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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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So someone explain how the whole LP thing works? What determines how much of it you get? I know it has to do with MMR. But does your MMR have to be lower than everyone or higher to get more?


So someone explain how the whole LP thing works? What determines how much of it you get?

It appears to be a little bit of your MMR vs your rank balanced against the MMR of your team and opponents.

I.e. if you are silver II but playing against a team who's average MMR is gold V then you will get more LP for a win. Conversely if the system has your MMR lower and you're playing against MMR silver II people you'll see small gains.


So someone explain how the whole LP thing works? What determines how much of it you get? I know it has to do with MMR. But does your MMR have to be lower than everyone or higher to get more?

The game calculates your MMR based on how you do in your games (it's an ELO system).

If you win a game, and your resulting MMR is higher than your current division, you'll get more LP. The further your MMR is above your current division, the more LP you'll get. By contrast, if you win a game and your resulting MMR is still lower than your current division, you'll get fewer LP for that win.

The same thing applies in reverse for losses.

Basically, LP act as a lagging indicator, so that you always move slowly towards the correct level for your MMR, but you don't take huge jumps up or down.
Summoners are beings from a parallel universe that study the battle techniques of these legends by fighting as their avatars in a virtual arena of their combined consciousness. The end game for them is to assimilate their skills and invade the realm of the legends. A new co-op arpg (faction based mmo?) game has you fighting off the super summoners as you are now actually playing one of the legends.

We were the bad guys all along.

So, Marvel Heroes 2, then?


So someone explain how the whole LP thing works? What determines how much of it you get? I know it has to do with MMR. But does your MMR have to be lower than everyone or higher to get more?

basically your mmr is where riot feels you should be, it's entirely separate from your ranking

the lp gains are stacked in a way so your ranking and your mmr are eventually matched. if you're s2 but riot feels like yo belong in g5 they'll give you higher lp gains than normal so that in time you'll get there (and you'll be matched with ppl higher your ranking since those are the opponents riot thinks you deserve)

if u lose many games against these ppl tho riot will lower your mmr so that it better matches your skill level and so you'll lp gains will lower as well since you're just a bronzie sucky player <3

that's why like pros can get an account to challenger in like 30 games or something, the system quickly realizes these guys are the real deal so they just shower them with lp so they go thru us mortals quickly

also works the other way around which is why some ppl win 15 lp and lose 20 or something. these people might've gotten a lucky streak and placed higher than they actually should be so riot eventually sets them straight


I guess its time to buy Orianna, how does she play?

Play pretty passively in lane but farming is easy enough. Lots of utility in her kit as well as one of the best team fight ulti's in the game.

Its really all about managing your ball and choosing the right abilities at the right time. She's kinda difficult to play but worth it if you take the time and effort.
I think you should play Orianna more aggressively. She's pretty good at zoning. One important thing with her laning is learning to pre-emptively use E. It's a very strong Lv1 skill to shrug off some damage in trades.


I guess its time to buy Orianna, how does she play?

super fun kit with like mixing autos with spells and micromanaging the ball and super duper ult of death and saving ppl from ignite and poking fools off turrets and making melees cry in lane and haha you'll never catch me silly darius and she has the same voice as glados

she's the best

and yea don't play her passive in lane what are you cray she's a lane bully that can give herself a shield and trade with ppl for free specially melees


Wow, bought Swain tonight after hearing that he is top tier at the moment (yes i like playing FOTM champs, sue me.) Goddamn he's strong! I went 9/0 my first game with him. His Ulti is super powerful.


I think LP can also be somewhat random with gains, like 20, then 15, then 21, for three wins in a row. It might be related to your team's ranking and the other team's ranking if you somehow got matched against a team that was SUPPOSED to win, but then you won anyway.

On an unrelated note:

This might be a decent example of early game champion performance. The other team had a Renekton against a Riven, and the Riven claimed they had 500 ms ping and even reconnecting didn't seem to fix it. Renekton did good early, kept killing Riven, and mocking our team in allchat.

The other team ALSO had a Pantheon, another good early game champion. They invaded our jungle off the bat, I tried to help, and we got murdered because the enemy mid Annie also came to help. I tried to help our jungler twice, and tried to help top lane once, and every time we got crushed and I got further behind. So, I then took the middle tower instead when Annie left. I died as a result of taking the tower, but I think my team managed to hold our own mid tower for a while as a result.

Basically the only thing holding us together was Caitlyn doing crazy midgame damage, and we started doing better as the game went on. The other team ALMOST came back with one great ult by Pantheon (they asked us to report him for trolling and selling his items for doran's blades or something, then he ulted and 4 of us died and only 1 of them...they got 3 towers and the middle inhib). Then he tried to do it again, went too far and died without his team, and we won.

But ultimately, I would guess part of it was Pantheon and Renekton being so strong early game, even though Renekton is still hard to kill late game.


If you purchase an item while dead, refund it, and purchase another item in that slot, it will not appear for enemies when they look at the scoreboard.
That sounds nasty. Can you at least see the items if you click on the enemy champion? I would hope Riot makes fixing that a priority.


they changed in this patch that you can no longer see what enemies bought after they died

maybe it's just that?

i dunno i haven't noticed anything weird

If you purchase an item while dead, refund it, and purchase another item in that slot, it will not appear for enemies when they look at the scoreboard.

Yeah, Pigeon got it. It's very annoying, I thought a Caitlyn was like brain dead and sold her bf sword. I go in thinking I can out trade her, damn I was wrong.


I might be done with ranked, I've never met more vile people in my life in this game.

Winning the game, Jax afks like a child then starts verbally abusing the whole team.


That's more of a silver thing. Not really all of ranked.

That doesn't really make me feel any better about it. If I have to play 100+ games to crawl outta this shit, then fuck that.

I mean we were winning, why? I don't fucking understand.


Yay, qualified for a promo series. I'm a bit nervous going in with a 6 game win streak, but ah well, here goes.

That doesn't really make me feel any better about it. If I have to play 100+ games to crawl outta this shit, then fuck that.

I mean we were winning, why? I don't fucking understand.

While play is marginally better in Silver than Bronze (at least Bronze 1 and 2), the people in Silver are far more toxic. Nobody believes that they belong here, nobody wants to do anything but carry. If they can't carry, they'd rather lose than take share in a win where they couldn't whip their e-peen out and swing it around.


Yay, qualified for a promo series. I'm a bit nervous going in with a 6 game win streak, but ah well, here goes.

While play is marginally better in Silver than Bronze (at least Bronze 1 and 2), the people in Silver are far more toxic. Nobody believes that they belong here, nobody wants to do anything but carry. If they can't carry, they'd rather lose than take share in a win where they couldn't whip their e-peen out and swing it around.
Yeah, a lot of gold wannabees in silver. A lot of diamond wannabees in plat too.


I'll probably never play ranked again, honestly

You guys would not believe the shit I've seen. Katarina support, jungle blitz, endless trick udyr wannabes that try to solo dragon, so many "gg's" at first blood, AFKers, intentional feeders, 1v5-then-blame-teammates-for-not-wardingers, raqequitters, homophobes, racists, toxic-ass motherfuckers and worst of all, ADCs that rush Runaan's Hurricane.

I stared into the maw of hell itself. I want to try to get to gold but I don't even think it's worth it.


I was one win from promos today, then 4 losses in a row. Just won one after losing a mid inhib and both nexus towers. My best lee game yet, 9/4/27


I'll probably never play ranked again, honestly

You guys would not believe the shit I've seen. Katarina support, jungle blitz, endless trick udyr wannabes that try to solo dragon, so many "gg's" at first blood, AFKers, intentional feeders, 1v5-then-blame-teammates-for-not-wardingers, raqequitters, homophobes, racists, toxic-ass motherfuckers and worst of all, ADCs that rush Runaan's Hurricane.

I stared into the maw of hell itself. I want to try to get to gold but I don't even think it's worth it.
You've merely been adopted by ranked.

I started playing ranked at lvl 30. Molded by it. Went from bronze to diamond. I've seen horrors you can't even imagine.


Definitely go for gold. It only gets better from here.


Promo series match 1 a success. Their Caitlyn raged hard after the game. Claimed to be a platinum smurf, but a platinum Caitlyn player would never be so stupid at to 1v1 a fed Talon. She did. GG.


I don't understand why so many people lie about being a smurf account. I would say in about 99% of cases when someone says they are smurfing or boosting a friend's account, they end up being terrible and it's painfully obvious that they're just bad.
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