Not true as of late, they have been doing loads of 14-day bans and quite some perma bans lately. GD has been full of people wondering why they got banned and Lyte smites them down with their chat logs.
I'm not seeing it. It's been insane lately. 4 matches last night and I had a quitter in 3 of them. In the one match where I didn't have a quitter, I had an intentional feeder because someone on our team mentioned that he was in promos, so this dude would spam his laugh in lane and just die intentionally. Wait no, he quit at the end, so it was a 4 for 4 night.
Don't they claim that quitting only happens in like 1%-2% of games or something? There's no way that's remotely accurate. Maybe they're being more strict in the higher ELOs or something about toxic players, but in bronze and silver the players don't have much lower to go, so as soon as they get behind a couple of kills they just quit or feed to force a surrender, because it's the faster route to starting the next game.
I think if that you quit a match in ranked that the delay before you can queue up should be until the next day. If you quit in two straight days, you can't queue for 10 days. It would stop it so fast.
And don't tell me that they can't differentiate between a DC and a quit. They should be able to tell if you clicked on the buttons to quit a game. That's all info you send through the game client. And I get that people might start pulling the plug to make it look like a DC, but if you're disconnecting 2-3 times in a week, you probably shouldn't be in ranked play anyway. Either your connection isn't stable enough to make you a reliable teammate and you're just punishing the teams you play with, or you're intentionally doing it. Relegate them to normals until they can go a significant amount of time with a decent connection.
I really, really don't mind losing matches. Some matches that you lose are actually pretty dang fun and you can learn quite a bit. I just don't like when a game is still up in the air and someone decides to ruin it or because they guy can't carry they would rather quit and start over than help the team win.