Sounds like you got carried, son.
A little bit! Maybe a hidden advantage of losing lane is that the enemy thinks they can just ignore you in teamfights.
I thought we had generally agreed since forever that if Riot ever updates/remakes her, it's going to be a nerf of one or more forms?
I played a bunch of Fiora and I kind of like her, but I still believe the above.
Well, yeah. I think nearly every rework is a nerf of SOMETHING. The second most common reason Riot does reworks is that champion designs don't have weaknesses and so they can't be put in a good state just by tweaking numbers. Even Sion's rework is certainly going to dump on that point and click ranged stun.
Fiora has too much power to instantly explode targets and the rework is definitely going to crush that. I expect the ult to be gone too. If they want her to be a swashbuckler, what she needs is more sustained active defense. (The fabled l*ght f*ght*r.)
Probably part of the reason the rework slowed down is that they want to change a whole bunch of stuff about top lane in the post-season in any case. Notice that the reworks they've been pumping out are the ones targeted for mid and support.
I think my favorite moments from last night are tied between the match when we were facerolling the other team but someone said something rude to our Talon so he decided to feed out a loss from that point (he would burn his ult BEFORE engaging just to show how much he didn't care) or when all we needed to do was hit their Nexus one more time and Thresh walked onto the Fountain and Rammus sat there and taunted until he died and then they went to our base and won. Both were all-time classic super fun moments.
If it makes you feel better, the video of the Thresh/Rammus BM game will probably be on Reddit pretty soon, so at least you'll be famous. That stuff gets upvoted every time.
When I'm playing normals I don't really care if someone needs to leave, but I understand not all people think the same, so I avoid playing on a tight schedule as much as I possibly can.
Though If I have to suddenly leave because of unforeseen circumstances I'm leaving without giving a shit, be it ranked or normals.
Real life takes precedence over video games, obviously, but by the same token, if people leave I report them, regardless of which team or what the reason was. If they don't have a consistent history of leaving, then the report probably won't matter much.
I wonder if they plan to institute a leaver queue for people with a chronic tendency to quit games. Lyte spent a lot of time explaining why they couldn't do that for toxicity because it's not binary enough, but he used ragequitting as the specific example of a case where it would be possible.