Ok what do I do with it nowSent you one.
might be the late hour but i think ori got some particle things added too in pbe.
like i don't remember the blue circle thing around the ball and the teal-ish hue on the e trail
overall i really like the shine, specially on like the bronze parts and stuff. really shiny and metal-y, very cool
kind of a bummer that they won't add the super metal to the other skins :/
Ok what do I do with it now
to be fair i'm old and only played pokemon red
Nobody ever sent me a 3ds code before. Sniff. I'll always remember this, Ferga.You aren't serious... right?
If you are... you go eshop and enter it in the redeem option
As if you've never gotten any 3ds codes in the past
So I'm just solo Qing and we start to destroy a game.
But then all of a sudden ziggs solos blue and the Master Yi jungle is outraged because he lost a stack!!!
So he afks for 5minutes screaming abuse from fountain.
The other 4 players just joke around with his abuse and destroy 4v5
The Master Yi is confused on why we are so good! So he comes back and starts to split push.
We joke that he afked 5minutes so he could buy a Botrk without having to farm. He laughs and we have a great time winning the game together.
The end!
You need to claim them at the shurima website. I don't have the link as I'm on mobile, but it should be an easy find from the main league Web site.I'm not getting the Shurima icons for Ascension for some reason. Do I need to do something besides "play and win" to get those? Can't figure it out.
I'm not getting the Shurima icons for Ascension for some reason. Do I need to do something besides "play and win" to get those? Can't figure it out.
Make sure that you are logged in and on the correct site, not euw / eune etcI go to the site and it says I haven't won any games. I've won about 15. My last 10 games played is nothing but ascension.
Make sure that you are logged in and on the correct site, not euw / eune etc
I appeared to be logged in, and it still said I didn't have the rewards. Then suddenly it just... updated and said I had everything. So, it's fixed, I guess. Don't know how though.
Ascended get heavy heal reductions though.Man, ascension is so fun when your ascended as a giant bird god with infinite mana.
Why are they making players claim rewards?
4000 Gold...Infinity Edge
Total price increased to 3950g from 3800g
Base AD lowered to 44 from 49
Base Attack Speed lowered to 0.638 from 0.670
Takedown (Cougar Q) attack damage ratio lowered to .8/2.0/2.67 from 1/2.5/3.33 (min/max/maxHunt)
Takedown (Cougar Q) ability power ratio increased to .3/.75/1 from .24/.6/.8 (min/max/maxHunt)
Pounce (Cougar W) cooldown reduction mechanic added to Hunted Pounce ( removed from Hunted Swipe)
Pounce (Cougar W) cooldown reduction mechanic baseline effect inreased to 1.5 seconds from 1 second.
Pounce (Cougar W) cooldown reduction mechanics on Pounce now affected by Nidalee's CDR.
Swipe (Cougar E) no longer affects the cooldown of Pounce when used on a hunted target.
It's actually a pretty big deal. Able to go counter jungle more easily after he wins lane, and it will help with some of Garen's late game scaling. 2% HP per second after 4 second is pretty crazy, and will give Garen the presence he needs to push persistently either solo or as a group in the late game.The New Garen buff for his Passive is...kinda pointless?
Does Zilean ult work on an Ascended? What about Morde's ult?
Yorick was already removed.
Nerf to AD top, buff to AP midEDIT: Thoughts on these Nidalee changes?
So it's a nerf to Nidalee.Nerf to AD top, buff to AP mid