They're going overboard with the texture reworks, now they don't pop at all.
you're still mostly seeing them against the current map background. They're designed to pop on the new map.
They're trying to make a BT rush viable again, I guess.
One of the biggest reasons for a BT rush was how it was severely cheaper than a IE rush. Making IE more expensive makes BT look more attractive in comparison, which can push team comps and strategies torwards BT carries.
Not that I think that making it 150 gold more expensive will accomplish that, but I can see what they're going with. Buffing BT without actually buffing it.
the biggest reason for rushing BT was that it was the highest AD item in the game (aside from an unstacked SotO) and it had sustain too.
Nobody's going to rush BT still and nobody should rush BT. It's a defensive item. IE will still be the dominant build because it's the best option for straight damage. Now it's just slightly more expensive.
It's not going to change what people rush.
Just a weird change all around imo. I don't think IEs were being built too early aside from like 14 minute Trist IEs after she gets a quadra at a dragon fight. #balanced.
It just makes ADCs weaker as a whole in the early mid-game and delays their power spike which was already delayed by the switch to IE rush.
If anything it's going to make champions that were already not necessarily in a great spot because of how much later that spike was (Draven) even worse.