That would be boring -- he'd just disconnect halfway through because of some alleged "power outage". ;pSounds like Fallen should be doing some 1v1's here after getting called out.
That would be boring -- he'd just disconnect halfway through because of some alleged "power outage". ;pSounds like Fallen should be doing some 1v1's here after getting called out.
That would be boring -- he'd just disconnect halfway through because of some alleged "power outage". ;p
lucian is basically max payne without the slomo in a moba.Man, how can you guys enjoy playing Lucian? Last game I played him, and I just felt so bored.
You, uh, sure you don't want to rephrase that?Miss Fortune? More like Miss Carry.
Haha.You, uh, sure you don't want to rephrase that?
You, uh, sure you don't want to rephrase that?
what was dat cho building -_-
what was dat cho building -_-
pretty surprised so may ppl is up in arms about the lore retcon thingie
like if u ask me that was a pretty good decision
just kill 3 people. only people left are ori mid and support braum. are at baron pit. wat do?
why chase ori and braum halfway across the map and ignore the open mid inhib and the free baron of course
fucking china
Gunkata is coolMan, how can you guys enjoy playing Lucian? Last game I played him, and I just felt so bored.
The whole "Summoner" roleplay shtick was stupid to begin withpretty surprised so may ppl is up in arms about the lore retcon thingie
like if u ask me that was a pretty good decision
Man, how can you guys enjoy playing Lucian? Last game I played him, and I just felt so bored.
Lucian's the only ADC I trust myself with, lol. I like the burst.
I should learn Corki.
As long as you're not rushing BOTRK or IE, you're on the right track.Holy shit Gnar is fun as hell. My initial thoughts on him being seemingly boring and not all that great to use because of the way his transformation works were totally wrong. The Jax I fought up top constantly fell for my transformation baits the entire game. It is so much fun to watch the team go into on you then you suddenly transform and they realize the mistake they have made.
Need to learn to build him better though.
how is this even possible, rito pls
pretty surprised so may ppl is up in arms about the lore retcon thingie
like if u ask me that was a pretty good decision
IERush BT or IE on Miss Fortune?
Eh, shoehorning in a continuity event just to hang on to the old scraps of disregarded lore won't do anything but hamstring the new stuff. I'd rather get a clean slate than some contrivance whose entire existense revolves around Riot winking at us to play along like it was a great lore-centric decision and not something clearly done for structure's sake. If anything, rewriting the entirety of the game's lore to better fit its contents is less lazy than saying, "And then this thing happened, and that's why everything fits and Mecha skins are cannon."Well I mean flat out retconning everything is pretty lazy. I'd have preferred they made it so that the institute lost power/influence over valoran and eventually crumbled. That'd make it so old lore was still relevant while still erasing the league from lore. Win win
i didn't even know there were enough people in EUWGaf to even make a ranked team.It's finally happening, NeoGAF EUW Team Ranked. We'll update you on the feeding soon.
i didn't even know there were enough people in EUWGaf to even make a ranked team.