aw man how embarrassing. one of the few games i play with gaffers and i feed hard :/
As Batman would say, "Why do we feed? So that we can learn to get carried."
aw man how embarrassing. one of the few games i play with gaffers and i feed hard :/
Achtius linked me a cool website.
awaiting the inevitable deadnames return to complain about something like the return of riven top.
Take it before Monday and it's yours.
Did cassiopea got a special texture upgrade? she looks
OK so after checking various streams (I crack up so much with qtpie) I found one trick2g? I found it unbearable, his screams, his voice, his "character"... wtf? Is this real life? Like I don't want to be a Grinch but c'mon, had to lower the volume so much at times!
I guess it's not a commentary so much as a show stream? Thoughts?
If he's duoqing with SirCHeZ (usually Nasus) or Fatefalls (Fizz), then most likely it's entertainment, and he often does subwars, where he spectates while his subscribers play against each other.
However, he can be quite informative, check out his youtube channel for his "my way" videos, where he plays many different junglers and really elaborates well what he's doing most of the time.
Just had a game where my midlaner raged and deliberately fed because he lost lane.
Reported him, queued up again, he's in the queue obviously.
Lesson learned on a visceral level: if you just teamed with a troll, don't immediately queue again.
You know it.Funniest thing about this image is that you're an even better Miss Fortune but that's not what you wanted to tell the world.
You from NA?Yup, he ragequit. From 4-1 to 4-3 in one night. That's really going to put a crimp in my drive to get Gold :/
You know it.
You from NA?
Hmm, I guess I'll give him another chance, but I just cringed so much when he got that howl/loud voice ._.
I hate this game but i like watching everything esports related so pls tell me who to root for in worlds 2014
Edit: teams that are rather xciting and interesting
I hate this game but i like watching everything esports related so pls tell me who to root for in worlds 2014
Edit: teams that are rather xciting and interesting
I just simply do not understand the teams that insist on doing nothing but prowl around looking for fights. I find more success when people are being sneaking and taking relics while others are fighting.
wait wtf uzi quit?
what happened -_-
edit: btw top lane healthiest role or what[IMG]
It's fun that you can see which weeks that Lucian was disabled due to his recent rework.
they already said they'll roll rewards automatically after the event is over if you forgot to claim yours
i think they're making ppl manually claim the rewards so that the server load is more manageable. like, not 30 million ppl requesting new icons at once
it registered my sad 2 wins so i dunno what opiate's issue was
ppl staying in bronze and silver is odd to me. i feel like 1600 elo is very average level-play, which is like 4-5?
Ugh, I actually hate Team Builder now. I played again just to practice Yasuo. Morg just fed, AFK'd then spammed surrender votes just to get the next game so she can farm icons quicker. She DID admit this in chat.
This is on top of me having to type everyone's names to check their profile. I don't want to play with Lv15s.
Hi guys.
wait wtf uzi quit?
what happened -_-
edit: btw top lane healthiest role or what
But the graph is wrong. Lulu was finding a lot of mid lane play too early on and they just lumped that in with top. In fact I find it hard to believe she was even top three contested for top lane during the era of Doran's shield, Defense masteries.Terrifyingly, that makes ADC look like the healthiest role. Note that the period where Lucian stops showing up is the period where he's disabled post-rework.
It actually does a good job of showing that generally there's just one champion in a given lane that's fucking up the meta (Lulu top, Kassadin mid, Lucian ADC til the rework).
Jungle and support are just terribly balanced, though.