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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I've been as low as 900 Elo which what I assume is Bronze V. Currently Gold II but with low Plat MMR right now. I think mid-Gold is when I start seeing people not doing really dumb stuff and actually care about objectives.

I'm just riding the Morgana freelo hopefully into Diamond.


Why are so many people building Last Whisper on Talon first? Nobody is buying armor that early unless you're just going to roam to top a lot. I almost always build out Hydra, Brutalizer, Mobi boots, and Youmuu's before the LW. Odd that so many people are getting the LW earlier according to lolbuilder.

StreakWatch 2014 is still on.



During my bronze (my elo was 900-I was that bad) to gold climb in s2, I gotta say I didn't notice shit.

All I did game after game was endless pushing as graves, get tower, rotate to mid and get that tower and then get that weird dragon thing because it gave some gold. Game was won by then since I could just dash in and melt stuff.

Doing this pretty much forced everyone to group up as 5 since I was running through the lanes and shepherding my team while stealing their farm.

Then I realised that objectives was the main reason why this was working so I started to go back to jungling.

Did the same thing with Udyr to get to plat in s3. (Camp top to get top turret, get top to come mid to 3 man mid then dragon then 5 man bot.) 13 or so wins in a row using this strategy in gold.

Then the plat 1 clamping began. +0lp bullcrap :c


now if i could find the willpower to get to damn plat 5

i lost my will to try and get to diamond but just reaching plat would do wonders for my self esteem
You can get diamond, you just need to find a champion that fits your personality!


You can get diamond, you just need to find a champion that fits your personality!

towards the end of s3 i actually had all the intent in the world to get to d5 but tbh i've lost interest

it's not even stressful or anything but it just feels like a waste of time to play yolo q


Orianna and her father, for example – they can still be who you know them to be. She can still be a girl with hopes and dreams that met a tragic end. Her father can still be a man driven to questionable means to bring her back and let her live those dreams. THOSE are story beats that are important to Orianna. The Institute of War is merely a detail, it doesn't define her.

totally glad rito's acknowledging this and maybe giving her a less stupid bio <3

she has to have one of the most random stories in the whole effing game lol


Bought Evelynn, was really fun the first game, pretty easy too if your team is already fairly ahead (mid was losing but elsewhere was good).


Second game? Not so much ._. They had a full AP Amumu mid, Nida/Ezreal bot lane going full ham (no sightstone/supp item) and Lee Sin top, Yi jungle.


Our mid Ahri fed mad to the Amumu and Ez/Nida botlane snowballed hard. ._. I felt pretty useless at times versus Amumu.

I didn't do so well, as I lost control of our jungle and I started being behind levels/farm.

Any tips are much appreciated! bonus info btw, that Ahri is the same unpleasant person, the Yasuo guy. XD


Regarding boots, how come the Mobility boots are favoured over the white boots?

cos mobi boots are better for roaming

swifies are nice every now and then if enemy team has little hard cc and tons of slows but even in that case you wouldn't want it on support either
I'll probably never play ranked again, honestly

You guys would not believe the shit I've seen. Katarina support, jungle blitz, endless trick udyr wannabes that try to solo dragon, so many "gg's" at first blood, AFKers, intentional feeders, 1v5-then-blame-teammates-for-not-wardingers, raqequitters, homophobes, racists, toxic-ass motherfuckers and worst of all, ADCs that rush Runaan's Hurricane.

I stared into the maw of hell itself. I want to try to get to gold but I don't even think it's worth it.
We've all been there.

Plus you just left Bronze, it gets a lot better at Silver - though not much - so go for broke.
I don't want to imagine how Ahri lost to Amumu in lane.

Anyway if someone is bad/toxic, don't join queue straight after the game, wait 5 mins so you dont get them again.


I don't want to imagine how Ahri lost to Amumu in lane.

Anyway if someone is bad/toxic, don't join queue straight after the game, wait 5 mins so you dont get them again.

Well, he missed his Charms and kept getting hooked on bandages. Yi didn't even gank him more than twice? And I was at bot or top those times. I tried to help top mostly because that person we play with uses advantages very well, but it all faded. I kinda sucked anyway on that game, I tunnel visioned vs the Ezreal when in their jungle and I thought Nida was gonna be dead for longer. ._.

Well, he's kind of a friend of another guy so... D; The other guy isn't so toxic/easy on tilt but at least can play.


The only difference between bronze and gold is people not trying stupid shit that makes absolutely no sense. Kat jungle, Yi support, etc.


Mid Gold is elo heaven. Everyone feels accomplished that they aren't Silver or Bronze. We all have our end of season rewards locked in so no pressure there. Diamond is a far away dream that we don't have to sweat over. Plat is just another tick up the rung that doesn't seem that important.

Elo heaven.


I'll probably never play ranked again, honestly

You guys would not believe the shit I've seen. Katarina support, jungle blitz, endless trick udyr wannabes that try to solo dragon, so many "gg's" at first blood, AFKers, intentional feeders, 1v5-then-blame-teammates-for-not-wardingers, raqequitters, homophobes, racists, toxic-ass motherfuckers and worst of all, ADCs that rush Runaan's Hurricane.

I stared into the maw of hell itself. I want to try to get to gold but I don't even think it's worth it.

Nothing changes in silver, friend. Sorry to break it to you :p

Swain is a really strong champion though, gonna try to ride him to gold right along with you!
But bot is fun for ad curry too.
Well I'm still having fun, but masochistically.

It probably gets better once I start playing with people that actually want to support. Plus I've given up on Plat this season so I'll just spam the fuck outta Jinx and become dobolift


I feel that bot lane is one of the most fun ones, but it can be hit or miss. ADC is really stressful but if it works well, then you feel amazing, but if you get shat on then you feel like a total scrublord.

As support, I only get stressed if there's no good synergy with the ADC. Like sometimes you wanna play aggressive and the ADC wants to be passive or viceversa. Or sometimes either of you make an engage the other isn't sure so idk.

I think it's the most interesting one really!


Renekton's an ex-good guy now, eh?

Don't mind the story, really. Like it better than Nasus and Renek being Stargaters.


Turning him into Jafar, it seems

I dig the new backstory. Plus Nasus, Renekton and Azir being transformed humans is kinda cool.

This is so god damn stupid.

Xerath was once a good guy who made bad decisions that gave his life away to become magic. He had a dilemma between his dreams and his girl.

Now he's a classic Saturday morning cartoon villian.

I like Nasus and Renek being god like beings instead of humans turned into animals :(


This is so god damn stupid.

Xerath was once a good guy who made bad decisions that gave his life away to become magic. He had a dilemma between his dreams and his girl.

Now he's a classic Saturday morning cartoon villian.

I like Nasus and Renek being god like beings instead of humans turned into animals :(
It's worth it for the Sivir lines tho.


Really need to get my ass back into ranked again sitting at Sliver 3 just now but only been playing normals a lot and keep getting high golds and low to mid plats in my games.

Think I could make it to gold before the end of the season.
Of course, I get the only 2 terrible games in a long time during my promos. One game had Rammus who kept initiating without us and doesn't talk. The other had a DC'd Cait. Looking at her match history, she played a lot today... and left a lot.


Mid Gold is elo heaven. Everyone feels accomplished that they aren't Silver or Bronze. We all have our end of season rewards locked in so no pressure there. Diamond is a far away dream that we don't have to sweat over. Plat is just another tick up the rung that doesn't seem that important.

Elo heaven.
This would make sense, except this season the end-of-season rewards AREN'T locked in. There's what, 2-3 months left in the season, so 15+ ranked games left? If you lose 15 in a row, that's potentially -300 LP, and I wouldn't be surprised if that would be enough to demote someone in gold 3-5 down to silver, even though in theory it's supposed to wait until they're a full 5 tiers below.

My math is probably bad but you get the idea.


Everything is moe to me
This would make sense, except this season the end-of-season rewards AREN'T locked in. There's what, 2-3 months left in the season, so 15+ ranked games left? If you lose 15 in a row, that's potentially -300 LP, and I wouldn't be surprised if that would be enough to demote someone in gold 3-5 down to silver, even though in theory it's supposed to wait until they're a full 5 tiers below.

My math is probably bad but you get the idea.
you only need to play 1 game a month to not go into decay. even if you didnt play it would take another 9 weeks to decay into silver 5 from 0lp gold 3.


This would make sense, except this season the end-of-season rewards AREN'T locked in. There's what, 2-3 months left in the season, so 15+ ranked games left? If you lose 15 in a row, that's potentially -300 LP, and I wouldn't be surprised if that would be enough to demote someone in gold 3-5 down to silver, even though in theory it's supposed to wait until they're a full 5 tiers below.

My math is probably bad but you get the idea.

Ok. "Virtually" locked in. You'd have to actually belong in Gold and not go on one of the most epic losing streaks ever to get demoted to Silver from mid gold and not have enough sense to just quit when you hit Gold V.


Elo heaven.
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