keep your head up and work your way up. If you are honestly good then the system works fine.

EDIT: And Zed is not that bad. He's kinda like the caitlyn or renekton of the mid lane, he's a strong laner that is great for players that don't main that role.

He does fall off pretty hard late game and requires really good play to actually take advantage of his damages which is why he's generally not the best outside of really high elo. If you see someone on your team pick zed just make sure you take some late game champs (trist/ryze/vi etc) so your team scales up as he falls off.
He's pretty bad in high elo too.


Everything is moe to me
cait raging and neko tells me to apologize to her when i hadn't typed anything all game.


he just assumes i'm the one being bm! we even had an akali, which is obviously going to be the bmer on the team!


I haven't played a ranked match since season 1. So I have no idea what's up with the league system.

Your elo is now hidden. Your elo relative to your ranking (gold 3, gold 2, etc) determines how much LP you get. Better elo => better LP gains => ranking faster.


cait raging and neko tells me to apologize to her when i hadn't typed anything all game.


he just assumes i'm the one being bm! we even had an akali, which is obviously going to be the bmer on the team!

you canadians are all shifty and untrustworthy


Your elo is now hidden. Your elo relative to your ranking (gold 3, gold 2, etc) determines how much LP you get. Better elo => better LP gains => ranking faster.
Okay. Straight forward enough. I might start back playing ranked. Not to sure though. Don't really know half of all the newer champs.


Okay. Straight forward enough. I might start back playing ranked. Not to sure though. Don't really know half of all the newer champs.
Yeah, it's probably a good idea to run some normals to get to know the new champs/items first. There are loads of changes since season 1.
Just won another ARAM match as Graves. I've probably played as him in 1/3 of my last several ARAM matches. League is telling me something. Probably my hardest one right now because their Lee, Garen and Panth kept diving me like there's no tomorrow. I loooove throwing Smokescreen whenever Panth ults.

Thornmail HURTS


I get the feels. I climbed up to gold 4 and like 80+ LP.

I had 3 straight d/c games, then I had 1 game where we threw, then 2 straight DC games.

After that a horrendous streak ended up back in gold 5 with like silver 1-2MMR. I'm quitting rank for this season. At this point I probably might get kick out of gold if I keep this up.

You just have to believe. I had a volibear support in my placement matches.

I ended up 8-2 and got placed into Gold :)
Time to afk on ranked methinks.

Join the club guys. Need ~3 more ranked games to avoid decay and keep your gold for the end of the season. Just don't decay. Win or lose, I'm solidly gold as long as I play those three. :)


Yeah, it's probably a good idea to run some normals to get to know the new champs/items first. There are loads of changes since season 1.

Never mind the fact that they did away with the Tribunal and people are basically going unpunished in ranked for wrecking games. It seems like they are doing chat bans, but not much else. Playing ranked today is way worse than playing ranked a year ago. It's way harder at lower ELOs to handle the cesspool, because that pool runs deep.
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