I've decided that I'm not going to complete my placement matches for ranked. And that I'm going to stop playing anything but in-house games for a bit here.
Just too much frustration, too many thrown games and it's no longer any fun for me. The GAF community is awesome, but the League community outside of it is toxic as all hell. Too many AFKers, too many people making bad decisions over and over again, too many people trying to carry all on their own when they're already 0/5/0 and feeding their lanes, too many ganks with no help.
I'm just burnt out on this game. It used to be somewhat fun but I feel like I'm fighting a battle I can't win anymore. I need to step away for a while and try to regroup.
During my placements I started out 4-1. I was pretty happy! That 1 was a game where we just got outlaned completely, but I played a big role in at least two of the other victories. I was holding out hope for Silver I and a quick dart into Gold.
Then I lost the next five games straight. I had the same incredibly toxic, ragequitting player in two games in a row. I had the guy who locked Jayce after top was taken and ended up going Jayce ADC (with me as support, of course) and AFKing after going 0/6 with like 10 CS. I had a game with support Teemo. I didn't feed in any of the games -- the worst I did was lose lane by a kill and maybe 10 CS. But I wasn't good enough to make those games wins, and at least some of them would never have been wins.
Here's a terrifying fact to remember: a 60% win rate is good enough to climb forever and a 40% win rate is bad enough to fall forever.
Here's how to think about that:
* You play ten games.
* Out of those ten games, four of them are games you'll win because the opposing team has an AFK/ragequit, they're too toxic to win, they make irreparably bad decisions, or you have a smurf or something that just wins the game. Basically, you'll win them through no fault of your own -- if you played worse (up to a point), you'd still win.
* Four of them are the opposite -- games you'll lose because you have a toxic player or someone is terrible or the opposing team has a smurf or whatever. Even if you played better (up to a point), you'll still lose.
* In the four losses, you'll know that you lost because of bullshit. But in the four wins, you won't know that you won because of bullshit. You'll just think you played well (you probably did) and you guys made it work.
* The two remaining games are the only ones where your level of skill really matters. If you win them both, you'll climb. If you lose them both, you'll fall. If you split them, you'll stay where you are.
That's how League works. That's the baseline assumption of success and failure. If you're good enough to be ranked better than you are, you'll still lose 4 of every 10 games. If you're bad enough to be ranked worse than you are, you'll still win 4 of every 10 games. The vast majority of the time, you're going to win or lose for reasons outside your control.
This can either be terrifying or freeing. If it's terrifying, you should totally quit. Straight up, League is a video game, fuck it if it's not fun. But if you can focus on your own play and the things you want to improve on and let go of the W/L since you basically don't control it, you can rise in the ranks and also enjoy yourself.
Now, if you want to win, there's probably also a bunch of personnel management skills you can learn. But from an enjoyment perspective it's more important to just remember that most of the time the game is bullshit for somebody, so just play your best.