Lolthis isnt even my final form.
If she kills or gets an assist they reset the cooldown of her ult by like 20 seconds or so.
Corki is basically the same as Lucian?But some champions require learning play patterns that are essentially unique (e.g. Shaco, Sion, Poppy, Yi), so to master them requires a lot more effort than becoming competent with, say, Corki, when you're already a strong Lucian.
I promise he is literally the only one who does anything even remotely close to that.This is why I don't play with GAF.
Fuck that noise. Not fun.
Still better than 0 communication though :/.I promise he is literally the only one who does anything even remotely close to that.
I'm scared to know how bad my Veigar isStill better than 0 communication though :/.
I'm scared to know how bad my Veigar is
We were going to invade, it was supposed to stunlock whoever got Blitz'dI started spectateing late but you got event horizon level 1 gg
You probably got it to save newt
He has push to talk.What I don't understand is why you need to communicate that on TS. Sure, it's fine to get mad, I've yelled and hit the desk sometimes, but people wouldn't know (except from those in my house).
Don't have push to talk? Activate it.
I read somewhere that maxing W first is better on Kat because you get the faster movement speed for mobility, but Q is definitely a safer farming skill.
Every Kat game for me goes one of two ways:
1. I get a few early kills, they start focusing me in every fight and I become irrelevant.
2. I start slow and don't do much, they ignore me and I wreck late-game. If the game isn't over by then see #1.
3 pinks. I'm in Elo heaven.
Hate leads to anger... anger leads to suffering... suffering leads to... uh, I dunno, but I think ghost was mad
After he went 0-4, fiddle told us that it was his first time playing fiddle ever... so he tries it out in ranked.
That's the best part about worlds. Everyone starts to ward in solo queue.
Actually, tbh I've been playing a lot better over the last week. I think it has a lot to do with watching 6 straight hours of matches each day.
I have to agree with that, also I kinda force myself to look at the map while on their matches, which enforces the habit of doing it every couple of seconds!
Hate leads to anger... anger leads to suffering... suffering leads to... uh, I dunno, but I think ghost was mad
After he went 0-4, fiddle told us that it was his first time playing fiddle ever... so he tries it out in ranked.
T.T 3 straight ranked losses. First one our Leona fucked up but I was doing OK as Twitch.
In our 2nd I was doing OK as Xin, but Irelia had teleport and our bot Karma sucked donkey balls since it was their first time.
In my 3rd, we had a mid Swain, dumbass didn't even tank...
Mid Swain is fine. Do you mean he didn't tank in the sense of initiating or in the sense of building tank? Swain should build Rod/Zhonya's/maybe Scepter, but he still needs a lot of AP to do his job. He's a mage, after all.
I don't think negative communication is better than no communication. And not just screaming like a toddler, but there's that passive-aggressive thing that people do and it's like, why even say anything. Vent your frustration off-mic.Still better than 0 communication though :/.
Mid Swain is fine. Do you mean he didn't tank in the sense of initiating or in the sense of building tank? Swain should build Rod/Zhonya's/maybe Scepter, but he still needs a lot of AP to do his job. He's a mage, after all.
He built Rabadon and Hextech Revolver.
This were his items when we lost. Even I know you tank with swain and I don't even use him.
I don't think negative communication is better than no communication. And not just screaming like a toddler, but there's that passive-aggressive thing that people do and it's like, why even say anything. Vent your frustration off-mic.
Our zed went crazy about how he was killing the enemy team, then pushed too far on his line and got wrecked several times feeding the enemy tristana and mid so of course our Zed tried to push his line again and again. making the enemy tristana overcome him and destroy all the lines
man im so glad that league doesnt have in game voice chat
the players are just so toxic
what if league voice chat was just 10 people complaining about tristana at the same time
slowly their voices harmonize
an angel's tears
Anyone here actually used curse voice? I don't plan on ever bothering with it since I'm usually in a skype duo, but just curious what people's experiences have been.
Word, playing more normals with random people has made me really dislike this game again. Destiny ruined im so glad that league doesnt have in game voice chat
the players are just so toxic
I don't think negative communication is better than no communication. And not just screaming like a toddler, but there's that passive-aggressive thing that people do and it's like, why even say anything. Vent your frustration off-mic.
Ugh, that sounds terrible (though I have wanted to screw around with hybrid Swain).
In most cases, I go Rod of Ages, Zhonya's, Sorc Shoes, Rylai's, Liandry's and either Spirit Visage or Void Staff depending on the other team. Even with just ~400 AP, the full combo will melt the other carries while still being able to soak up a bunch of damage.
i have ghost muted in mumble so it's like he's a real ghost
I'm really bad at going "Why?" in games. I should really stop... but I really wanna know they're line of thinking.
That, for some reason, makes players just throw the game out the window in my experience in league.I'm really bad at going "Why?" in games. I should really stop... but I really wanna know they're line of thinking.
Good choice. A lot of people play him top but I always go mid with him. Easier to get fed and roam off a squishy caster. He's a great pick against assassins too. IMO a fed Swain is the strongest champ in the entire game, at least in lower elo. You can easily 1v3 or 1v4. So easy to roam, too.I seem to be 600 IP shy of getting Swain, I'll just eff it and get him.
I'm really bad at going "Why?" in games. I should really stop... but I really wanna know they're line of thinking.
Saying "Why?" puts people on insta-tilt in my experience.
Honestly a lot of people do it.iunderstoodthatreference.gif