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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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so you're saying that leona was bad and deserves to go back to silver, gotcha. imma go tell her you said she was eloboosted and should ask for a refund


so you're saying that leona was bad and deserves to go back to silver, gotcha. imma go tell her you said she was eloboosted and should ask for a refund
Well 0/7/8 is a pretty horrible score. Then again, their team got no objectives which hurts the support the most.


What about the 3/8 annie tho
the magic of 4v5s, hard to go ward shit when there's a fed veigar one shotting people

i did more damage than yasuo and contributed to more kills, we also destroyed their bot lane (which was the expected given the matchup) so i'm not unhappy with what i did

i probably should've skipped the chalice to get dfg earlier. that's it


we need to do more ranked 5s

i need a few more games to get the 2nd ward

who wants to enable my addiction
I would play on a team if one were available -- I only have like 3 points towards the FIRST ward. The only active team I knew of filled up and got the ward though, and I was too low skill to join.


Just snagged lucian so I'd have another good adc just in case I'm thrust into that role. I never knew his Q was targettable.... i always thought lucians were just really good at aiming the damn thing.


Loss prevention isn't on, is it? I got back to silver I for a second time, and my win rate is slightly over 50%, yet I got 11 LP for the first win after ranking up. I was getting 20 LP for wins recently, or so I thought. The main thing I like about the new ranked system is that it DOESN'T seem to usually go down to roughly 11 LP per game, and I am hoping that sort of thing does not start showing up for me.

I like scores like this that show how teamwork can pay off:

Equal kills, equal deaths, but the assists are a little different. Talon in particular started something like, 1 kill, 9 deaths (after assuring us that even though it's Talon, and even though he's 0-2 ranked with Talon, he plays Talon in normals and Talon is easy or whatever). To be fair, at least he was apologetic after he started dying so much.

Meanwhile, I was pretty much even top, then got owned twice when the other team sent 4 people (I escaped but they took 2 towers) and then 3 people (I died).

The other team was grouping to take towers. It was crazy to see a group working together. Then, weirdly, OUR team started grouping instead, to win fights. One fight, we took one or two inhib towers, and two inhibs. Then we all sat in the tiny bush outside baron. Big risk of Leona having it warded and ulting us or whatever, but instead, Kha'zix tried to facecheck the bush and we killed their team.

They instantly surrendered (we had super minions walking to their nexus towers after that fight anyway). It warmed my cold, brittle heart.

Details for the bored or curious:
Everything is awful.

I have played 8 games since Tuesday.

In none of those 8 games did I have a support that was helpful.

I have never been closer to feeling like I want to quit than right now.


Herding fucking cats. Took a lot of guidance, pings, and telling panth to stop being abusive... but we did it. Even with disconnects (other team didn't seem to have a bad of a problem with them). Almost lost even though the huge gold lead because people wouldn't go after objectives after kill... and both zed, wukong and kha on the otehr team exploited it by split pushing.



Man.... I bet a wrote a novel in chat. Fuck might be done for the night... I worked way too hard for that one seeing how we were almost 8k ahead at one point and losing.


Does everyone still hate Ardent Censer? Been getting it on Sona now and then, when you're shielding your entire team every 10 seconds or less it seems pretty damn efficient. Great for pushing towers too, coupled with Q and Lich Bane.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Does everyone still hate Ardent Censer? Been getting it on Sona now and then, when you're shielding your entire team every 10 seconds or less it seems pretty damn efficient. Great for pushing towers too, coupled with Q and Lich Bane.

Its not the worst thing in the world. I'd rather see that than your typical 'support' building pure AP for late game heroics.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sona can make a good use of that item since she can buff the entire team with attack speed with one single W.
How often do you really need your entire team's attack speed buffed? It's a situational item that has egregious stat overlap with higher priority support items. Do you really want your mana regen to come from AC? Do you want your CDR to come from it? Ardent Censer is terrible from a stat value perspective, and while it's all nice and dandy to think your Jinx could use an extra 25% attack speed I'm sure they would rather have you providing them with more defensive stats so they don't get blown up.

And then there's the the aspect of investing in items that don't provide tanky stats. The majority of Sona's contribution to a fight lies just on getting an ult off, but if the support just gets blown up their team is left at a severe disadvantage.


If you've got like, a Kayle, Yasuo, and a Jax plus your adc I could see that definitely being worth it, but unless you've got a lot of attack speed dependant champs it's just a lot of nonideal stats for a support..


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If you've got like, a Kayle, Yasuo, and a Jax plus your adc I could see that definitely being worth it, but unless you've got a lot of attack speed dependant champs it's just a lot of nonideal stats for a support..
If this is my team comp I probably already lost.


If this is my team comp I probably already lost.

Heh, it's not too unlikely at lower elos!

I played a couple Vi games today and yesterday and completely dominated. Haven't played her in a long long time, and back then I was absolutely trash on her. Maybe I just reached a certain threshold of general skill where I became good on her since she isn't exactly a mechanically difficult champ. Having fun with it though!
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