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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Had a nice match last night. My team whined when I picked Miss Fortune, saying that she's just a feeder champion and takes too long to scale. Eff you guys, I went 7-0-12. She's a beast, I tell you.


*10 win streak in normals so I go for one ranked*

Last pick wanted jungle so he picks Rengar even though we had a Jungle aalready. No support in my team. Sigh.

Should have dodged but stayed for the laughs.


6 straight losses after being promoted to silver 1. I haven't been on tilt or anything, the games just aren't going our way. Still never experienced anything like this though.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I've got a question for you guys. What mode do people prefer in normals? I exclusively stick to Team Builder as do my housemates and the randomers I play with but some mates from back home are always asking like "Woah what are we doing in TB?" when I set up the games. Blind just annoys the crap outta me with the insta locks and "mid or I feed" kind of bullshit.
I've got a question for you guys. What mode do people prefer in normals? I exclusively stick to Team Builder as do my housemates and the randomers I play with but some mates from back home are always asking like "Woah what are we doing in TB?" when I set up the games. Blind just annoys the crap outta me with the insta locks and "mid or I feed" kind of bullshit.
Most of NA GAF does draft normals. Team Builder seems to have a lot of issues and/or hasn't really caught on, and blind is just spam.
doesn't necessarily happen to me but it's consistently happened to friends of mine

really annoying

dunno what to move to, i didn't really like teamspeak so much so i figured i'd give raidcall a try since my friends hate curse voice for some reason

My friends and I sometimes use the xbox 360/ps4 chat system.


Like I'd take a Nocturne instead in 95% of my matches.

Having put in a fair amount of time with both, I'd rather play Rengar in the jungle than Nocturne any day.

Neither is a good pre-6 ganker because they need several favorable conditions to get a successful gank off. Nocturne needs a teammate with follow-up CC and/or the lane pushed in and/or red buff. Rengar's a nutty case because he needs the lane pushed out in order to gank side lanes or a poorly positioned mid laner who ventures to close to the side bushes. For either champ the default play pattern is farm hard to 6.

There's lots of give and take between the two champions as the game goes on. It's more difficult to optimally play Rengar than Nocturne. Rengar has an easier time blowing up the opposing squishy up, but Nocturne's ult when properly used is better because of its "blinding" effect and level 3 range. Nocturne also has higher damage potential because of his stat boosts and the fact that he doesn't need to choose between more damage, CC, or defense.

At the end of the day for me though, the argument of Rengar > Nocturne is quite simple. Around the mid-game when both need to make an impact, 2 min CD on ult vs. 3 min CD on ult, 1.75/3.5s skill shot snare vs. 1~1.5s fear after a 2s delay.

Doind a half-assed job as Rengar won't require much, but unless you are good with Rengar you would see more success with another champ. Being a half-assed Noc is easier than being a half-assed Rengar, as Newt posted earlier.

Quite true.


Neo Member
I've got a question for you guys. What mode do people prefer in normals? I exclusively stick to Team Builder as do my housemates and the randomers I play with but some mates from back home are always asking like "Woah what are we doing in TB?" when I set up the games. Blind just annoys the crap outta me with the insta locks and "mid or I feed" kind of bullshit.

Lately I've almost always done TB I haven't waited more than 2 minutes for any position normally its more like 30-40 seconds. The quality of groups seems to be a lot better as well (for me at least.)


Most of NA GAF does draft normals. Team Builder seems to have a lot of issues and/or hasn't really caught on, and blind is just spam.

Recently when I try Team Building on weekdays, I can get into games quite quickly, even when I want to mid-mage or something popular. For reasons I don't understand TB falls apart on weekends. Even going bot-support takes forever to get a game going.


I've got a question for you guys. What mode do people prefer in normals? I exclusively stick to Team Builder as do my housemates and the randomers I play with but some mates from back home are always asking like "Woah what are we doing in TB?" when I set up the games. Blind just annoys the crap outta me with the insta locks and "mid or I feed" kind of bullshit.

Teambuilders if I'm solo and want to play a particular character. Otherwise Normal Draft.


I think I've given up on gold in solo queue. Instead, I think my team can get it EZPZ. Me and our support are the only ones below gold, but I'm a good top laner and our support does just fine lol.

Just... Don't look at that irelia game...


I've got a question for you guys. What mode do people prefer in normals? I exclusively stick to Team Builder as do my housemates and the randomers I play with but some mates from back home are always asking like "Woah what are we doing in TB?" when I set up the games. Blind just annoys the crap outta me with the insta locks and "mid or I feed" kind of bullshit.

Pretty much just team builder for me and my friends. That way we can just play what we want. Queue time isnt too bad as long as one of us goes botlane.


I haven't played in like 3 weeks; did one game yesterday and wrecked as Voli (I'm normally really weak with him). Are tank junglers truly viable again? I felt stronger than before. Went Golem->Triforce->Sunfire->Warmog's->Spirit Visage->Tabi.

The extra ward with Golem helped a lot, too.


I haven't played in like 3 weeks; did one game yesterday and wrecked as Voli (I'm normally really weak with him). Are tank junglers truly viable again? I felt stronger than before. Went Golem->Triforce->Sunfire->Warmog's->Spirit Visage->Tabi.

The extra ward with Golem helped a lot, too.
Maokai is really broken, I ban him often.


I haven't played in like 3 weeks; did one game yesterday and wrecked as Voli (I'm normally really weak with him). Are tank junglers truly viable again? I felt stronger than before. Went Golem->Triforce->Sunfire->Warmog's->Spirit Visage->Tabi.

The extra ward with Golem helped a lot, too.

When I played Sej I felt the same helplessness that I felt before. Ya jungle clearing isn't as bad... but I'm still putting lots of faith in my lanes.


Wow I just realized I still haven't seen maokai in a game after his buffs

I have. He's the stuff of nightmares and you need to keep your distance from him. It's like Nasus now, you won't get away from him once he's on top of you...except that he has an insane ability to engage on you where Nasus has to be sort of approached.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Most of NA GAF does draft normals. Team Builder seems to have a lot of issues and/or hasn't really caught on, and blind is just spam.

Lately I've almost always done TB I haven't waited more than 2 minutes for any position normally its more like 30-40 seconds. The quality of groups seems to be a lot better as well (for me at least.)

Teambuilders if I'm solo and want to play a particular character. Otherwise Normal Draft.

Pretty much just team builder for me and my friends. That way we can just play what we want. Queue time isnt too bad as long as one of us goes botlane.

Maybe I'm not crazy then, problem I have is that if I want to start ranked games which I've been considering I'd probably want to get used to drafting solo, I just can't seem to do it. Having said that if I want to started ranked I should probably start practicing a backup lane too or I'll be fucked if someone picks support before me.


I haven't played in like 3 weeks; did one game yesterday and wrecked as Voli (I'm normally really weak with him). Are tank junglers truly viable again? I felt stronger than before. Went Golem->Triforce->Sunfire->Warmog's->Spirit Visage->Tabi.

The extra ward with Golem helped a lot, too.

Yes/No (I'll get to this later)

Volibear was fine before the 4.11 changes. His potential as a jungler is tied with how mobile the laners are and right now things are favorable to him, and have been since the start of Season 4. The eventual health scaling he gets from new SotAG is nice, but it didn't really change him.

Also, not a fan of Trinity Force on Volibear personally (although Phage is quite nice). Try pairing a Wit's End, Statik Shiv or BotRK on him as a damage items. The synergy he gets from attack speed on-hit items between his W and ult is fantastic. His cooldowns even at max CDR just don't let you spam your abilities enough for sheen procs.

Getting back to the are tanks viable question...

Ferrio said:
When I played Sej I felt the same helplessness that I felt before. Ya jungle clearing isn't as bad... but I'm still putting lots of faith in my lanes.

Yup, and the same can be said of pretty much every other tank jungler. Raw numbers are that Quill Coat/new SotAG sustain is worse than Spirit Stone/old SotAG, the %max monster damage is worse +% damage unless you're fighting Dragon/Baron or you're in the late game. Loss of tenacity in exchange for +%bonus health and a bit of armor is a wash (a nerf if you ask me, rather have tenacity and more early HP).

The reason for the uptick in win% for tank junglers largely comes down to two factors, IMO.

First, while new SotAG is simply a lateral change to tank junglers, it's a definite nerf to champions like Vi, Elise, and Lee Sin. Now, it's not a nerf in the sense that these champions are worse, but a nerf in the sense that their build path options have been reduced. These champions actually had the damage necessary to make use of old SotAG's passives early to late game. Also, they won't be building gobs of health the way tank junglers generally will so new SotAG is a quite inefficient on them. They've been forced to go with damage oriented items - SotEL and SotSW, which doesn't necessarily hurt them because old SotAG was underpowered anyway, but less options is never a good thing.

Second, and more importantly, is change in the top lane. It's not as tanky as it used to be. Pick rates show that the lane is becoming more damage oriented with picks like Lulu, Ryze, Jayce becoming more frequent. "Fighters" are common now as well, Irelia, Jax, etc. This has opened up the jungle as place to pick up the team's tank. Whereas a tanky jungler pick may have been redundant before, now it often makes sense.

That's honestly, in my opinion, what's driving the recent +~2% win rates for tank junglers. Top lane picks changed, but it took Quill Coat/new SotAG for people to try out these junglers - and now they're finding more success as team compositions are more likely to need a tank jungler to round out the team.


Quinn Top
Quinn Mid
Quinn Jungle (lol)
Quinn Supp (lol)
Quinn ADC

Harass, blind, and a okay CC. I bet quinn could do okay as a support. Not great, but not the worst option that's for sure.

I'd like to see that in one of our games actually.



I wish Quinn was good so much.

You missed two
If you're new to league,
Just call this a hazing.
I play a shit champ like Quinn.
Then I'll make her look amazing.



I haven't played in like 3 weeks; did one game yesterday and wrecked as Voli (I'm normally really weak with him). Are tank junglers truly viable again? I felt stronger than before. Went Golem->Triforce->Sunfire->Warmog's->Spirit Visage->Tabi.

The extra ward with Golem helped a lot, too.

I really like Voli. Ganking effectively with him can be difficult because you basically have to do all the work yourself -- no dashes or ranged CC to make you look good. This is why he's never really meta. Actually getting off a good engage is 99% of the work with him, both in ganks and in teamfights.

That said he's one of the last great health stackers, so Golem is great for him. Get to endgame, have 4.7k hp, slap people in the face with a 750 damage execute (so it scales to 1500). In a teamfight, your fling and AoE slow makes you a great peeler, even as you hand out 155 damage to four targets with each autoattack (and did I mention that you get a passive 60% attack speed).
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