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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Never mind the fact that they did away with the Tribunal and people are basically going unpunished in ranked for wrecking games. It seems like they are doing chat bans, but not much else. Playing ranked today is way worse than playing ranked a year ago. It's way harder at lower ELOs to handle the cesspool, because that pool runs deep.

Not true as of late, they have been doing loads of 14-day bans and quite some perma bans lately. GD has been full of people wondering why they got banned and Lyte smites them down with their chat logs.


Its not like every poor or uncooperative player should be banned from the game
like the posts in this thread about this kind of thing are always anecdotal for me and dont indicate something systemic
Never mind the fact that they did away with the Tribunal and people are basically going unpunished in ranked for wrecking games. It seems like they are doing chat bans, but not much else. Playing ranked today is way worse than playing ranked a year ago. It's way harder at lower ELOs to handle the cesspool, because that pool runs deep.
People are getting banned way more often now than while the Tribunal was online.

Also the community actually grew up a lot in this past year. Last season people were way more bitchy in champion select, while nowadays even at Silver you can usually always get the role you want if you ask politely.


Not true as of late, they have been doing loads of 14-day bans and quite some perma bans lately. GD has been full of people wondering why they got banned and Lyte smites them down with their chat logs.

I'm not seeing it. It's been insane lately. 4 matches last night and I had a quitter in 3 of them. In the one match where I didn't have a quitter, I had an intentional feeder because someone on our team mentioned that he was in promos, so this dude would spam his laugh in lane and just die intentionally. Wait no, he quit at the end, so it was a 4 for 4 night.

Don't they claim that quitting only happens in like 1%-2% of games or something? There's no way that's remotely accurate. Maybe they're being more strict in the higher ELOs or something about toxic players, but in bronze and silver the players don't have much lower to go, so as soon as they get behind a couple of kills they just quit or feed to force a surrender, because it's the faster route to starting the next game.

I think if that you quit a match in ranked that the delay before you can queue up should be until the next day. If you quit in two straight days, you can't queue for 10 days. It would stop it so fast.

And don't tell me that they can't differentiate between a DC and a quit. They should be able to tell if you clicked on the buttons to quit a game. That's all info you send through the game client. And I get that people might start pulling the plug to make it look like a DC, but if you're disconnecting 2-3 times in a week, you probably shouldn't be in ranked play anyway. Either your connection isn't stable enough to make you a reliable teammate and you're just punishing the teams you play with, or you're intentionally doing it. Relegate them to normals until they can go a significant amount of time with a decent connection.

I really, really don't mind losing matches. Some matches that you lose are actually pretty dang fun and you can learn quite a bit. I just don't like when a game is still up in the air and someone decides to ruin it or because they guy can't carry they would rather quit and start over than help the team win.


I haven't had quite as bad an experience as Jeff but I can back up his claims, at least looking at bronze. Even in games I win, someone goes full toxic at some point. It's really persistent and frustrating. Just about every game someone in all chat types "gg noob team" and starts berating everyone as soon as first blood happens.

Intentional feeding/ragequitting is unfortunately common too.


Ok, I'm done. I need to have that rant once a month or so.

Anyway, I might start streaming soon. I have a friend that started to stream and it made him way, way better at the game. He plays a lot more than I ever have, but we've always been about even in skill level. As soon as he started streaming he started climbing up the ranks and is in Gold III now going from Bronze II at the start of the season. His viewer base is pretty small, but I think something about being able to watch replays easily of his matches has really helped along with feedback from those who do tune in.


I don't share your experience with leavers/etc, but sure, they suck. I think it has more to do with you being unlucky, because they are banning people.


If my experience in this game was constant leavers or assholes i would definitely quit the game
Usually it's pleasant tho
but i mainly play ai games right now so


Had a really nice Normal. My ADC was Plat I, Caitlyn, and we absolutely zoned out (motsly him/her) Tristana/Lulu. I was Thresh so it kinda helped. Around level 15 our Zyra mid disconnected, and it got really sloppy. In the end it was all about catching people unaware and having Rammus and me on the frontline while Caitlyn and Diana shredded people (mostly Caitlyn).

Diana was really toxic though, kept bashing Rammus (who did an OK job I think, was in premade with Cait) and kept wanting to surrender (each time she died), when even if it was 4v5, I think we had really good chances. We stuck together, managed to get a clean Baron and that gave us enough momentum to win.

Felt really good to win 4v5 and even though I commited some mistakes (roamed from mid to bot through their jungle and got caught like a moron), I felt I did well enough.


I missed a couple of assists because Caitlyn range and Trist/Lulu kept being at low HP and then she just used ult and killed them ._. Should have thrown lantern just for assist!
The game is getting more popular so there will be more trolls/ragers/quitters. I don't know if Riot bans by IP but it shouldn't be that hard to make another account (though the cost of getting back to level 30 is prohibitive).

If I get a bad team I just chalk it up to bad luck. I also stop playing if I'm on a losing streak because I start getting frustrated and go on tilt. Do something else, play a bot game or ARAM to chill out.
adc main wants to duo with me

im bored so i agree

enter game and he plays vayne

gets super mad super easily

tilts our entire team despite massive tidal waves into losing.

and worst of all

tumbles forwards.


Yea I don't think I've had a leaver in ranked in months.

It's just luck. My last 4 monthly ranked games have had a disconnect/afk in 3 of them. Disheartening when you only play one a month.

Not much you can do. Just play through it. Overall, of the 22 ranked games I've played this season, only 4 or so had an afk/disconnect. Not terrible. Of the normal games I've played, that percentage is even less.

Ragers/Trolls are a different story but you can play through that. There's usually little you can do in a straight up 4v5. Trolls and Ragers you can ignore/talk down/etc.


Maybe you should try playing ranked.

But I do play ranked.

It's just luck. My last 4 monthly ranked games have had a disconnect/afk in 3 of them. Disheartening when you only play one a month.

Not much you can do. Just play through it. Overall, of the 22 ranked games I've played this season, only 4 or so had an afk/disconnect. Not terrible. Of the normal games I've played, that percentage is even less.

Ragers/Trolls are a different story but you can play through that. There's usually little you can do in a straight up 4v5. Trolls and Ragers you can ignore/talk down/etc.

Yea I know its luck, I've had leavers and shit before so I definitely get the struggle and how annoying it can be. I agree with the trolls and ragers part too. I really dont care if someone on my team rages on me if i'm playing bad. If anything, it'll make me want to play better so we can win.

Take me to where you are and let me stay there.

I live in the LoLGAF gaming house.

Me and closer have bunk beds.

SteveWinwood sleeps on the couch


Yeah, it's probably a good idea to run some normals to get to know the new champs/items first. There are loads of changes since season 1.
Yeah, I get that. I have like 300 normal games played on this account. I just don't have the experience with the newer champs because I either don't have them or no one picks them in normals. Who are some of the most picked/banned in the lower divisions, at the moment?


i wonder if ori will get a texture update along with her new splash art

she could use a bit of makeup

adc main wants to duo with me

im bored so i agree

enter game and he plays vayne

gets super mad super easily

tilts our entire team despite massive tidal waves into losing.

and worst of all

tumbles forwards.
so basically every vayne player


Yeah, I get that. I have like 300 normal games played on this account. I just don't have the experience with the newer champs because I either don't have them or no one picks them in normals. Who are some of the most picked/banned in the lower divisions, at the moment?

I can't tell you who is popular in the lower divisions specifically, but these are some of the most picked current in-meta champs:



lee sin



I'm probably missing quite some champs that are in meta right now, but these ones are really common.


I can't tell you who is popular in the lower divisions specifically, but these are some of the most picked current in-meta champs:


I'm probably missing quite some champs that are in meta right now, but these ones are really common.
top 3 picks at my elo

top: mao, alistar (dunno after his nerf), nidalee

mid: yasuu, zed (free wins), ori

jungle: lee, j4, elise

adc: trist, lucy, jinx

support: threshie, braum, morg


No one talks about it but Pantheon is a cheap (IPwise) and potent solo queue jungler. He's easily Tier 1 for solo queue.

He fell off the radar around the time of his ult nerfs but he's still more than viable.

edit: though keep it here. I don't want word getting out that he's still good. I still have an 80% win rate with him and don't want him contested or banned. ;)


No one talks about it but Pantheon is a cheap (IPwise) and potent solo queue jungler. He's easily Tier 1 for solo queue.

He fell off the radar around the time of his ult nerfs but he's still more than viable.

edit: though keep it here. I don't want word getting out that he's still good. I still have an 80% win rate with him and don't want him contested or banned. ;)

Agreed, he's so good. Never understood why he isn't a more popular pick. Once you get one kill its off to the races.


Yeah, Pantheon is awesome. He's a snowball threat and he's great at initiating a team fight. I should play him more. I'm getting good mileage out of Skarner, but Pantheon is great.
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