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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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In this lore, Kassadin is a eunuch

"The Void" indeed.

I hadn't played in almost a month and I learned two things in my 6 support matches.

1.) I should have watched a few Braum videos to get a better handle on how best to use his abilities. Could really have helped. Well, could have helped if I didn't have a Kog'Maw who managed to get hooked non-stop by the opposing Thresh or a Vayne who is by far the worst pairing for Braum I've played with to date. Should have re-rolled that Team Builder match. Definitely need to use his W and E more aggressively, which suits me just fine. I don't even play Janna as a babysitter.

2.) I'm absolutely terrible at Thresh. Oh God am I terrible at Thresh. Under no circumstance should I play Thresh. I just can't do it. I find it hard to do anything impactful with him when you have an idiot teammate.

Dumped Thresh [again] from my support pool. Gonna leave Braum in there because he can do things my other supports can't, but until I start getting paired with a higher caliber of ADC players bot I'll be sticking my less dependent supports like Zyra, Nami, and Lulu. Gonna practice Braum for another ~5 matches then try my hand at new Sona.
This would make sense, except this season the end-of-season rewards AREN'T locked in. There's what, 2-3 months left in the season, so 15+ ranked games left? If you lose 15 in a row, that's potentially -300 LP, and I wouldn't be surprised if that would be enough to demote someone in gold 3-5 down to silver, even though in theory it's supposed to wait until they're a full 5 tiers below.

My math is probably bad but you get the idea.
theres literally no way for me to decay from gold 3 to silver 1 in the time it takes for me to get my rewards if i just sit on my ranked stats.

also korean voices now.


i think i got to gold by playing something like 2 games a day for like two weeks or something?

must've been what like 25 games or something, mostly playing 3 or 4 champions. i skipped some divisions tho

getting to g1 was about the same


Anyone have some good building tips for Evelynn and Pantheon (both jungle)? I can look at probuilds, and I do that, but I am sometimes a bit clueless on what building depending on matchups, etc.

So any good tips are very much appreciated! <3 ty
Anyone have some good building tips for Evelynn and Pantheon (both jungle)? I can look at probuilds, and I do that, but I am sometimes a bit clueless on what building depending on matchups, etc.

So any good tips are very much appreciated! <3 ty
Elder Lizard into tank.

if you're facing heavy MR teams, hexdrinker into Veil is a decent pickup, although I tend to skip on damage items if my team is sufficiently beefy.
I was 71-60 before I hit Gold V last season. I ended S2 at ~Bronze V and had a terrible streak around Silver. I don't think I ever played more than 3 matches per day.
I'm almost at Level 29 and should be at 30 soon. So with good placement matches and some luck, might I be able to reach Gold V by the end of S4?


Anyone have some good building tips for Evelynn and Pantheon (both jungle)? I can look at probuilds, and I do that, but I am sometimes a bit clueless on what building depending on matchups, etc.

So any good tips are very much appreciated! <3 ty

I haven't played eve in a while so I can't comment there.

On Pantheon I usually go elder lizard -> tier 1 boots -> Black Cleaver -> mobos -> LW -> tank. This is a build I do when i'm fed, if you aren't really getting kills I think it would be best to skip LW and go right into tank.


Anyone have some good building tips for Evelynn and Pantheon (both jungle)? I can look at probuilds, and I do that, but I am sometimes a bit clueless on what building depending on matchups, etc.

So any good tips are very much appreciated! <3 ty

For Pantheon, elder lizard into brutalizer is pretty much core. I'd do that almost every game unless something really crazy is going on.

From there you should go with the game flow:

Snowballing hard? Have tanky top? Last whisper into tank is a good approach

Middle of the road game, have an assassin mid and a really strong midgame botlane? Go right into tanky items.

Losing game? Usually better to build tanky if you are losing. Focus on objectives and setting up kills for your lanes with ult and stun.

Which tank item? If it's an AD heavy opponent team, Randuins is a staple. AP heavy team? Maybe you want hexdrinker or banshees. I almost always go armor item first. It's better for tanking objectives. I tend to dive a lot with Pantheon. His passive + armor = good dive potential.

For boots, I usually get merc treads if there's any need at all for tenacity especially since I usually build an armor item first (see above).

If the opponents have an all AD team with a couple strong auto attackers, thornmail is a fun item (happens a lot more lately).


I'm at Silver IV now. I can play 2-3 games a night max. Any realistic shot at getting to Gold?

don't get stuck with idiots and you probably can. i'm trying to get gold myself. finally got to silver II and am now at 0 LP. i was on a 10 game win streak somehow but after being promoted i get stuck with people that won't listen.

the first game after i got promoted we had an udyr who kept on insisting that he split push bot and not help the team in team fights, ever. even after we said please help mid over and over he says "don't worry i'll be there". we get wrecked 4v5 mid and he's still bot trying to push towers faster than 3 of them pushing mid. obviously he can't so we lose.

second game we have a warwick jungle who absolutely will not gank. he is level 8 now and i said please come help bot. his words were "i can't do anything". your entire job as a jungler is to help lanes and gank them. i said just come ult their cait. so he runs down bot, in a 2v1 and ults cait and dies. so he said "there i ulted her".

just so tired of these people that won't listen or help their team.
Anyone have some good building tips for Evelynn and Pantheon (both jungle)? I can look at probuilds, and I do that, but I am sometimes a bit clueless on what building depending on matchups, etc.

So any good tips are very much appreciated! <3 ty
For Eve, go Elder Lizard into one AD item - either BoTRK or Hexdrinker if they have burst - then just straight up tank stuff.


Elder Lizard into tank.

if you're facing heavy MR teams, hexdrinker into Veil is a decent pickup, although I tend to skip on damage items if my team is sufficiently beefy.

My problem on the second game of Evelynn was that all our lanes were losing, with only top being even. I was behind on farm/assists as well so my damage was super poopy. What to do at that point? Suck it up and farm?

That's my problem as jungler, I can't really see the big picture most of the time of what my actions/enemy jungler actions will affect, and take advantage of it.
Ah, well the thought was nice. As long as I don't end up in Bronze V, I'll consider it a victory.
It's better to not have any expectations when starting up ranked for the first time. It's a different game, basically.

My problem on the second game of Evelynn was that all our lanes were losing, with only top being even. I was behind on farm/assists as well so my damage was super poopy. What to do at that point? Suck it up and farm?

That's my problem as jungler, I can't really see the big picture most of the time of what my actions/enemy jungler actions will affect, and take advantage of it.
You can farm, try to snowball your top lane or try to force bot lane fights so you can grab Drag and try to help your entire team - not recommended.

Usually in cases like this you'll want to try and make something out of one of your winning lanes to get some pressure off the others.


supports don't do it for the glory

That's for sure. Makes it all the more sweet when someone says something like "Nami carry" though.

I try to commend the support and jungle in my team if they played well. Probably more out bias than anything because I play those two roles the most, but it's rough sometimes being shit on when things aren't your fault (jungle) and completely overlooked when things go right (support).


why anyone would want to go through the stress of playing jungler is beyond me

tbh, to me it feels like being a support that can farm minions and if lucky can get lots of delicious assists! Maybe I play it wrong but that's what I like doing when jungling!

And also, thanks for the tips! It is true that I should have helped top harder (I know I could have), in order to shut down that Lee Sin, but after mid's first turret got obliterated so early, I lost focus and it went down the drain.


zkylon said:
why anyone would want to go through the stress of playing jungler is beyond me

The belt buckle on my only belt is too small to perform self-flagellation correctly. In hindsight I could have saved money buying a better belt instead of playing this "free" game. So free.


I used to play jungle, but getting blamed for people feeding made me stop. If you're down 0-2 and 20 cs 15 minutes in, I'm just gonna try to snowball another lane.

I'm a terrible jungler, lol.
Won 2 ranked games yesterday and didn't get a lot of LP. Riot doesn't want me to leave Silver IV. I think I spent one game at 0 LP before being demoted from Silver III.

Granted last season I was lucky and won about 70% of my games even though I only played 20, but this season I'm like 22-37. I guess it balances out.

I played this game as Garen top against Renekton. I went full armour since they also had a Cait, Talon, and Vi (with Voli support). Unfortunately our Braum had connection problems and our Lucian wasn't very good without him, so we lost.


why anyone would want to go through the stress of playing jungler is beyond me

For me at least, it goes both ways. It can be super stressful and you can have a shitty experience where you can't influence lanes like you want to, but you also have a huge potential to make a big impact on the game. I usually feel like I have the best chance of winning when I play well as the jungler. Sometimes I play really well toplane and then fail to make an impact elsewhere, which sucks.


tbh while junglers usually get unjustly blamed i feel like the game puts a bigger than necessary responsibility on them

it's more of a meta thing than rito's fault tho, but they could try and open junglers to a bit more leeway while making pretty laners sometimes feel like you got a bad dice roll and enemy jungler's just out to making you miserable

but i don't play jungler so i don't pretend to know what they want, just feels like they're blamed so much because they're so fucking strong early on


Holy shit team comp makes such a huge difference in 3s. Playing with my ranked 3s team yesterday absolutely dominating with Malphite/Hecarim/Orianna. You just win every teamfight with well-placed wombo combos. Wukong and Yasuo would be great too, but more often than not they're banned in 3s.

Also can someone invite me to that EUWest ranked team? I main support, jungle and adc in that order. IGN is TheNatmaster.


I've tried pretty much all roles "mained" to an extent (except top). I've had the most success in Mid and jungle over the seasons. I feel like I exert the most influence over the game and have my destiny in my hands more than any other role.

I only switched from mid because it was such a contested role and when people are forced into jungle, it was really bad for my chances. I figured I could do that and make life easier. Now jungle is pretty contested but mid is contested more so I stick with jungle. It's definitely my best role hands down.

You get a ton of crap if the game is going poorly, especially if you pick a farming jungler. But you get a lot of influence over vision and objectives. I still think it's the most challenging role though. There is a LOT of game management and knowledge involved.


I don't play a lot of jungler, but I do fairly well when I do.

The biggest annoyance I have is that so many people expect the jungler to win their lane for them. They complain about lack of ganks, that they're getting camped, that they get too many ganks, that their lane gets taxed too much, or whatever.

I don't bother the jungler when I play aside from maybe a ping if the lane is pushed up and my opponent is in a prime position to get easily ganked or if I know where the enemy jungler is and we can both pounce on him. Otherwise, I let him play it how he wants, let him choose which lanes need help, and generally trust him not to dork it up.


it's more of a meta thing than rito's fault tho, but they could try and open junglers to a bit more leeway while making pretty laners sometimes feel like you got a bad dice roll and enemy jungler's just out to making you miserable

I read this and I was like, "This must be a typo, zkylon isn't really saying he's worried more about the experience of pretty laners."

Then I thought about it and decided it was probably okay.

From the boards it looks like the first preseason change we're likely to see will be a big shakeup to jungle to try to "allow for different playstyles." So we'll see what happens. They have been pretty clear that they'd like to create an AFK-farm direction for junglers if they really want to do that, and that Feral Flare was not the right way.


towards the end of s3 i actually had all the intent in the world to get to d5 but tbh i've lost interest

it's not even stressful or anything but it just feels like a waste of time to play yolo q

Diamond in LAN is very easy (compared to NA). I feel like LAS should be about the same. I'm almost diamond LAN in my 60 games smurf.

On the other hand, I'm a Gold in heart Plat 1 NA player. #demotedtoplat #idontdeservetowatchworlds #ocholpgains


Diamond in LAN is very easy (compared to NA). I feel like LAS should be about the same. I'm almost diamond LAN in my 60 games smurf.

On the other hand, I'm a Gold in heart Plat 1 NA player. #demotedtoplat #idontdeservetowatchworlds #ocholpgains
#RIP Elite 4

newt did i do well


I don't play a lot of jungler, but I do fairly well when I do.

The biggest annoyance I have is that so many people expect the jungler to win their lane for them. They complain about lack of ganks, that they're getting camped, that they get too many ganks, that their lane gets taxed too much, or whatever.

I don't bother the jungler when I play aside from maybe a ping if the lane is pushed up and my opponent is in a prime position to get easily ganked or if I know where the enemy jungler is and we can both pounce on him. Otherwise, I let him play it how he wants, let him choose which lanes need help, and generally trust him not to dork it up.

You've got a pretty good handle on it. Don't expect the jungler to always know the best lane to gank. They're making decisions on a broader scale and sometimes miss the minute details or don't know that you blew someone's flash and they came back to lane with no wards.

When I play mid, I'm sure to communicate where wards are and if the enemy has no summoners. That's valuable info for a jungler.

Now it IS super frustrating when they don't do anything with that info. Case in point, my recent Yasuo vs Anivia game. I was having a bit of a tough time (she had 3 kills from ganks) but managed to pop Anivia's egg AND take her flash. And she was still pushed more than halfway up the lane with no wards. I communicated this to the Warwick jungle (who had ult) but instead of going mid for the real easy kill, he farmed for another 2 minutes then went bot and gave up a double kill to the massively stronger enemy bot lane. When stuff like that happens, I kinda understand the jungler rage. But I wouldn't expect him to have this info if I didn't communicate it.

In the end, the jungler is usually just a scapegoat. It happens. That's what mute is for.


From the boards it looks like the first preseason change we're likely to see will be a big shakeup to jungle to try to "allow for different playstyles."

3rd time's the charm, I guess. I actually like where the jungle is right now, mostly. The changes I'd like to see happen probably never will, so whatever.


lastshadow on ori is actually kind of good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrAEyJM2P5k&feature=em-uploademail

he has a bunch of points i think are really good ones:

* trading your health for their mana if you have hp pot advantage
* playing aggressively if you have blue buff advantage
* blue pot + seekers > nlr on zhonyas build
* don't buy homeguards "just cause", if there's nothing to contest why bother
* stop caring about kda and leave kills to your jungler so you can get kill+assist gold
* click a lot next to your champion to be able to turn faster
* ult more as ori! that player made me bite my fingers off! like holy shit!
* always watch out for jungler hp to predict where he's going next (low hp prolly base or camp+base but no gank probably!)

I read this and I was like, "This must be a typo, zkylon isn't really saying he's worried more about the experience of pretty laners."

Then I thought about it and decided it was probably okay.

i don't understand :/

From the boards it looks like the first preseason change we're likely to see will be a big shakeup to jungle to try to "allow for different playstyles." So we'll see what happens. They have been pretty clear that they'd like to create an AFK-farm direction for junglers if they really want to do that, and that Feral Flare was not the right way.
i don't think they'll want to support "afk farming" but probably just open up something other than what exists right now, specially in competitive

like afk farming is a playstyle i think is absolutely idiotic and should be burned to the ground. i'm all for "alternative playstyles" but that's not a playstyle, it's just one guy taking over the game and you being prevented from having fun until he decides it's time to play. i hate it. die die die die

this goes for other stupid scaling champions like nasus btw, seeing them nasus fucking q every single minion in a wave at minute 55 just makes me wanna ughjasdlasda

Diamond in LAN is very easy (compared to NA). I feel like LAS should be about the same. I'm almost diamond LAN in my 60 games smurf.

On the other hand, I'm a Gold in heart Plat 1 NA player. #demotedtoplat #idontdeservetowatchworlds #ocholpgains
yea that delicious 60 ping really makes a difference

sometimes i feel like even 60 is too much


I hope Swain doesn't become popular. I liked being the only bronzie to play him. :(

Now people will know that all you have to do is gank me and I'm useless, haha. Although if I get first blood and a 5 minute catalyst, I dare them to gank me

Swain god demands tribute
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