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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Is Evelynn a good champion to get some freelo? I'm debating whether I should ride her out through Silver or support my way to Gold.

Yeah, definitely if people don't ward your jungle camps or pink bushes. They'll usually just ward the closest bush, and that'll do nothing against you.

Easy ganks, easy kills.


Pinks are obnoxious for Eve anyway since they cost like $10000 per ward and give Eve money when she clears them. So you're spending more monies than you'd like to, AND you're financing Eve's yacht, and she'll just walk right back to gank you after farming your pink wards.

Green warding Eve jungle camps is probably the good strategy, but trying to do that properly without walking into the jungle at the wrong time and getting murdered may be difficult in solo queue.


Pinks are obnoxious for Eve anyway since they cost like $10000 per ward and give Eve money when she clears them. So you're spending more monies than you'd like to, AND you're financing Eve's yacht, and she'll just walk right back to gank you after farming your pink wards.

Green warding Eve jungle camps is probably the good strategy, but trying to do that properly without walking into the jungle at the wrong time and getting murdered may be difficult in solo queue.

Pinking the island bush in river is always good. Can last 5+ minutes at times. Plus sometimes people will avoid that bush and go straight to the middle lane bush if you're there. Now if you are top/bottom lane, that's a bit more tough.


Pinking the island bush in river is always good. Can last 5+ minutes at times. Plus sometimes people will avoid that bush and go straight to the middle lane bush if you're there. Now if you are top/bottom lane, that's a bit more tough.
I'm a noob silver player and even I make it a point to always check the island bush for free gold if I'm walking in the area. It's like a slot machine. Same if you have a pink ward or red trinket and you're near the island bush, scan to win.


I'm a noob silver player and even I make it a point to always check the island bush for free gold if I'm walking in the area. It's like a slot machine. Same if you have a pink ward or red trinket and you're near the island bush, scan to win.

Yeah, as long as you have a habit of walking into the island bush, you'll find a ward there at times. Also Pink Wards can be a trap at times too, wait for a laner to go in there and take out a pink, try to flank him or gank him there.


Is Evelynn a good champion to get some freelo? I'm debating whether I should ride her out through Silver or support my way to Gold.
Yeah, she's definitely strong. Had a good Eve just a few games ago.
so xj9 is going to coach shc.

u know that guy that threatened to kill a riot employee and his family and posted a bunch of nude pics of his gf because she played lee sin. (not counting the fact that he routinely commits fraud)
Lord Newt will disagree with you, but he's diamond so it may make a difference. I have a winning rate with him in silver but not enough to get myself past silver 3 or 2 thus far.

Well I meant players with some skills. I've seen Ryan Choi play on his smurf (Diamond 1 50ish LP and just destroy everything like as if it was Bronze). The skill gap between diamond 1 50ish LP to let say 90LP is so huge.

I've also seen a lot of wannabes who play like ass the first 15 minutes and somehow ends up winning it for their team because they 1 shot the ADC at the 40th minute.


Well I meant players with some skills. I've seen Ryan Choi play on his smurf (Diamond 1 50ish LP and just destroy everything like as if it was Bronze). The skill gap between diamond 1 50ish LP to let say 90LP is so huge.

I've also seen a lot of wannabes who play like ass the first 15 minutes and somehow ends up winning it for their team because they 1 shot the ADC at the 40th minute.
I don't think Rengar is a bad champion, but I think bad players are more likely to choose him than another champion. I also hate how weak is team fighting his. Rengar jungle is especially awful because most go feral flare and Rengar can't really gank well until 6. So you get a jungler that hardly ganks, and in the end you don't really get much out of it. Like I'd take a Nocturne instead in 95% of my matches. He's definitely a champion that you need to understand how to play well, and I would never classify him as a freelo champion.


his ganks pre 6 are like a worse elise and are dependent on pretty good conditions, they aren't great but they aren't awful either

his team fighting is great, he gets a 3.5 second root (more actually because it is spaced out) on the carry for free, and if he leaps into a group he gets a lot of armor and mr

rengar should be doing something every time his ult is up, which is very often, he is basically like vi, except he can get in without having to blow his biggest damage spell

he also demands a certain playstyle against him and gives tremendous pressure just by not being present on the map like eve


his ganks pre 6 are like a worse elise and are dependent on pretty good conditions, they aren't great but they aren't awful either

his team fighting is great, he gets a 4 second root on the carry for free
It's extremely difficult for him to get on the carry though, unless the carry has really bad positioning. With only a one time gap closer, he's extremely susceptible to cc. He does much better in chaos than in coordinated teamfights. He's a champion that you have to be quite accustomed to to win with.


right, tho he has multiple choices of ppl to jump on like lee sin, and if you are ahead it doesn't matter as much even if the enemy team is coordinated
he's pretty good at getting ahead tho
also tf is really good against him

the main weakness for him to me is that if he falls behind he's pretty shitty, whereas the top 2 can bring something important to the table even if they are behind
i dunno he's a lot like vi

i dont know if you have to be that good to play him well, he is actually pretty straightforward once you get used to his passive, you are probably encountering a lot of ppl trying him out since he's been fotm for a while

id say he's tied w/ eve as third best jungler, if we aren't counting specific picks like nunu and jarvan


right, tho he has multiple choices of ppl to jump on like lee sin, and if you are ahead it doesn't matter as much even if the enemy team is coordinated
he's pretty good at getting ahead tho
also tf is really good against him

the main weakness for him to me is that if he falls behind he's pretty shitty, whereas the top 2 can bring something important to the table even if they are behind
i dunno he's a lot like vi

i dont know if you have to be that good to play him well, he is actually pretty straightforward once you get used to his passive, you are probably encountering a lot of ppl trying him out since he's been fotm for a while

id say he's tied w/ eve as third best jungler, if we aren't counting specific picks like nunu and jarvan
Third best Jungler? We're still talking about solo q junglers, right?


right, tho he has multiple choices of ppl to jump on like lee sin, and if you are ahead it doesn't matter as much even if the enemy team is coordinated
he's pretty good at getting ahead tho
also tf is really good against him

the main weakness for him to me is that if he falls behind he's pretty shitty, whereas the top 2 can bring something important to the table even if they are behind
i dunno he's a lot like vi

i dont know if you have to be that good to play him well, he is actually pretty straightforward once you get used to his passive, you are probably encountering a lot of ppl trying him out since he's been fotm for a while
You definitely have to put in some work to get used to executing his combos properly , the difference between a perfectly executed combo and a half-assed combo is going to mean life or death. The ganks are everything for him, as his laning phase is kinda weak and his jungling is relatively unimpressive since he can pretty much only gank well with the ult. If you have not gotten ahead and you do not execute the combo perfectly then you will get outdamaged.

Doind a half-assed job as Rengar won't require much, but unless you are good with Rengar you would see more success with another champ. Being a half-assed Noc is easier than being a half-assed Rengar, as Newt posted earlier.


Third best Jungler? We're still talking about solo q junglers, right?

im just talking about league in general, i dont really follow what's strong in solo q shit is wacky sometimes and it mostly apes competitive anyway

i dont think it's hard to get on the level with rengar, like maybe 3-4 games, I'd much rather have a rengar on my team than noc
like i said rengar pre-6 is like a subpar elise which isn't really that horrible, obviously if you choose to gank something it should sense and his kit allows for a pretty good amount of situations where it makes sense

also nocturne's ult cd has like a minute on rengar, who also tends to build cdr
nocturne is way worse than rengar
a lot of people build noc tanky which is dependent basically completely on the items
a lot of people build noc dmg, which means he blows up because he has to get in close

rengar get's a shitload of free stats, and a choice of a heal or a damage and atspd steroid

like the best way to deal with him is to group and push a lane, and he isn't completely horrible in that situation either, it's just that if you foil his ult he loses a lot of what makes him good


yeah another bad night of ranked teams, nothing seemed to go our way

did well in lane but couldn't really get my mid-game on, plus we got again a ton of disconnects

i guess we're going off skype and gonna use raidcall or something

i don't want to be paranoid but when it's someone else each game you get suspicious
yeah another bad night of ranked teams, nothing seemed to go our way

did well in lane but couldn't really get my mid-game on, plus we got again a ton of disconnects

i guess we're going off skype and gonna use raidcall or something

i don't want to be paranoid but when it's someone else each game you get suspicious

It could be skype itself.

When we used skype, at some point of the game the call would drop and one or two of us would dc. I myself could never make the call because I knew if I was the 'host' I would get dc.

Since we moved to teamspeak we haven't had a single problem. Except when our ISP fails.


yeah another bad night of ranked teams, nothing seemed to go our way

did well in lane but couldn't really get my mid-game on, plus we got again a ton of disconnects

i guess we're going off skype and gonna use raidcall or something

i don't want to be paranoid but when it's someone else each game you get suspicious
You randomly disconnect while on Skype? I get this a lot when I play with my friends. Have usually 3-4 people in call. Happened to me a few times today.


Everything is moe to me
so xj9 is going to coach shc.

u know that guy that threatened to kill a riot employee and his family and posted a bunch of nude pics of his gf because she played lee sin. (not counting the fact that he routinely commits fraud)
yeah but dat hecarim tho.


i remember when xj9 use to spam in GD to get viewers.

He made different accounts to make threads like; "wow this guy is so good! You should watch his stream to learn!"

and the whole impersonating girls to attract viewers thing too
so xj9 is going to coach shc.

u know that guy that threatened to kill a riot employee and his family and posted a bunch of nude pics of his gf because she played lee sin. (not counting the fact that he routinely commits fraud)
Also the guy that dropped everything he had in life to try and be a professional League player/caster/streamer, but then goes being so much of a dick that he's completely permabanned from the game.

He's a fantastic jungler though.

Have You Seen This Item? Because it's shit and it needs to be fixed somehow.
Maw is fine where it is. Hexdrinker is fucking strong, you can upgrade it to Maw only if you feel like it.


Also the guy that dropped everything he had in life to try and be a professional League player/caster/streamer, but then goes being so much of a dick that he's completely permabanned from the game.

He's a fantastic jungler though.

Maw is fine where it is. Hexdrinker is fucking strong, you can upgrade it to Maw only if you feel like it.

Yup, I only ever build maw as a very last item if ever.
Hexdrinker and Brutalizer are my go to items if I'm snowballing as an AD jungler. I lean towards Brutalizer for Noct just for the CDR though.


It could be skype itself.

When we used skype, at some point of the game the call would drop and one or two of us would dc. I myself could never make the call because I knew if I was the 'host' I would get dc.

Since we moved to teamspeak we haven't had a single problem. Except when our ISP fails.
You randomly disconnect while on Skype? I get this a lot when I play with my friends. Have usually 3-4 people in call. Happened to me a few times today.
doesn't necessarily happen to me but it's consistently happened to friends of mine

really annoying

dunno what to move to, i didn't really like teamspeak so much so i figured i'd give raidcall a try since my friends hate curse voice for some reason


Sigh I'll get demoted if I lose this game, why is it there are games where I snowball and others I play like shit?


happens to all of us, sometimes i can't get shit for cs with champions i've played a million games with, sometimes someone else always gets the kill or i just keep picking the wrong time to make my moves

sucks about getting demoted doe :/


Sigh I'll get demoted if I lose this game, why is it there are games where I snowball and others I play like shit?

There are so many factors that can change a game or even just how you play. It could be something like the person you are laning against or a teammate play differently than you're accustomed to. There's also a lot of mental stuff too that you don't really think of while you're playing, but it's in the back of your mind and can throw you off. A lot of the time people don't realize that every game isn't a bubble and doesn't play out in the same way every single time. I've been playing league for a year and a half now and I learn new things in mostly every game. So the more you learn, the more you know, which leads to you snowballing more and having a bigger effect on the game.


finished my promos after not playing since the beginning of the season and lost 7 games and they put me in gold.
Riot system is fucked lol.


Isn't there a 5 game grace period after you get promoted before you can get demoted? I'm 0-3 now.

Edit: And there's the Varus top instalock


Isn't there a 5 game grace period after you get promoted before you can get demoted? I'm 0-3 now.

Edit: And there's the Varus top instalock

I think it might have to do with mmr, but i'm not sure. There's definitely some kind of grace period though. Actually, 5 might be right since I won 2 after being promoted and then lost 4 in a row and got demoted. I forget how it went with other times I got demoted though.

Have faith! One game a while ago I had a Varus top who carried the team to victory.


I chickened out and dodged. Any other time I definitely would have given it a chance, but then I thought about the 3-4 games i'd have to win in a row just to get back to that spot if I got demoted and couldn't do it.


I chickened out and dodged. Any other time I definitely would have given it a chance, but then I thought about the 3-4 games i'd have to win in a row just to get back to that spot if I got demoted and couldn't do it.

Nothing wrong with dodging! I should probably do it more often tbh.
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