Ranked 5s is so much better. Made a team with one other gafer and one of my real life friends.
Irl friend is mechanically really strong, decision making slightly questionable but he can hold his own. Got a friend that is a plat adc main who is playing for us, with a bunch of other gold players including some 14 year old who is a god on lee sin.
Basically long story short went 4-1 in placements, putting us in Gold 5, so my silver friend is now gold. This means he gets the end of season rewards right?
Feels like we could easily keep going, I was supporting our adc and we absolutely crushed lane every game, and our jungler was carrying the rest of the map hard. When I first met the guy playing adc we were both silver, duo queued and won something like 8 straight before not playing together again. Had so much synergy, still have it now.
I think u need like 10 wins on ur ranked team to be eligible for the end of the season rewards.
Also, my poor teammates. >.< Queue'd up solo for a normal game. Got two golds and two plats in my team struggling against two challengers (one of them was Febiven from h2k/C9