you can't afford to give away dragons early against trist either as that's just giving her free lategame
trist is fucked dude, she needs to go
this is kind of why i hate the idea of "late game" champions
like basically your whole team is depending on one guy that might not be yourself to a) pick something that counters that other champion hard and b) plays it really well to the point the trist or ryze or whatever is completely shut down. and the ryze can just get camped by the jungler and then there's nothing you can do
that's not so cool imo
risk vs reward
late game comps have a place. you're sacrificing your early/mid presence to become unstoppable late... but only if you are GOOD ENOUGH to survive to late game. just being a late game champ doesn't guarantee "gg we win because im late game", otherwise vayne and trist would have a 100% winrate.
if you get crushed as a lategame hyper carry without ever getting to your lategame status it's because you failed at playing to with your limitations.