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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Recent games: Lose 4 straight, win 3 straight, lose 3 straight.

Ugh. Back to 8 LP in Silver IV. SIV might be like BIII where it took forever to get out of.


I need 2 more wins to enter my promos...

How can Fiora handle Pantheon at top again? That guy's stun messes me up...
I should play Ranked as Irelia if enemy team takes panth...

One match I won on Ranked was quite a rush. I was Jungle Warwick, Top was Garen against Darius, our mid was Yasuo against Annie, and bot was Fortune+Thresh against Morg+Kha'zix (opposing team didn't pick an ADC ADC). Their jungler was Vi.

By the mid game we'd gang up on them (by then I had FF, Wit's End and Magic Resist Boots), our Yasuo and Fortune would get most of the kills and I'd mainly get assists thanks to my W buff.
We got them one time near the dragon, then aced them another time some minutes later.
Eventually I ended up with 3000 Gold, I was a little low on health but we rushed their mid lane and thanks to WW's passive managed to recover my health quickly, and then Thresh and Fortune took the Nexus.
You go ham at Pantheon. Don't let him poke you down. Don't let him keep trading with his passive. Pantheon probably start flask pots which makes him even weaker at hams. Fiora can beat him at all points of the game. Just make sure to manage the minions properly.



-tf standing on a ward for two minutes before we just decide to kill him.

that was the best. we do baron, taking note of TF just standing in the bush forever, and the entire team decides to just go over and kill him. i thought he was DCed or something, but he said he was trying to set up a trap for lucian... who im pretty sure would have just murdered him anyway even it was just lucian

edit: i'm not going to claim that yi is hard to play, however he does have specific mechanics that can be incredibly difficult to get the hang of to make a player go from just "standard master yi" to "really good master yi". he also has very well defined power spikes with specific items/levels that if you understand you can exploit.

wish i was good with him, still working on it.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
funny you say that

i just bought him after i told myself i never would

because im running out of champions that i do want to buy
I always thought Shaco was lackluster because he was usually outscaled by the enemy jungler..
That was until I saw how beast he could be in mid lane.


I think Mundo might be the ideally designed champion for me.

I just teleported onto a super minion next to the enemy's exposed nexus, got some hits in, got five-man collapsed on, and walked out alive.

My team's resident toxic guy yelled at me for going in totally alone. I told him I was going where I pleased.


I think Mundo might be the ideally designed champion for me.

I just teleported onto a super minion next to the enemy's exposed nexus, got some hits in, got five-man collapsed on, and walked out alive.

My team's resident toxic guy yelled at me for going in totally alone. I told him I was going where I pleased.

That made me laugh for real, lol.


Yelling Tibbers in chat when doing my Annie combo is one of the things I love the most, lol.

I'm on a crazy good streak as Annie support I think I may have found my freelo at this level... I know Morgana may be better but fuck it, Annie is infinitely more fun.


Man, Tristana is so easy to balance just remove the reset from w.
Its not like they didnt do that before (ez w attack speed reduction).


How bad of a buy is Leblanc? I remember enjoying her so much when I got her for free rotation when I was around level 25! And I always think back of how much fun it was. I know she is in an iffy spot atm with her lack of silence but maybe it's still worth at low elos?

I feel it's one of those champions you _have to_ have.


How bad of a buy is Leblanc? I remember enjoying her so much when I got her for free rotation when I was around level 25! And I always think back of how much fun it was. I know she is in an iffy spot atm with her lack of silence but maybe it's still worth at low elos?

I feel it's one of those champions you _have to_ have.

the removal of her silence makes it almost impossible for her to trade with anyone now

if you somehow manage to get fed in laning phase (doubt it) you will eventually fall off late game when your only option to instagib someone is a support or an adcarry. but the adc will probably have a banshees making you useless.


How bad of a buy is Leblanc? I remember enjoying her so much when I got her for free rotation when I was around level 25! And I always think back of how much fun it was. I know she is in an iffy spot atm with her lack of silence but maybe it's still worth at low elos?

I feel it's one of those champions you _have to_ have.

Just get Fizz instead if you don't have him. He's viable at least.


Man, Tristana is so easy to balance just remove the reset from w.
Its not like they didnt do that before (ez w attack speed reduction).

i think doing this is wasting a good opportunity of giving her an actually meaningful kit


* removing the ap scaling
* replacing the dot grievous wounds thing for something that's actually more instantly appreciable and useful for an adc (right now it's just an overpowered trading spell but it's absolute garbage in design)
* adding some sort of decisionmaking to her q or replace it overall
* making her jump not be super clunky as a way of balancing it
* fix her random ass power curve
* give her some actual risk (in the dragon fight against royal turtle didn't even reset once but range+jump option+self peel with ult meant he didn't even need to, *also he got late to the fight but u get what i mean) and weaknesses/windows of opportunity tm

unlike with removing's lebonk's or talon's silences, which are nerfs that don't really take away gameplay from those champions (they actually add gameplay since now you gotta actually think a bit how you trade and when you assassinate, even if it is definitely a super major nerf for both of em), taking out the reset on her w only makes her even less interesting.

How bad of a buy is Leblanc? I remember enjoying her so much when I got her for free rotation when I was around level 25! And I always think back of how much fun it was. I know she is in an iffy spot atm with her lack of silence but maybe it's still worth at low elos?

I feel it's one of those champions you _have to_ have.
she's in a pretty bad spot right now, tho she's getting some buffs next patch

i wouldn't recommend her, really high skillfloor and much like zed she's a champion you pick if you wanna lose

like i really like lebonk and have a pretty decent kda with her but my winrate's shit

Just get Fizz instead if you don't have him. He's viable at least.
yeah i think this would be much more wise

or ahri if your heart has room for love
* adding some sort of decisionmaking to her q or replace it overall

Something like Yi E?
Passive: Grants bonus range.
Active: Grants massive bonus attack speed. The passive is lost while this ability is on cooldown.


I love how you guys always offer great advice! I will most likely pick Ahri but maybe after getting Janna ;o Really enjoying her on the free rotation.

My small love for Leblanc comes from a friend that played a lot with me when I started and she did crazy things with her and absolutely carried, so that kinda explains it haha. But yeah, thanks for the tip <3


Looking at the champions I don't own, thinking of picking 1 or 2 of them up (I have 10k-ish IP I haven't used). My favorite roles are jungle, support, and top (probably in that order) and my favorite champions are Maokai, Shyvana, and Sona, just to give you a sense of how I like to play.

Should I check out any of these?



Something like Yi E?
Passive: Grants bonus range.
Active: Grants massive bonus attack speed. The passive is lost while this ability is on cooldown.

I love how you guys always offer great advice! I will most likely pick Ahri but maybe after getting Janna ;o Really enjoying her on the free rotation.

My small love for Leblanc comes from a friend that played a lot with me when I started and she did crazy things with her and absolutely carried, so that kinda explains it haha. But yeah, thanks for the tip <3
oh i love lebonk. i have lots of fun with her even when i play pretty bad but she's really not the champion you want if you're interested in winning

ahri's much more safe and easy to do well with and also just a better champion overall

Looking at the champions I don't own, thinking of picking 1 or 2 of them up (I have 10k-ish IP I haven't used). My favorite roles are jungle, support, and top (probably in that order) and my favorite champions are Maokai, Shyvana, and Sona, just to give you a sense of how I like to play.

Should I check out any of these?

so many


lux-chan (not really, she's kind of awful lol)



r u zkylon opposite


Looking at the champions I don't own, thinking of picking 1 or 2 of them up (I have 10k-ish IP I haven't used). My favorite roles are jungle, support, and top (probably in that order) and my favorite champions are Maokai, Shyvana, and Sona, just to give you a sense of how I like to play.

Should I check out any of these?



So did you all have fun yesterday? I wish I could have played on a team, but it was my friend's 21st bday so we had to go out and get sloppy.

If something like this happens again, i'll definitely try to make some time to play.


So I finally decided to try a moba and this is exactly my reaction:


I have no idea how does the ingame shop woks with the boots and swords.


So I finally decided to try a moba and this is exactly my reaction:


I have no idea how does the ingame shop woks with the boots and swords.

uhh xplaining everything would take forever so basically i'll link you to this that seems fairly updated: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/beginners-guide-to-league-of-legends-277555

just try different things out, as for items. staffs improve your magic, swords improve your right click attacks, cloaks improve your defense against magic and armor against physical attacks. boots make you run faster. potions restore health or mana. there's a lot more stuff but u know, as a general rule

if you have any more specific questions it'd be easier :p


Watching streamers helped me when I started. I haven't really watched any recently so I don't know which streams are on a lot that focus on teaching but find one of those or just a streamer with a personality you like.
Learn to mute teammates once they start giving you a hard time in chat. No exceptions.

Also, turn off allchat in the game so you don't hear enemies trashtalking you and your team. It's not worth it.


Looking at the champions I don't own, thinking of picking 1 or 2 of them up (I have 10k-ish IP I haven't used). My favorite roles are jungle, support, and top (probably in that order) and my favorite champions are Maokai, Shyvana, and Sona, just to give you a sense of how I like to play.

Should I check out any of these?

man it's crazy seeing your favorite role is jungle and you have 3 of the top junglers locked.

Based on who you like I think lee sin would be great. Energy champ, has a lot of fun playmaking ability with his q and w, moreso than maokai.

He can be difficult to get used to at first but he's so worth it, probably my favorite designed champion.

Or you could try volibuddy and laugh as you stompalomp and chompachomp dudes.


uhh xplaining everything would take forever so basically i'll link you to this that seems fairly updated: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/beginners-guide-to-league-of-legends-277555

just try different things out, as for items. staffs improve your magic, swords improve your right click attacks, cloaks improve your defense against magic and armor against physical attacks. boots make you run faster. potions restore health or mana. there's a lot more stuff but u know, as a general rule

if you have any more specific questions it'd be easier :p

Thanks for the link, that little explanation about the different items helps me a lot. I can't expect to understand the whole game after 1 hour of play haha.

Same here on my first try. Just try to read guides or look up videos if you need visuals explanation.
Didn't they upgrade the tutorial too?

So I don't know how was the tutorial before but I liked it, it explained a lot, I only wish it didn't showed me a pop up about staying behind my minions when I'm close to a turret again and again, I got the idea after the first 10 times.


Thanks for the link, that little explanation about the different items helps me a lot. I can't expect to understand the whole game after 1 hour of play haha.

yeah, and to make it worse the game's quite inconsistent about a lot of things (there's a cloak that raises your critical chance, some clearly physical attacks scale with your "magic" stat, etc.) but you know, as a starting point

i live in the wiki to double check stats and such so u know, it's a lot to take in

early on you should mostly be getting used to last hitting, finding champions that you like and learning what to build and how to level them

you can search this site for champion guides which are usually pretty detailed.


I am now at 98 LP.
Rito pls.

Getting the hang of Jungle Xin. Feral Flare>Boots+Randuin>Hydra>Tank up
Which is a better last item if I want a weapon on Xin, Youmuu or Last Whisper?
Back to Silver III. Woot.

First game we dominated bot (Morg+Lucian) and then the other team flamed each other for no ganks and went AFK. 20 minute win.

Second game I had to go Garen top but it was against Irelia so it wasn't a difficult matchup. Our other lanes carried.


I am now at 98 LP.
Rito pls.

Getting the hang of Jungle Xin. Feral Flare>Boots+Randuin>Hydra>Tank up
Which is a better last item if I want a weapon on Xin, Youmuu or Last Whisper?

Last item? Situational, but rarely either of those choices. Youmuu's is best on Xin as a mid-game pickup after Wriggle's. The build is Wriggle's->Brutalizer->Ghostblade/tank stats, the idea being that you'll pick up some additional CDR in the tank items to maximize your CC. Last Whisper is best if for some reason you've gone HAM and built pure damage. If you're building a mix of damage and tankiness on Xin then Last Whisper won't suddenly make you a tank killer nor will it dramatically increase your burst against squishies.

Try BotRK (which meshes fantastically well with Xin's W) or Trinity Force (buy when you need to burst down a carry and have at least a moderate amount of CDR - 25%+).


ok azir is much more fun when you max it like a thinking person

still feels kind of clunky but yeah, i dunno what i was thinking maxing w first
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