Stone Ocean
Yeah top lane has like 5 champions now
well i dunno, ryze and kayle were both played top lane long before this season so lulu is the only oneyou have an aatrox avatar
your opinion vote has been disregarded
edit: top lane only looks healthy right now because it isn't restricted completely to 3 champions and only 3 champions
it's still pretty bad now with rejected ap mages being toplaners
can't remember when it was but it was his last seriesWait where?
The other team should save some sort of CC so she can't use the goomba jump safely, though. You don't want to all-in while letting Tristana stay out of the fight.The point is that because of resets Tristana doesn't need to be strong at 12 or 13 minutes or whatever to get a quadra kill in a dragon fight. All she needs is some low hp targets and like a pickaxe or something to just goomba stomp one after the other and get resets which means more kills. No other ADC has that sort of power and can overcome their apparently weak mid-game like Tristana can.
A well placed Ori ult or something giving her low HP targets will mean kills, early Infinity Edge and probably a won game because Tristana has no counterplay except hope she doesn't get ahead early.
You have DeadNames agreeing with you, Phillip. Sit and think about that for a while.I agree, delete tristana.
i'm literally saying late game comps shouldn't have a place
like it's shit design that some champions are like ok i wasn't completely shutdown by minute 30 so it's gg
you can have different scaling and different power curves but the way it's handled in league is awful
What were their picks?no matter how i feel about clg it was pretty sad to see the poor guy broken up like that
the problem to me with scaling champions is that they require tons more coordination to shut them down than to make them scaleI'd like to hear more about this, really. I can imagine a game where they didn't have different power curves, but I actually have trouble envisioning a game where there were early-game and late-game champions but late-game comps weren't a thing.
Full disclosure, I like picking late-game champions because I'm bad at the game but I know attacking is harder than defending. So I'm happy to take the champ that wins in the long run and say to my opponent, "Hey, go ahead and make all the plays you want." But this might just be an elo thing, because taking the initiative is a pretty hard skill and at my level people probably just don't have it.
i can't remember tbh but yeah he hadn't played too well before and they went with a pick that had already failed and the enemy team had a monster comp so he was just crushed like thatWhat were their picks?
I thought it was because he messed up really bad in the previous game which caused them a loss. Not sure if it was this case.
Full disclosure, I like picking late-game champions because I'm bad at the game but I know attacking is harder than defending. So I'm happy to take the champ that wins in the long run and say to my opponent, "Hey, go ahead and make all the plays you want." But this might just be an elo thing, because taking the initiative is a pretty hard skill and at my level people probably just don't have it.
Fuck Bladecraft, Sewn Chaos now has a goddamned polka dot skirti know bladecraft ori is pretty sweet already but way to get me excited for nothing -_-
i do appreciate they removed some mascaraFuck Bladecraft, Sewn Chaos now has a goddamned polka dot skirt
Best Ori skin
Just save up your IP and buy T3.As a brand new player, should I worry about the tier 1 & 2 rune things? Or just wait til lvl 20 to buy the best ones? I'm not 100% on how that whole system works yet.
Wait till 20 to buy the best ones, but once you do start buying runes there's nothing wrong with getting a few tier 1 runes to fill out your rune pages since they're ultra cheap.As a brand new player, should I worry about the tier 1 & 2 rune things? Or just wait til lvl 20 to buy the best ones? I'm not 100% on how that whole system works yet.
It's also because the lower elo, the less likely that people wiil take objectives to end the game. They're more likely to chase champions, or farm, or just b after fights instead of taking a tower/inhib/baron when the opportunity is present. So the game lasts longer and the late game champions get stronger and stronger.
Anyone got any smash bros 3ds demo codes? That thread is getting bombarded harder than a enemy Corki. I'll luv you forever <3
That's mostly what I meant by taking initiative.
Like, when people talk about the weakness of Nasus, they don't mention that he can be shut down by the jungler and not scale, because a) that's true of everybody and b) it's actually less true of Nasus than many others. What they talk about is that Nasus means you're in a 4v5 for 20 minutes. But that doesn't matter if the opponent doesn't understand that and force teamfights for objectives in that time.
This is why I think TSM vs C9 game 2 was so interesting. TSM had Lucian into Tristana and they did pressure her a little early -- but what they mostly did was rotate through all three lanes and take all the outer turrets basically in the first 10 minutes. It wasn't about keeping Tristana from farming up -- at pro level, that's probably not something you can really do. But it WAS about taking advantage of her weakness to just directly take control of the map. TSM went ahead and threw a lot of that advantage away, but they at least had a specific plan as to "how you use Lucian to beat Tristana".
Of course that doesn't necessarily negate zkylon's point, because forcing teamfights takes even more coordination than camping a lane. So it still asks a lot of the opponent. But, at the same time, there are plenty of people who say in this thread "don't play lategame champions because your team will throw way before they become relevant." So maybe there are pressures that go both ways.
Demo is really fun. Pure unadulterated 60fps, smashy, fun.
How are the controls? You got an extra code?
Is sonic playable?
Dead Ocean?It's a start
Nowhere near enough still
Either Palutena or Little Mac, might even go back to my old main, toon link.![]()
I have 4 but I don't think my codes are of any interest to you.
It's really a shame that you're not Australian
Sent you one.
From that angle it looks like its smiling.
It's Pikachu!
duh duh duh
Its Koffing!
It's Oriball!
It's Oriball!