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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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rip newt.
Yeah, pretty sure a snowstorm brought my internet connection down. It's still summer, right?



I'm so doomed, I got to 2 straight wins in my first gold promotion series. I had over a 70% win rate with Maokai, like 17-7. First game, I played badly and got crushed, and so did all other lanes.

Second game, Maokai banned so I don't even get to play the odds. :( Our jungler seems angry, so here is what someone said:

starreaper89: calm your tits they are red and swollen with rage
starreaper89: i would recommend soothing allovera
There is just no better feeling in this game than being a fed AD TF. Nothing even comes close. I've played this game since most of you were still in the womb (like almost 5 years), thousands of games, almost every champ, nothing compares to AD TF. There is no other champ in the game that I can play every single game and NOT get bored. That's a huge feat in a game like this, to have a champ so damn fun to play, so satisfying, that you just never get bored of him ever. It's incredible.
There is just no better feeling in this game than being a fed AD TF. Nothing even comes close. I've played this game since most of you were still in the womb (like almost 5 years), thousands of games, almost every champ, nothing compares to AD TF. There is no other champ in the game that I can play every single game and NOT get bored. That's a huge feat in a game like this, to have a champ so damn fun to play, so satisfying, that you just never get bored of him ever. It's incredible.
im pretty sure im no longer in elementary school


I'm so doomed, I got to 2 straight wins in my first gold promotion series. I had over a 70% win rate with Maokai, like 17-7. First game, I played badly and got crushed, and so did all other lanes.

Second game, Maokai banned so I don't even get to play the odds. :( Our jungler seems angry, so here is what someone said:

starreaper89: calm your tits they are red and swollen with rage
starreaper89: i would recommend soothing allovera
Our jungler said they would quit after 30 minutes, in lobby. They quit after 23 minutes.

The person in the quote raged after that, and apparently started wandering to intentionally feed since the rest of us wouldn't surrender (in my gold promotion game).

Just needed to win one out of 3 for gold, now 0-2.


you gotta do an epic kind of terrible to be demoted, don't sweat it too much

I was -11 in my W/L when I got demoted. I think I lost 5 games in a row in 0 LP (although that wasn't the first time I had hit 0 LP). I deserved it, tbh. I'm not mad. I ended S3 Plat 1, Plat is my home.
You don't build tanky on Morgana. Just go straight to Zhonya then full glasscannon.

Only times you build outside that is if your team needs the aura/utility of the tanky item, and usually it's just because you're playing support.

Rod of Ages is a sign of someone new to Morgana.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I was -11 in my W/L when I got demoted. I think I lost 5 games in a row in 0 LP (although that wasn't the first time I had hit 0 LP). I deserved it, tbh. I'm not mad. I ended S3 Plat 1, Plat is my home.

Plat is where its at.


I was -11 in my W/L when I got demoted. I think I lost 5 games in a row in 0 LP (although that wasn't the first time I had hit 0 LP). I deserved it, tbh. I'm not mad. I ended S3 Plat 1, Plat is my home.
11 games down definitely doesn't sound like an entire tier below, that's like, 220 LP? Didn't Riot say you had to be 5 tiers down before demotion? Weird. I imagine you could get back if you tried though -- if I recall correctly, you were a really nice person to play with.

In my own ranked struggles, after going 7-3 in placements, moving from gold V to silver I as a result, I went down to silver V, then back up to silver I. 465+ games of this later:


For a while I never thought it would happen. I can only hope I don't get demoted back before the season ends. Special credit goes to Maokai, with a 19-8 record. Of my top 5 most played champions, they are the only one with a 70% or more win rate.

Thanks to the last-pick Teemo who said he would go top and win, and did so very convincingly against Darius. I very much got carried by Teemo and Wukong, and I've never been happier about a Teemo. I think they had the cottontail skin. :D


Hey, that's not nice to Ocho. :'(

That makes sense, I was going to say, do they have to redo all of Renekton's annoying voice lines where he's obsessed with Nasus?

Not really. The reason he's obsessed with nasus in the new lore is probably the same as in his old lore. He wants to die to cleanse the evil inside of him.

The new lore is a lot simpler tho.
Nasus: allowed renekton to become corrupted, forced to leave his kingdom and people. Not necessarily a good guy but you can sympathize with him
Xerath: loses family on quest for power, has nothing to lose so he doesn't care about killing others. Now he's some evil guy


Me neither but its better than seeing 4 inches of hail hitting your house
i duno i think snow's pretty :/

I was -11 in my W/L when I got demoted. I think I lost 5 games in a row in 0 LP (although that wasn't the first time I had hit 0 LP). I deserved it, tbh. I'm not mad. I ended S3 Plat 1, Plat is my home.
yea like

it's a scarra streak of sadness

you can be the unlucky one that it happens to but ppl not hated by the universe shouldn't be too concerned about it <3

Not really. The reason he's obsessed with nasus in the new lore is probably the same as in his old lore. He wants to die to cleanse the evil inside of him.

The new lore is a lot simpler tho.
Nasus: allowed renekton to become corrupted, forced to leave his kingdom and people. Not necessarily a good guy but you can sympathize with him
Xerath: loses family on quest for power, has nothing to lose so he doesn't care about killing others. Now he's some evil guy
rito apparently said the fb posts are in from the pov of azir doe

so like azir doesn't think too highly of xerath but there might be more that meets the eye


11 games down definitely doesn't sound like an entire tier below, that's like, 220 LP? Didn't Riot say you had to be 5 tiers down before demotion? Weird. I imagine you could get back if you tried though -- if I recall correctly, you were a really nice person to play with.

In my own ranked struggles, after going 7-3 in placements, moving from gold V to silver I as a result, I went down to silver V, then back up to silver I. 465+ games of this later:


For a while I never thought it would happen. I can only hope I don't get demoted back before the season ends. Special credit goes to Maokai, with a 19-8 record. Of my top 5 most played champions, they are the only one with a 70% or more win rate.

Thanks to the last-pick Teemo who said he would go top and win, and did so very convincingly against Darius. I very much got carried by Teemo and Wukong, and I've never been happier about a Teemo. I think they had the cottontail skin. :D

OMG Congrats :)
I got demoted too, it does happen. If you can get there one time you can get back easily enough though, all it took was playing regularly again and picking smarter champions (stuff like Lee Sin/Zed is terrible for ranking up, stuff like Amumu, Vi, Wukong is great).

And the most fed fun champion in the game is obviously Vi, don't know where you get the idea that AD TF is more fun.


Okay fucked ranked.

If it's not one thing it's riot getting ddosed and not giving us a loss prevented. Unless riot gives me a loss prevented I'm done.


The throws, oh God the throws. I don't know what I need to do to get a win with Braum. One the bright side, first time I definitely won my lane with Braum. Played much better. I keep having really derpy moments where I don't use my shield though.

see this kind of storytelling possibilities is what i'm hoping to see now that institute of war is ded

But that thought bubble on Ahri and then we'll talk possibilities.
The throws, oh God the throws. I don't know what I need to do to get a win with Braum. One the bright side, first time I definitely won my lane with Braum. Played much better. I keep having really derpy moments where I don't use my shield though.

Dunno about other people, but I feel like Braum isn't a support who can carry matches.


..... really with this waifu anime stuff again? Can you hide that in a link or something so it's not embarrassing to read the thread in public.

look i post one or max two things per 100 post page and it's exclusively sfw stuff. i don't try to gross out ppl like others i know and i try to just post things i find cool or entertaining. i dunno what your problem is with anime but if ur for some weird reason embarrassed by it don't put it on me

feel free to set me to ignore if you don't like what i post

edit: i'd rather not but u know, i don't think this is my problem really

But that thought bubble on Ahri and then we'll talk possibilities.


11 games down definitely doesn't sound like an entire tier below, that's like, 220 LP? Didn't Riot say you had to be 5 tiers down before demotion? Weird. I imagine you could get back if you tried though -- if I recall correctly, you were a really nice person to play with.

In my own ranked struggles, after going 7-3 in placements, moving from gold V to silver I as a result, I went down to silver V, then back up to silver I. 465+ games of this later:


For a while I never thought it would happen. I can only hope I don't get demoted back before the season ends. Special credit goes to Maokai, with a 19-8 record. Of my top 5 most played champions, they are the only one with a 70% or more win rate.

Thanks to the last-pick Teemo who said he would go top and win, and did so very convincingly against Darius. I very much got carried by Teemo and Wukong, and I've never been happier about a Teemo. I think they had the cottontail skin. :D

omg maokai

grats tho


>Me and Rex playing duo q.
>Rex trying to set up a gank on enemy botlane.
>I hold my finger of the R key, ready to Sivir ult.
>I move in, but notice Wukong is ready to intercept.
>Wukong ults their minion wave and afks in lane.
>This is diamond.



see this kind of storytelling possibilities is what i'm hoping to see now that institute of war is ded

League of Legends would actually be way better in basically every respect if every character was a high school student.

Start the GD thread I will upvote
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