Anyone here actually used curse voice? I don't plan on ever bothering with it since I'm usually in a skype duo, but just curious what people's experiences have been.
i dont use illegal applications.................................................
Anyone here actually used curse voice? I don't plan on ever bothering with it since I'm usually in a skype duo, but just curious what people's experiences have been.
I kind of don't like how pink wards are basically "you pay 100G to give free gold to the other team". You briefly know where their jungler is as they cruise through and farm your ward, but unless you camp near it to set up a pink ward trap, it seems very easy to just kill.
Ghost we should play together sometime.
He built Rabadon and Hextech Revolver.
This were his items when we lost. Even I know you tank with swain and I don't even use him.
That, for some reason, makes players just throw the game out the window in my experience in league.
Also never respond to why? From an ally for your item builds. It will just piss them off more.
its hard always being the positive "hey guys we can win with our team comp just let X farm for the next 10 minutes and give up some objs."
You thinking of it wrong.
Green ward 75g. Pink Ward 100g. Since the green ward is the one with a time limit, you can evaluate it and put a cost on vision: 1 minute of map vision is worth 25g. If that's the case, then a pink ward becomes gold efficient at 4 minutes and improves from there on out.
That's why you place pink wards in low traffic but still highly important area during laning phase: the small river bushes, bushes overlooking jungle entrances, and the bushes overlooking buffs. In those spots the ward is more likely to survive past 4 minutes. As the match progresses you start putting down pinks in places you [nominally] control.
Hell, even if jungler finds the damn thing and kills it, it doesn't just instantly vaporize. Early game it can easily take >5 seconds to clear the damn thing. Your whole team knowing where the opposing jungler is for all that time? Worth the 25g price difference alone.
I type "no" in chat when someone pings baron. It's almost a reflex now.
Split pushing isn't great on SR right now, and most people are terrible at it.I think a lot of people, in general, get mad at split pushers on any map. The people on the other team find it annoying to deal with, and the people on your team hate fighting 5v4s, even if split pushing is, ultimately, a very viable strategy.
Yesterday I called 'no' in two different baron situations that were risky (jungler still decided to go ahead) but helped us win the game. Sometimes you got to believe.
It's finally happening
What I don't understand is why you need to communicate that on TS. Sure, it's fine to get mad, I've yelled and hit the desk sometimes, but people wouldn't know (except from those in my house).
Don't have push to talk? Activate it.
Oh me oh my.
Hate leads to anger... anger leads to suffering... suffering leads to... uh, I dunno, but I think ghost was mad
After he went 0-4, fiddle told us that it was his first time playing fiddle ever... so he tries it out in ranked.
cool, i'd say i'm not that great on ahri (have to stop picking her into ziggs) but she's like my second or third most played so i'm around for questions bbyBtw Zky, bought Ahri <3 love how she flows!
I used to make this mistake in voicechat. People would ask why I made a decision, and I would try to explain the line of (potentially flawed) reasoning that led to the decision, thinking they wanted to know the reasoning behind it.That, for some reason, makes players just throw the game out the window in my experience in league.
Also never respond to why? From an ally for your item builds. It will just piss them off more.
I guess that makes sense, though you can only have 1 of them per player of course. The main thing is that I feel like often, anyone in the area will make a point of walking through tri/tiny bushes on purpose to pick up the free ward gold. I try to do that if I'm the jungler going through the river.You thinking of it wrong.
Green ward 75g. Pink Ward 100g. Since the green ward is the one with a time limit, you can evaluate it and put a cost on vision: 1 minute of map vision is worth 25g. If that's the case, then a pink ward becomes gold efficient at 4 minutes and improves from there on out.
That's why you place pink wards in low traffic but still highly important area during laning phase: the small river bushes, bushes overlooking jungle entrances, and the bushes overlooking buffs. In those spots the ward is more likely to survive past 4 minutes. As the match progresses you start putting down pinks in places you [nominally] control.
Hell, even if jungler finds the damn thing and kills it, it doesn't just instantly vaporize. Early game it can easily take >5 seconds to clear the damn thing. Your whole team knowing where the opposing jungler is for all that time? Worth the 25g price difference alone.
i find it's cute how you write ward in the shop to search for wards <3
I have my shop key bound to ~, so I can do it pretty fast with my left hand. i havent rebuilt my item pages since I reinstalled, normally I have it all right there on my BUY ME 2 WIN tab
sion rework you silly
also it's noxus not noxious
too much ascension for you buddy
I hope Sion remains incredibly stupid late game. Late game AD Sion was so fun to play against people who simply didn't expect it.
I also have a terrible habit of asking "why" myself -- even if I -do- want to know what people were thinking, it doesn't help. I've been trying to just switch to either saying positive things or muting people who are complaining.
I just hope that Sion loses that ranged stun. That thing is so dumb. It's basically the easiest gank enabler in the entire game.
I need a new way to level up skills. Ctrl + qwer requires hand gymnastics
that's why against sion i start bootsI just hope that Sion loses that ranged stun. That thing is so dumb. It's basically the easiest gank enabler in the entire game.
I need a new way to level up skills. Ctrl + qwer requires hand gymnastics
Apparently a lot of people just change the hotkeys for "level up this skill."
I should probably do that because I keep pinging people to back off while trying to level skills in a fight.
Just use a button on your mouse/keyboard peripheral instead of control.
Mine is "up" on the directional pad of my Nostromo.
Blizzard said:I guess that makes sense, though you can only have 1 of them per player of course. The main thing is that I feel like often, anyone in the area will make a point of walking through tri/tiny bushes on purpose to pick up the free ward gold. I try to do that if I'm the jungler going through the river.
u know me man
Yea i'm thinking a mouse button for the modifier. I have 6 buttons and use #5 for push to talk and 4 is trinket, so I could just go with any of them really. I think i'll bind the shop to one of them as well.