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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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So having slept on things, I realize I am playing too passively on bottom lane because I don't trust my support to do their job and I'm too worried about feeding the enemy team. The only problem is I don't know what to do about it besides try to ignore it.


Hahahaha. I just played alistar with 20ping and the W-Q combo is so damn easy to land with smart cast.

Damn you, NA ping. Near impossible to do with smart cast even when I have the W range memorised.
Where on earth did you find 20 ping? Even with a server in the same state, I get 30 or more.

*edit* I forgot you're Australia and/or New Zealand, maybe there's some crazy low ping server there.


So having slept on things, I realize I am playing too passively on bottom lane because I don't trust my support to do their job and I'm too worried about feeding the enemy team. The only problem is I don't know what to do about it besides try to ignore it.

I don't see a lot of problem being passive as an ADC. So long as you manage to farm well and don't miss obvious oportunities, imo. It's all about how comfortable you feel, really!


So having slept on things, I realize I am playing too passively on bottom lane because I don't trust my support to do their job and I'm too worried about feeding the enemy team. The only problem is I don't know what to do about it besides try to ignore it.

Being passive is fine unless you're doing it so much you're letting the other adc bully you away from the creepline.


You shouldnt be aggressive at bot if you are in danger of dying
keep track of summoners, junglers, and kno the matchup, every lane should be played conditionally

Reduce idle time, prevent other laner from csing for free, dont take free dmg, etc.

Basically maximize ur gold flo, minimize the enemies, keep up ur ability to do both, manipulate the wave by counting and autoing minion for particular situation (warding, ganks, whatever)

A lot of ppl dont count the minions at wave 2 and get fukked up when the opponent hits 2 first and pounces


Being passive is fine unless you're doing it so much you're letting the other adc bully you away from the creepline.

Yeah, if all you manage to do is stay even in CS and taking opportunities to trade well, you're doing better than 90% of other ADCs. So many of them are out there with raging murder boners that they end up trading poorly or leaving tons of CS on the table.


I play ADC super passively unless I know I can get an easy kill. Usually just try to farm up and then play with a lead after my first or second back. Obviously I still poke when I can.
How often do you really need your entire team's attack speed buffed? It's a situational item that has egregious stat overlap with higher priority support items. Do you really want your mana regen to come from AC? Do you want your CDR to come from it? Ardent Censer is terrible from a stat value perspective, and while it's all nice and dandy to think your Jinx could use an extra 25% attack speed I'm sure they would rather have you providing them with more defensive stats so they don't get blown up.

And then there's the the aspect of investing in items that don't provide tanky stats. The majority of Sona's contribution to a fight lies just on getting an ult off, but if the support just gets blown up their team is left at a severe disadvantage.

I am sorry if you only played with that type of Sonas.


I have played very aggressively in my last couple of matches with Miss Fortune and I've racked up a lot of early kills. Last night I was 5-0 before a tower fell. It's not always the ideal way to go about things, but if I can see that they aren't good at trading, I'm going to punish them hard for it, especially at level 2 when her W is available. That thing shreds in trades.


In my experience, the supports dictate the lane. If your support is playing passively, then it's generally a bad idea to be aggressive. Until the ADC gets some good items (and even then...) the power in the lane is on the support, so engaging in trades against a duo where their support is more than happy to play aggressive is a quick way to lose the lane.

There's some stuff you can do like learning to AA the opposing ADC when they move in to last-hit a minion, abusing the cooldown timers on supports which depend on long CD timers for their principal abilities (e.g. Blitz hook) to apply some damage, etc.


In my experience, the supports dictate the lane. If your support is playing passively, then it's generally a bad idea to be aggressive. Until the ADC gets some good items (and even then...) the power in the lane is on the support, so engaging in trades against a duo where their support is more than happy to play aggressive is a quick way to lose the lane.

There's some stuff you can do like learning to AA the opposing ADC when they move in to last-hit a minion, abusing the cooldown timers on supports which depend on long CD timers for their principal abilities (e.g. Blitz hook) to apply some damage, etc.

Pretty much. The support will determine much of what happens in lane. ADCs can definitely do a lot of stuff on their own if the enemies are bad though.
I checked the math, it works.

I keep talking about my riding redheads to gold idea. I think I need to do it. Here's the plan.

Top: Fiora
Mid: Katarina
ADC: Miss Fortune
Support: Annie or Nami with the proper skin
Jungle: Fiora

To gold. To gold, I say. Plus it's a good hook for a stream to be based on.
Fiora isn't a redhead. She just used a little bit of dye.

Now if you want a real and natural redhead for the jungle role, I present to you:



Was playing botlane yesterday and made the mistake of checking out what top was up to. Our Tryndamere walked right past an entire wave of creeps in order to wait for the opposite laner to get back into lane in the top brush, so he could "ambush" them. He missed the entire wave to the tower, and the wave had a cannon minion.

Surprisingly, he couldn't kill the opposing laner.



but ranking is just embarrassing

jinx at the bottom and morg at the top

what kind of fucked up mind came up with this shit

Do you really want a murderous crazy bitch as a waifu? Least morgana bakes cookies.

Was playing botlane yesterday and made the mistake of checking out what top was up to. Our Tryndamere walked right past an entire wave of creeps in order to wait for the opposite laner to get back into lane in the top brush, so he could "ambush" them. He missed the entire wave to the tower, and the wave had a cannon minion.

Surprisingly, he couldn't kill the opposing laner.

Sometimes that gimmicky shit works. I remember losing badly to a jax because I walked into side bush precreep wave, and jax was there waiting with his E. I hadn't seen that shit since pre lvl 30 days.


Supports dictating the lane is kind of an old mindset i think
supports are really important, but they mainly contribute to an idea of how the lane should be played
you should play the matchup and discard the idea that your support is there to make decisions and you are supposed to follow up, both ad and support dicate the lane

Ofc some supports are considered "playmakers" but that still doesn't mean that ur laning experience should revolve around their kit


Supports dictating the lane is kind of an old mindset i think
supports are really important, but they mainly contribute to an idea of how the lane should be played
you should play the matchup and discard the idea that your support is there to make decisions and you are supposed to follow up, both ad and support dicate the lane

Ofc some supports are considered "playmakers" but that still doesn't mean that ur laning experience should revolve around their kit

My last two supports have been total CS stealing, kill stealing, never buy a ward nor support item, trash talking buttholes. Both forced me to go super aggressive in lane because I had to essentially farm kills.


It worked, but only because I was significantly better than the other teams' ADCs in each case.


Supports dictating the lane is kind of an old mindset i think
supports are really important, but they mainly contribute to an idea of how the lane should be played
you should play the matchup and discard the idea that your support is there to make decisions and you are supposed to follow up, both ad and support dicate the lane

Ofc some supports are considered "playmakers" but that still doesn't mean that ur laning experience should revolve around their kit

You're right in that the support does not dictate the playstyle completely - a Leona can be forced to sit back and play passive and have a boring lane.

What I meant was more in the vein of that unless the adc is terribad, the support will most likely determine whether the lane is a loss or a win.


You're right in that the support does not dictate the playstyle completely - a Leona can be forced to sit back and play passive and have a boring lane.

What I meant was more in the vein of that unless the adc is terribad, the support will most likely determine whether the lane is a loss or a win.

Yah id agree that supports are more unique than ads and that the ad playstyle is more standardized
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