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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I kind of don't like how pink wards are basically "you pay 100G to give free gold to the other team". You briefly know where their jungler is as they cruise through and farm your ward, but unless you camp near it to set up a pink ward trap, it seems very easy to just kill.

You thinking of it wrong.

Green ward 75g. Pink Ward 100g. Since the green ward is the one with a time limit, you can evaluate it and put a cost on vision: 1 minute of map vision is worth 25g. If that's the case, then a pink ward becomes gold efficient at 4 minutes and improves from there on out.

That's why you place pink wards in low traffic but still highly important area during laning phase: the small river bushes, bushes overlooking jungle entrances, and the bushes overlooking buffs. In those spots the ward is more likely to survive past 4 minutes. As the match progresses you start putting down pinks in places you [nominally] control.

Hell, even if jungler finds the damn thing and kills it, it doesn't just instantly vaporize. Early game it can easily take >5 seconds to clear the damn thing. Your whole team knowing where the opposing jungler is for all that time? Worth the 25g price difference alone.


He built Rabadon and Hextech Revolver.
This were his items when we lost. Even I know you tank with swain and I don't even use him.

Okay, Hextech is an awful build on Swain. Sorry about that, that guy sucked.

That, for some reason, makes players just throw the game out the window in my experience in league.
Also never respond to why? From an ally for your item builds. It will just piss them off more.

Confirmed that "why" makes me tilt immediately.

Honestly, "why", "really" and "this <x>" are all obviously negative outcome choices and if you actually type them in a game, well, I kind of have to ask why.

League is a game about communication skills! Learn some!


its hard always being the positive "hey guys we can win with our team comp just let X farm for the next 10 minutes and give up some objs."

Just wait for the fed trist to get cocky and dive 1v5 into your team. Then you win because the other team is too busy yelling in chat to realize theyre all dead.

You thinking of it wrong.

Green ward 75g. Pink Ward 100g. Since the green ward is the one with a time limit, you can evaluate it and put a cost on vision: 1 minute of map vision is worth 25g. If that's the case, then a pink ward becomes gold efficient at 4 minutes and improves from there on out.

That's why you place pink wards in low traffic but still highly important area during laning phase: the small river bushes, bushes overlooking jungle entrances, and the bushes overlooking buffs. In those spots the ward is more likely to survive past 4 minutes. As the match progresses you start putting down pinks in places you [nominally] control.

Hell, even if jungler finds the damn thing and kills it, it doesn't just instantly vaporize. Early game it can easily take >5 seconds to clear the damn thing. Your whole team knowing where the opposing jungler is for all that time? Worth the 25g price difference alone.

Yea and there are a lot of times where you can contest the pink ward, depending on the situation.


My typical response to bad behavior is simply to admittedly admit to a mistake, and point out that it happens. This almost always diffuses the situation.

However, I'm always a bit perplexed when people get mad because you're doing something smart. I was in an Ascension game yesterday where someone was complaining about my Zilean split-capping, which forced my team to fight 5v4s and often die. However, I was racking up an enormous score (I accounted for 40% of my team's score at the end) and we ended up winning with me as top score by nearly 2x anyone else in the game. Further, I've used this strategy to win approximately 2/3 of my Ascension games.

I think a lot of people, in general, get mad at split pushers on any map. The people on the other team find it annoying to deal with, and the people on your team hate fighting 5v4s, even if split pushing is, ultimately, a very viable strategy.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think a lot of people, in general, get mad at split pushers on any map. The people on the other team find it annoying to deal with, and the people on your team hate fighting 5v4s, even if split pushing is, ultimately, a very viable strategy.
Split pushing isn't great on SR right now, and most people are terrible at it.


Yesterday I called 'no' in two different baron situations that were risky (jungler still decided to go ahead) but helped us win the game. Sometimes you got to believe.

Baron is the worst way to lose a game. I hate when the team goes Baron, and you know they don't have enough time to do it, but they go anyway. You follow, because you might as well, and then everybody dies.

Also, I hate when you're playing top and the jungler comes up to gank. You ping him a retreat ping, but he goes anyway and dies. I was playing against an Akali and the jungler came up. I warned him away, and he died. He came back again, and again I pinged him to leave. He died. Then he types, "she's got spell vamp, good luck with that, not going top again."

So then I have a fed Akali that's just a massive pain in the butt to deal with. I still get her tower first, but I'm way behind in CS and when we start getting into team fights the jungler keeps saying that I lost the game because I let Akali get ahead.

Cool, bro. Let's be friends so we can duo all the time.


it's just a joy to shit on a yasuu in lane and after the game is over to realize he was a toxic douche you had muted from a previous game >:3


Did my first placement match on ranked with a friend! He has a Silver 2 smurf so I guess the people we fought against and the people that were on our team were slightly higher (or a lot?) than what I expected!

Lane was ok but I fucked up a couple of times and I wasn't aggressive enough because honestly Ezreal and Braum were tearing me apart (I just checked and Ez also had 6x AD glyph and Braum had a mix of AD/AP runes?)

Our top lane (Gnar vs Maokai) was quite toxic like trash talking in ALL chat and when I called him to focus on the game, he was like "stfu kid" but somehow we pulled through and won!


I feel I could have done better but at the same time, I was super nervous and I hope it goes away. Anyway, some of my friends pointed out that duoing is a bad thing? That first of all it's gonna screw up my MMR and then I might have problems when going solo. I just honestly didn't see myself doing placement matches solo, I am fairly sure that without my friend this match would have been lost due to mid and top doing so iffy.

Btw Zky, bought Ahri <3 love how she flows!


What I don't understand is why you need to communicate that on TS. Sure, it's fine to get mad, I've yelled and hit the desk sometimes, but people wouldn't know (except from those in my house).

Don't have push to talk? Activate it.

Because it's totally hilarious and I had to mute myself in game because I was laughing so much?

Like srs, he doesn't do it to GAFfers, he does it over voice to randoms who can't even hear him. It's great. I love it.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Oh my god.
There's nothing wrong with duo queuing. Just be aware that the game will average you and your duo partner's MMR's, then "uprate" you so you play opponent's slightly above your duo's averaged MMR. This means that if you have one partner with a much higher MMR than their partner's, they will get little LP for a win while the lower ranked partner gets a ton (and vice versa for a loss).


i'm glad they killed the summoners and league thing and immediatelly started raining down lore

i'm all over this shit, it's delicious

Hate leads to anger... anger leads to suffering... suffering leads to... uh, I dunno, but I think ghost was mad :(

After he went 0-4, fiddle told us that it was his first time playing fiddle ever... so he tries it out in ranked.

i find it's cute how you write ward in the shop to search for wards <3

Btw Zky, bought Ahri <3 love how she flows!
cool, i'd say i'm not that great on ahri (have to stop picking her into ziggs) but she's like my second or third most played so i'm around for questions bby


That, for some reason, makes players just throw the game out the window in my experience in league.
Also never respond to why? From an ally for your item builds. It will just piss them off more.
I used to make this mistake in voicechat. People would ask why I made a decision, and I would try to explain the line of (potentially flawed) reasoning that led to the decision, thinking they wanted to know the reasoning behind it.

It pretty much never works out, and I'm guessing some people ask "why" out of frustration, or meaning something else other than "please explain your reasoning" (which is probably best left for a post-game discussion anyway).

I also have a terrible habit of asking "why" myself -- even if I -do- want to know what people were thinking, it doesn't help. I've been trying to just switch to either saying positive things or muting people who are complaining. Teammates and the game are a ton more enjoyable when people stick to positives, even through mistakes. There's always time afterwards for polite, detailed discussion about replays or certain situations if needed. It's like finding a unicorn if you ever discover a high-level player who DOESN'T talk to you harshly about mistakes, but actually provides a small, specific change you can apply right now. It makes you feel great and want to do better.

You thinking of it wrong.

Green ward 75g. Pink Ward 100g. Since the green ward is the one with a time limit, you can evaluate it and put a cost on vision: 1 minute of map vision is worth 25g. If that's the case, then a pink ward becomes gold efficient at 4 minutes and improves from there on out.

That's why you place pink wards in low traffic but still highly important area during laning phase: the small river bushes, bushes overlooking jungle entrances, and the bushes overlooking buffs. In those spots the ward is more likely to survive past 4 minutes. As the match progresses you start putting down pinks in places you [nominally] control.

Hell, even if jungler finds the damn thing and kills it, it doesn't just instantly vaporize. Early game it can easily take >5 seconds to clear the damn thing. Your whole team knowing where the opposing jungler is for all that time? Worth the 25g price difference alone.
I guess that makes sense, though you can only have 1 of them per player of course. The main thing is that I feel like often, anyone in the area will make a point of walking through tri/tiny bushes on purpose to pick up the free ward gold. I try to do that if I'm the jungler going through the river.


So we met SK Zytan of SK Prime fame in blind pick normals

They were a 5 man premade with Fiddle as the one weak link (silver as opposed to Masters/Challenger/D1).

Shaco did two early ganks bot and hilarity ensued. Fiddle got so mad and typed too many things in all chat. I have to imagine it sounded something like the Ghost videos in their all chat.

Fun stomps.


i find it's cute how you write ward in the shop to search for wards <3

I have my shop key bound to ~, so I can do it pretty fast with my left hand. i havent rebuilt my item pages since I reinstalled, normally I have it all right there on my BUY ME 2 WIN tab


is the "quick invite" thing totally broken for everyone else?

like it never suggests the ppl i play 90% of my games with but it'll recommend me the random guy we had to carry that just went like 0/6/3 in my last game

I have my shop key bound to ~, so I can do it pretty fast with my left hand. i havent rebuilt my item pages since I reinstalled, normally I have it all right there on my BUY ME 2 WIN tab

i generally just use the main shop for wards

i bound it to x and removed that don't attack minions button

it's not really a good idea but x is really comfortable for me


I hope Sion remains incredibly stupid late game. Late game AD Sion was so fun to play against people who simply didn't expect it.

I think the purpose his rework is to make him an AD warrior rather than an axe mage, so hopefully he should still have a strong late.


i think the little they already confirmed is that he'll be ad only, dps and hyperscaling. not 100% sure but i think somewhere in my head there's rito posts saying dat

i also think they said he wouldn't have any gapclosers, like they want him to feel like this massive ball of death chasing you

so basically another nasus? time to wait n see


I also have a terrible habit of asking "why" myself -- even if I -do- want to know what people were thinking, it doesn't help. I've been trying to just switch to either saying positive things or muting people who are complaining.

I have had a surprising amount of success telling people who are complaining that they are making us more likely to lose the game.


I need a new way to level up skills. Ctrl + qwer requires hand gymnastics

Apparently a lot of people just change the hotkeys for "level up this skill."

I should probably do that because I keep pinging people to back off while trying to level skills in a fight.


Apparently a lot of people just change the hotkeys for "level up this skill."

I should probably do that because I keep pinging people to back off while trying to level skills in a fight.

Just use a button on your mouse/keyboard peripheral instead of control.

Mine is "up" on the directional pad of my Nostromo.

Yea i'm thinking a mouse button for the modifier. I have 6 buttons and use #5 for push to talk and 4 is trinket, so I could just go with any of them really. I think i'll bind the shop to one of them as well.


All I'm going to say is that Sion had better be able to fucking jungle properly. And when I say properly, I mean actual viability and not as some misguided test (re: Gnar).

Personal button setup: alt+QWER for smart casting, that way I keep my thumb on ALT and my four fingers on QWER. CTRL and SHIFT have been mapped to the extra buttons on my mouse so to level up skills it's a side mouse button+QWER.

Blizzard said:
I guess that makes sense, though you can only have 1 of them per player of course. The main thing is that I feel like often, anyone in the area will make a point of walking through tri/tiny bushes on purpose to pick up the free ward gold. I try to do that if I'm the jungler going through the river.

You're over valuing your opponents. If you're smart enough to do that yourself then kudos. I don't think I've played a single game where someone didn't just pass right by one of my pink wards. And I don't mean they passed by the bush, I mean they went through the bush with the pink and just kept on going. Also, losing a pink ward is hardly the end of the world. It's what, 25g to the "killer"? You gave the effectively gave the guy 1 cs in exchange for the possibility of minutes and minutes of vision control. That's like the very definition of #wurth.


Yea i'm thinking a mouse button for the modifier. I have 6 buttons and use #5 for push to talk and 4 is trinket, so I could just go with any of them really. I think i'll bind the shop to one of them as well.

I use zxcv for my level up, corresponding to qwer in that order.
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