Ya but it's magic damage...
Do people run hybrid pen runs on MF?
it's still like 20% magic 80% physical
you want ad like with any other adc
Ya but it's magic damage...
Do people run hybrid pen runs on MF?
It's way better than Lucian's ult, which is just a wet noodle slap and 90% of the shots end up missing anyway.
Edit: Her E is the worst part of her kit, let's not be silly. Sure, it can slow and that's good for escaping ganks, but man, it does nothing, even to minions.
Physical damage per shot: 40 / 50 / 60 (+25% bonus AD) (+10% AP)
Shots Fired: 7.5 + (7.5 / 9 / 10.5 × attack speed at the time of cast)
Maximum Shots: 26 / 30 / 33
Maximum Total Damage: 1040 / 1500 / 1980 (+650 / 750 / 825% bonus AD) (+260 / 300 / 330% AP)
Look at the numbers. Obviously MF ult is multi-target but it's not like AD carries are usually even interested in that. Then you take into account that at max rank Lucian ult is half of MF's ult, and can be used to clear waves for this reason. Make It Rain is fine. 300 base damage plus a 65% AOE slow. Really Lucian's ult is just a good way to secure damage on long range targets and clear waves. You don't have to open up with it, which is why it's ideal.New Stack Limit: 6 / 7 / 8
Max Magic Damage: 36 / 42 / 48% AD
Physical Damage Per Wave: 50 / 75 / 125 (+ 20% AP)
Max Physical Damage: 400 / 600 / 1000 (+ 160% AP)
it's kind of a weird spell in that it'd be actually really good if it weren't on an adcarryMF's ulti isn't even her problem. Her E is a useless piece of shit ability that you shouldn't even level up.
I can't think of a meta that would suit MF that other adcs wouldn't be better anyways.it's kind of a weird spell in that it'd be actually really good if it weren't on an adcarry
mf's fine, she just needs a meta
Ya but it's magic damage...
Do people run hybrid pen runs on MF?
Ping went down to 55! Thanks drawkcaB!Maybe I'll try it. I'm in Alberta too.
It adds like 50 magic damage per shot later onJust saying it does scale with AD. I have no idea whether not that magic damage scaling is even any good. MF is one of maybe 10 champions I haven't tried.
yeah that's also trueI can't think of a meta that would suit MF that other adcs wouldn't be better anyways.
Even with something like Curse of the Sad Bullet Time came back, who would pick MF instead of say, Jinx or Twitch? I do agree she is fine but she's not going anywhere competitively speaking
yea that delicious 60 ping really makes a difference
sometimes i feel like even 60 is too much
yea my bad i haven't slept in a whileI actually meant that I have 60(ish) ranked games and I'm close to Diamond. I initially placed in Silver III. Ranked in LAN/LAS is easier, but the rage/troll/stupidity I find more frequent. Maybe that's Platinum everywhere.
Ping went down to 55! Thanks drawkcaB!
Try making a LAN account instead. I went from 104-108 ms ping on the east coast to 30-32 ms.Tried using it in Florida and only noticed a 5-10ms change in ping. I am forever doomed to play league at 120-140ms.
i wanted to kill someone when sivir flashed into their tower to chase vayne and died
Bye League, hello Destiny.
Achieved gold today with a promo series of 3-2. Apparently instead of Renekton top, Nami support is my calling, 8-1 as a support.
Any other gaffers trying to gold need to get the memo: play Nami, git guld.
Grats btw.
Can't wait for the brand new server crashes at launch, that would be a nice change of pace from LeagueBye League, hello Destiny.
That bit about learning how to allow others to carry you? This is how you do it
Can't wait for the brand new server crashes at launch, that would be a nice change of pace from League
Doesn't work when your mid,jungle,and top lane fall within 8 minutes.
Can't wait for the brand new server crashes at launch, that would be a nice change of pace from League
end game reward for penta kill
feral flare transforms into boots
When is season 4 over?
0/4/22 Sona - so good feeling.
I have no right to feel this good after a LOL game.
And at one point, I helped a Yasuo do a pentakill on the enemy team. 2v5, we won, I did not even die. WoW.
Nov. 2 more ranked games for me.
Fuck hope that's enough, with my games I'm not sure.
It was weird so now rene and nasus are friends?
Hey, that's not nice to Ocho. :'(you gotta do an epic kind of terrible to be demoted, don't sweat it too much
That makes sense, I was going to say, do they have to redo all of Renekton's annoying voice lines where he's obsessed with Nasus?They were once friends but then being trapped in a tomb with Xerath corrupted him and made him evil.
Why doesn't Renekton shoot lightning?They were once friends but then being trapped in a tomb with Xerath corrupted him and made him evil.
Why doesn't Renekton shoot lightning?
The cool ones that build Bloodthirster.What rene buys a shiv?!