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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
when you remember that you gain nothing from getting better at league, it really puts sitting through hour long sessions of the game with ppl you dont like in perspective
think of how much time you spend doing something that isn't even fun for you
So...this is why we don't play anymore.


Latest game playing solo:

Enemy mid laner says they're AFK, report if we want, their friend got hit by a car.
I say I hope they're ok, two of them say the friend is dead.

Then they say they were trolling, and proceed to call us "retards" and "faggotr" while crushing our team.

What even makes people do stuff like this? This almost seems worse than usual.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
1600 Riot Points it's like $15 right there.

Then you factor in all those champs and runes.

dang bischu shamed boxbox real hard

As someone who recently picked up Zed for fun, I am still struggling to understand what happened. I don't get how his shadows ended up where they did.

Latest game playing solo:

Enemy mid laner says they're AFK, report if we want, their friend got hit by a car.
I say I hope they're ok, two of them say the friend is dead.

Then they say they were trolling, and proceed to call us "retards" and "faggotr" while crushing our team.

What even makes people do stuff like this? This almost seems worse than usual.

That's just terrible. But people do stupid shit all the time, and I just stopped trying to understand the thought process behind it.


The internet is filled with sociopaths and sadists.

worse, people with bad sense of humor

As someone who recently picked up Zed for fun, I am still struggling to understand what happened. I don't get how his shadows ended up where they did.
zed ulted to dodge riven stun and shadow kind of gooded and landed somewhere weird so she swapped then w'd then swapped again and then forgot to walk away in style as death mark popped

and lots of qe mashing in between swapping

took me a few watches too, zed's messed up
zed ulted to dodge riven stun and shadow kind of gooded and landed somewhere weird so she swapped then w'd then swapped again and then forgot to walk away in style as death mark popped

and lots of qe mashing in between swapping

took me a few watches too, zed's messed up

Yeah, I thought Death Mark placed a shadow where you used it, so I was confused at why it appeared in the lower right.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
As someone who recently picked up Zed for fun, I am still struggling to understand what happened. I don't get how his shadows ended up where they did.


E -> R dodged Riven's Stun -> R switch baited second swing -> Q -> E -> W behind Riven -> W switch baited third swing

I realize the most embarrassing part of this play was Riven trying to hit one of the Shadow Zeds that are part of the ult animation.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's probably from an earlier version of Zed since this is how he worked at release.


when you remember that you gain nothing from getting better at league, it really puts sitting through hour long sessions of the game with ppl you dont like in perspective
think of how much time you spend doing something that isn't even fun for you
It's fun to duo with your friends and win though.

You probably don't enjoy it because you restricted yourself from duoing.

Anyone see a problem with this?

11/13 Heimer does 60k damage


yeah the only reason i play this game is cause i have fun and I tend to be matched with and against prtty chill ppl, tho I don't really play much atm

but I keep seeing accounts of how ppl aren't having fun, how they are subject to bullshit ppl, etc. and I just am pretty confused on why someone would continue under those kind of auspices

i enjoy the game just fine lol
but the way ppl give advice like, use this method and you will grow quicker; them growing and being better at the game really has nothing to do with mobas being this cesspool of awfulness


yeah the only reason i play this game is cause i have fun and I tend to be matched with and against prtty chill ppl, tho I don't really play much atm

but I keep seeing accounts of how ppl aren't having fun, how they are subject to bullshit ppl, etc. and I just am pretty confused on why someone would continue under those kind of auspices

i enjoy the game just fine lol
I think the perceived issues aren't the real issues.


no I mean I have seen some pretty awful ppl in this game, like str8 verbal abuse, and if someone is constantly being subjected to that

like, just why
why play the game and be subjected to abuse
there is no real good reason

like sure a lot of ppl are frustrated that they are bad, or they place the blame on other people, whatever, being matched with players of varying skill in a multiplayer game is pretty normal

but being matched with assholes constantly is a completely different thing and I have nothing but respect for ppl who remove themselves from that situation vs. queuing up again, and, sigh, another asshole
During my placements I started out 4-1. I was pretty happy! That 1 was a game where we just got outlaned completely, but I played a big role in at least two of the other victories. I was holding out hope for Silver I and a quick dart into Gold.

Then I lost the next five games straight. I had the same incredibly toxic, ragequitting player in two games in a row. I had the guy who locked Jayce after top was taken and ended up going Jayce ADC (with me as support, of course) and AFKing after going 0/6 with like 10 CS. I had a game with support Teemo. I didn't feed in any of the games -- the worst I did was lose lane by a kill and maybe 10 CS. But I wasn't good enough to make those games wins, and at least some of them would never have been wins.

Here's a terrifying fact to remember: a 60% win rate is good enough to climb forever and a 40% win rate is bad enough to fall forever.

Here's how to think about that:

* You play ten games.
* Out of those ten games, four of them are games you'll win because the opposing team has an AFK/ragequit, they're too toxic to win, they make irreparably bad decisions, or you have a smurf or something that just wins the game. Basically, you'll win them through no fault of your own -- if you played worse (up to a point), you'd still win.
* Four of them are the opposite -- games you'll lose because you have a toxic player or someone is terrible or the opposing team has a smurf or whatever. Even if you played better (up to a point), you'll still lose.
* In the four losses, you'll know that you lost because of bullshit. But in the four wins, you won't know that you won because of bullshit. You'll just think you played well (you probably did) and you guys made it work.
* The two remaining games are the only ones where your level of skill really matters. If you win them both, you'll climb. If you lose them both, you'll fall. If you split them, you'll stay where you are.

That's how League works. That's the baseline assumption of success and failure. If you're good enough to be ranked better than you are, you'll still lose 4 of every 10 games. If you're bad enough to be ranked worse than you are, you'll still win 4 of every 10 games. The vast majority of the time, you're going to win or lose for reasons outside your control.

This can either be terrifying or freeing. If it's terrifying, you should totally quit. Straight up, League is a video game, fuck it if it's not fun. But if you can focus on your own play and the things you want to improve on and let go of the W/L since you basically don't control it, you can rise in the ranks and also enjoy yourself.

Now, if you want to win, there's probably also a bunch of personnel management skills you can learn. But from an enjoyment perspective it's more important to just remember that most of the time the game is bullshit for somebody, so just play your best.

You know, I know you're right, and it's not terrifying, I guess. I guess I just wish I had the feeling that even if I'm losing, I was learning something, but I don't feel like I'm learning as much as I want to. That's what's frustrating me; if I lost and I learned, say, where not to be when Kog'Maw throws down his ult, that would be one thing. Or if I was just feeding out of some mistake I was making, but it's not.

I think I just want to take a long break from it. I'm no longer enjoying it. I keep checking and finding that my lane match-ups are against people with 300, 400, 500, even 1,000 wins, and they keep kicking my ass. I don't know what I can do to fix things right now so maybe I need a break to get away from the game and just reset.
but nihontiger's case def seems like someone who just jumped into ranked too early and wasn't ready i guess

I don't think it's just "I'm not ready for ranked" because I know now that I'm not. The problems are oozing out into normal matches now, too.

I just don't know what to do, guys. I know, I'm whining about things and I apologize for that, but it really feels like there's constant pressure on me. I think I've just lost confidence in myself as a League player and I can't get it back right now. Everything I feel like I do is the wrong thing or I'm not pushing hard enough or pushing too hard or letting my team down. Confidence matters a lot and right now, I just don't have any in my play.


I just don't know what to do, guys. I know, I'm whining about things and I apologize for that, but it really feels like there's constant pressure on me. I think I've just lost confidence in myself as a League player and I can't get it back right now. Everything I feel like I do is the wrong thing or I'm not pushing hard enough or pushing too hard or letting my team down. Confidence matters a lot and right now, I just don't have any in my play.

You should definitely take a break. It's all good, complaining is fine, but it just doesn't sound like you're enjoying yourself.

League is a fun game that people play while their babies are temporarily sleeping for 40 minute periods. If you feel a ton of pressure to excel at it, I would step back for a bit. What's the point? It's supposed to be fun!

Believe me, "best Blitzcrank NA" is not going to be a big deal on anybody's resume any time soon.

Except maybe Doublelift's.
You should definitely take a break. It's all good, complaining is fine, but it just doesn't sound like you're enjoying yourself.

League is a fun game that people play while their babies are temporarily sleeping for 40 minute periods. If you feel a ton of pressure to excel at it, I would step back for a bit. What's the point? It's supposed to be fun!

Believe me, "best Blitzcrank NA" is not going to be a big deal on anybody's resume any time soon.

Except maybe Doublelift's.

Haha, yeah. It should be fun, and I think maybe that's the problem. I have too much pressure on myself to regain the confidence I used to have in my playmaking, but I can't force that on myself and it's making me hate the game.

So maybe I'll take a break for a week or two here. I'll still hang around here but I need to kind of just chill a bit.

I also don't think I'm going to finish ranked placement for S4; you guys are right that it's too much for me now. I need more practice in normals and hopefully with you guys first so I can get my confidence back a bit and tune up my skills.

Thanks for putting up with my bad mood tonight. You guys are great and you're not gonna get away from me that easily. :)


if it's a matter of confidence, keep at it, take the game less seriously, play for fun, etc.; you will naturally get better at the game as you play

taking a break seems like a pretty good idea

all my advice before was for situations where the player is constantly getting verbally abused or witnessing it, not enjoying the game, and feeling like they are rolling the dice whenever they queue
There was a time when I just solo queued and refused to duo with a friend who was Gold V. I'm Silver V, and I"m sporadically trying to get into Gold. He also started at Silver V and just worked his way up. I hated feeling like I depended on him to win and really just sought to get better on my own by playing against people Riot felt I should be matched up with.

But then I got over the obsession of getting better if it meant that I was limiting my capacity to have fun.


When I ranked solo queue, I recognise my mistakes and improve. I have fun like this even though I have to get though some ass holes along the way.

When I ranked duo queue, I recognise other people's mistakes and laugh/facepalm at them along with my duo partner.

When I solo queue draft, I have fun by mucking around with builds and crazy invades.

When I group draft, I have fun through team work and getting/giving out critique.

When I ranked teams, I try to play to the best of my ability to not let the team down and to fulfill my role.

My mentality changes with the game mode I play. I have more fun and motivation through competition. Raging, venting and dealing with random ass holes is part of the experience.


Everything is moe to me
You know, I know you're right, and it's not terrifying, I guess. I guess I just wish I had the feeling that even if I'm losing, I was learning something, but I don't feel like I'm learning as much as I want to. That's what's frustrating me; if I lost and I learned, say, where not to be when Kog'Maw throws down his ult, that would be one thing. Or if I was just feeding out of some mistake I was making, but it's not.

I think I just want to take a long break from it. I'm no longer enjoying it. I keep checking and finding that my lane match-ups are against people with 300, 400, 500, even 1,000 wins, and they keep kicking my ass. I don't know what I can do to fix things right now so maybe I need a break to get away from the game and just reset.

well, the beauty of ranked is that once you cut your teeth on those first few losses, you will find yourself at an elo where you can match up against those 1000 game people and then have a way to see yourself improve as you climb.


practice? whats practice

There was a time when I just solo queued and refused to duo with a friend who was Gold V. I'm Silver V, and I"m sporadically trying to get into Gold. He also started at Silver V and just worked his way up. I hated feeling like I depended on him to win and really just sought to get better on my own by playing against people Riot felt I should be matched up with.

But then I got over the obsession of getting better if it meant that I was limiting my capacity to have fun.

Matchmaking is actually giving you tougher opponents because of him.


Finally got to play Zilean vs an AD assassasin, in this case Zed. Still have trouble farming with Zil, but i was able to keep even just due to him being scared of the harass. Got my first kill by coming out of a gank against zed/eve. Neither respected my ult and i was able to fire so many bombs. I love Zil's ult.
practice? whats practice

Matchmaking is actually giving you tougher opponents because of him.
I'm aware of that, but generally he's good enough to carry (which used to bother me because I felt useless at times). I still have fun even if I do terribly because we have fun playing together.
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