Blade craft.Sewn Chaos or Gothic Orianna? Can't decide between the 2.
Sewn ChaosSewn Chaos or Gothic Orianna? Can't decide between the 2.
lolol that's really sadI play on 120 ;(.
But on a good day it's 60.
Canadian ISPs.
don't. use it always, ppl that don't know ori will tell u "awww you only hit one" but you'll know better and that pick got you the dragon.My biggest flaw with Ori is being too wary of ulting.
Plus playing with 200 ping makes using smartcast indicators impossible.
Sewn Chaos or Gothic Orianna? Can't decide between the 2.
I can play on 200 ping fine with full smartcast, but 200 ping makes using the indicators impossible because they give you a huge delay between a press and a release :/don't. use it always, ppl that don't know ori will tell u "awww you only hit one" but you'll know better and that pick got you the dragon.
also yea 200 ping is pretty painful. i used to play ori and lux on that ping in na server and ehhh i don't wanna ever again
I thought all he could say was rawrI thought Renekton could only say "destruction".
Jungle just has way too many highs and lows. It's great when your lanes are okay, horrible when their not. Or seeing the lanes take a shit load of damage compared to their opponent, so a gank is very iffy. Then to watch them back and return to lane only to lose a big trade again before you get there.
Yes bot lane, sure I'll gank those 2 full health champions while you guys are at 20% health, I'd love to give them a double.
The most frustrating thing is when your laners are losing and they aren't even being ganked by the opposing jungler. If you die once don't go back into lane and try to fight again, just farm up and play safe. Then they start blaming you for them losing one on one.
Like you said it definitely has the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, I guess that's why I enjoy it so much.
damn is renekton giving xerath a german suplex
I can play on 200 ping fine with full smartcast, but 200 ping makes using the indicators impossible because they give you a huge delay between a press and a release :/
ok i thought this was completely awesome
I play on 120 ;(.
But on a good day it's 60.
Canadian ISPs.
damn is renekton giving xerath a german suplex
I'm well aware. It's exactly why I've never played and never will play on the BR server.yea you say that until you try 60
then it's just no going back
when i moved to this server i played lux for like 20 games straight
it was beautiful T_T
I'm well aware. It's exactly why I've never played and never will play on the BR server.
I don't want to be bound by latency to that shithole
At a certain point you don't care about glory. It's all about dat lp.
Hell yes. Though it is nice to get friend requests from teammates.
I don't want to try out lower latencies to make me feel like shit for playing on NA. I don't know if that makes any sense, really, but all I know is I don't want a reason to play on BR, ignorance is bliss.huh that doesn't make any sense
I've always played on that ping so I'm 100% used to it. There's only a few things that are really complicated to do in it - smartcast indicators, complex animation cancelling combos like Ali's WQI don't know how you manage to play with that ping, I think it becomes really hard to play with 80+ ping. I usually get 27-33 ping.
It's easily the worst part of her kit.Her ult is the only reason I never pick her.
do u guys have persona 4 tips for me ive only ever gotten to the end of the first dungeon
Her ult is the only reason I never pick her. They need a tiny bit of AD scaling on that damn thing.
do u guys have persona 4 tips for me ive only ever gotten to the end of the first dungeon
I get quite a few cleanup kills on her ult or at the early part of a team it scatters the team fight as they scramble to get clear. It makes team fights so much better because once they scatter, and usually the AD retreats backwards, you can pick 1-2 of them early.
It's way better than Lucian's ult, which is just a wet noodle slap and 90% of the shots end up missing anyway.
Edit: Her E is the worst part of her kit, let's not be silly. Sure, it can slow and that's good for escaping ganks, but man, it does nothing, even to minions.
Lucien can move during his, makes his better by far. Also scales with AD.
if you don't miss the first shot and you aren't retarded when you move, it does serious damage.So he misses while he moves, I don't think that's too awesome. It's one of the easiest ults to dodge in the game.
lucian's ult is way better than mfs
any ult that makes you channel for a while standing still sucks
if you don't miss the first shot and you aren't retarded when you move, it does serious damage.
You see that chick with the silky black hair and red jacket?do u guys have persona 4 tips for me ive only ever gotten to the end of the first dungeon
applies to MF much more than lucian lol, especially considering he still has access to his dash while using the Culling.But you can cancel it and move if needed. I love when Lucian gets the Culling going and some assassin just comes in from the side and blows him up while he just takes it or tries feebly to get away.
you dont see it in the lcs because no one plays lucian in the lcs except for wild turtle.Yeah, but like, this doesn't even happen in the LCS.
type u should make a smurf and play with karma poiice. i'm leveling it to 30 right now.Bleh got sent home from work today. So tired of being sick. Guess I get to watch the worlds draw.
But you can cancel it and move if needed. I love when Lucian gets the Culling going and some assassin just comes in from the side and blows him up while he just takes it or tries feebly to get away.
Yeah, but like, this doesn't even happen in the LCS.
Her ult is the only reason I never pick her. They need a tiny bit of AD scaling on that damn thing.
AD Scaling magic damage with an ult that has AP scaling physical damageDoesn't it technically scale with AD because of the impure shots stack?
Maybe I'll try it. I'm in Alberta too.Try WTFast. My ping went from ~100 to ~70 or lower from Alberta.
Doesn't it technically scale with AD because of the impure shots stack?