4/0 in ascension, god hopefully I only have to endure one more game. Least rammus is a beast in it.
Gnar has a really rough time on Ascension.
Welcome to Silver 4, my sweet Prince. Love you forever TF!!!! Silver 3 here we come!!
What do you build first, BoRK or Statik?
What do you build first, BoRK or Statik?
yea, basicallySo it's a nerf to Nidalee.
It's actually a pretty big deal. Able to go counter jungle more easily after he wins lane, and it will help with some of Garen's late game scaling. 2% HP per second after 4 second is pretty crazy, and will give Garen the presence he needs to push persistently either solo or as a group in the late game.
I had to stop playing due to the ridiculous toxicity in that mode. I don't know if it's the matchmaking or if the achievement is causing it (probably the latter). But I have never encountered this much swearing, yelling, and outright nerd rage since pre lvl30 games.
i lost a 198 to 200 game so maybe not that rare?I just realized I haven't played any ranked games this season. Really not sure if I even want to bother with them, ranked games have always been my least favorite thing to do in LoL.
Anyway, I just finished a pretty close ascension game. Not sure how rare this is, but I thought it was impressive:
it's very strange, unlike the other modes i found a lot of hostility in ascension too
i wouldn't necessarily point it at the achievements but the mode just being kind of bad but in any case that sucks
I think doom bots was the mode were people had the least fun, since nobody could do anything against the god bots and we'd always lose.might be, tho there were achievements for like doom bots and ppl was much more friendly
Bingo. I don't remember any achievements for doombots besides winning the hardest difficulty or whatever, and (very importantly) you weren't playing against real people.It's almost certainly because of the achievements. I feel like attaching perfect ascension was a mistake. Combine it with the fact the game mode is boring as shit, you get some frustrated people playing a mode they don't wanna play just for an exclusive icon.
I finally had a perfect Ascension game...and all it took was 1 AFK from the start on the enemy team, another player leaving from their team, and our team having Swain ascended so he was hard to kill.Seesh. I got the perfect Ascension thingy in my first game and I'm kinda relieved now. Sucks people playing just for that icon. I agree that achievements almost always will have this kind of effect.
Seesh. I got the perfect Ascension thingy in my first game and I'm kinda relieved now. Sucks people playing just for that icon. I agree that achievements almost always will have this kind of effect.
Lost 5 games in a row. Fuck Ascension.
Also this would make a sweet avatar.
No perfect ascension even with a 5 man gaf team.
also wrongnames u should someday learn to accept that top lane has ranged champions in it and u know, try to come up with ideas how to beat them instead of just complaining endlessly? like i don't like playing against fizz or zed either but u don't see me complaining about it :3
Kennen starting Doran's Blade? Jax starting Doran's Ring? Uhhhhh
We still won so I'm in promos again.
not saying nidalee's not op (not really saying anything, i don't play top lane), just that i've seen you have similar issues with other ranged toplaners and feels like you're not really trying to find solutions to these problemsMost melee tops can beat ranged ones in melee range.
Nid? She either just uses her manaless Kassasin ult or Garen ult to immediately outtrade you :^)
The only real victory on Ascension is the one where you shut the other team out from ascending.Yes, it's frustrating as someone who just wants to play. I've lost a game where people were obsessing over getting all xeraths.
not saying nidalee's not op (not really saying anything, i don't play top lane), just that i've seen you have similar issues with other ranged toplaners and feels like you're not really trying to find solutions to these problems
my brother is a lot like that, he likes champions like trundle and sometimes he gets shit on by poke champs like pantheon or nidalee and he goes on like a defeatist rampage that doesn't really help anyone and prevents him from learning
I may take that. Best.
edit: unless you meant for yourself, lol
yea i guess the insensitive talk kind got to me, i'm not the most politically correct person ever but for some reason the pictures and the crazy talk just made me feel badComplaining about Nidalee a bunch is one thing, but comparing to cancer, complete with diagrams, is something else. I've had multiple relatives die of cancer, and some annoyance in a videogame is trivial compared to the awfulness that is cancer.
aw man how embarrassing. one of the few games i play with gaffers and i feed hard :/
Fuck this trash game. Fuck this meta. 4/11 yasuo shout out to you. stupid ass fucking graves who can't position for shit.
fucking uninstalling. i cant take this shit anymore.
Another one bites the dust.
aw man how embarrassing. one of the few games i play with gaffers and i feed hard :/