NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Im still waiting to see a pantheon pull off his ult in game. Never seen one since his nerf.
Im still waiting to see a pantheon pull off his ult in game. Never seen one since his nerf.
Allies get to know when Panth is ulting way before enemies do. You can easily bait engagements with it while he's channelling and by the time they notice it it's too lateIm still waiting to see a pantheon pull off his ult in game. Never seen one since his nerf.
Im still waiting to see a pantheon pull off his ult in game. Never seen one since his nerf.
I'll have to try Pantheon. Never liked him or had much trouble against him but I've only heard great things about him from you guys.
Enough losing! I had to bust out the JUNGLE AKALI
if it works in bronze for someone who has no idea what he's doing, it HAS to work in diamond for someone who does know what he's doing
right? :\
It's harder since the nerf but it's still doable. It's best as a zoning or chase tool. i.e. Ult behind the enemy bot lane and they are stuck running through your ult to get away or engaging your botlane and letting Pantheon get a free flank. Or ult ahead of a team that is trying to disengage. They'll often scatter and your team can pick off the easy targets. Or sometimes they'll just get ulted anyways and it's an easy kill (no one expects how much damage Pantheon ult actually does if it lands on you). You can't just ult the middle of a lane anymore and expect to get the drop on someone that's paying attention. The ult nerf took away that ability.
The biggest problem I've found in solo queue with Pantheon is it's WAY too easy to take all the kills. His E passive makes nuking a low health target stupid easy and you end up starving your laners of kills. It's a lot harder to carry the game as Pantheon if you are all of your team's kills seeing as he's on the front line most of the time. You need to have a good sense of your damage and try to keep some kills going to your laners. Alternatively use that gold to get some good vision down and counter jungle/secure all objectives and help your laners win that way.
Top 3 picks at my elo:
Top: Poppy, Malphite, Gangplank
Mid: Annie, Ashe, Zed
Jungle: Amumu, Jarvan, Fiddlestick
ADC: Ashe, Vayne, Ezreal
Support: Blitzcrank, Leona, Thresh
if it works in bronze for someone who has no idea what he's doing, it HAS to work in diamond for someone who does know what he's doing
right? :\
"My smite is up and you'd probably fail to last-hit that big minion anyway, I'll just take care of it for you."jungle olaf is great, you throw your axe into lane, retrieve it and say 'well, now that I'm here i'll just take a little tax'.
"My smite is up and you'd probably fail to last-hit that big minion anyway, I'll just take care of it for you."
Poppy taxing my lane after a successful gank while I was a nasus was mildly irritating. My stacks!
Fiora is passable as a jungler, but she's a kill stealer for sure with her ult. Can't count how many times I've accidentally taken the kills when I mean to give them up. Once you start that ult, you're wrecking face quickly and uncontrollably.
get a targons and share dat wealth
unless she has a tiamat she's going to be standing around taxing for a while
This is pretty insightful. Definitely an issue I run into with Pantheon when I play him is that you take 6 kills across the map and it feels like you're winning, but Pantheon's a caster, thus squishy and bursty, and it's hard for him to carry on his own if people focus him appropriately.
The other problem you run into is that you start feeling maniacally powerful and chasing people through their base throwing spears at them, which only works for so long.
Also, no matter what the guides tell you, don't build Bloodthirster on Pantheon. It's really unhelpful for him now.
Tiamat is something i always build on top and jungle melee, its a better choice than bloodthirsters as that is better for adcs.It separates the good jungle Pantheons from the great jungle Pantheons (lol)! You feel like a god 8/1/0 (giving the shutdown to the enemy mid) when your team has 11 kills total then it all comes crashing down when the teamfights break out.
Definitely no Bloodthirster.
Elder Lizard->brutalizer is pretty much my core. From there I may go Last whisper for more damage or start building tank. Always tank after Last whisper if I go that route. Hexdrinker, Randuins, Banshees are all great items on him. Upgrade brut into Black cleaver late game for extra damage.
Once in a blue moon something like frozen heart or thornmail might be handy. I don't think I'd ever build spirit visage.
jungle fiora only knows carry
The only 2 games I lost as Fortune in today were due to weak support.
...but bah gawd is this woman wet paper come end game...
Try adding in a Banshee's Veil or some other defense item as your last pickup if you're getting blown up. By the time you get near full build you should probably have all the attack damage and attack speed you need. A BT can help with its shield and life steal as well, but I don't like taking that before LW or, obviously, IE.
That's a pretty awful build. You're wasting all the crit chance you bought with that IE.Right Now my primary item builds are:
...but Fortune could go with attack speed, and I'm favouring PD over Statik. Trinity sounds tempting because of its passives so I'll try building it in a future game, like immediatly after Zeal, and replacing one of my first 2 Dorans.
Right Now my primary item builds are:
...but Fortune could go with attack speed, and I'm favouring PD over Statik. Trinity sounds tempting because of its passives so I'll try building it in a future game, like immediatly after Zeal, and replacing one of my first 2 Dorans.
Gotta multiply that crit, at the very least get a zeal before LWRight Now my primary item builds are:
...but Fortune could go with attack speed, and I'm favouring PD over Statik. Trinity sounds tempting because of its passives so I'll try building it in a future game, like immediatly after Zeal, and replacing one of my first 2 Dorans.
2nd item LW might be a bit too soon unless they're incredibly stacking armor.
That's a pretty awful build. You're wasting all the crit chance you bought with that IE.
That so? Well I'll use Trinity or PD as my 2nd item and test it out.
Speaking of which, why does Team Builder take forever to get just 1 more role added? It's either a Jungler, a Bot Support or Bot ADC. Rito pls.
To be fair, when your team or Miss Fortune is ahead, the opposing team won't even consider armor until it is their final item.
Or that's just EU NE.
That so? Well I'll use Trinity or PD as my 2nd item and test it out.
Speaking of which, why does Team Builder take forever to get just 1 more role added? It's either a Jungler, a Bot Support or Bot ADC. Rito pls.
Top 3 picks at my elo:
Top: Poppy, Malphite, Gangplank
Mid: Annie, Ashe, Zed
Jungle: Amumu, Jarvan, Fiddlestick
ADC: Ashe, Vayne, Ezreal
Support: Blitzcrank, Leona, Thresh
Why Khazix of all the junglers?I really want to buy Kha zix, but I don't know how long it will be until I have that much IP.
I used to jungle as Eve only. Not anymore! Eve lost so much of her fighting power that she now relies on you being able to actively avoid the enemy jungler because you will usually lose the 2v2 or 1v1I'm surprised people aren't mentioning Eve jungle. I rarely play 5s these days but she's one of the junglers I'm still comfortable playing.
Why Khazix of all the junglers?
I used to jungle as Eve only. Not anymore! Eve lost so much of her fighting power that she now relies on you being able to actively avoid the enemy jungler because you will usually lose the 2v2 or 1v1