Well, it hasn't trickled down to high silver, I guess. She's still squishy any time I see her.
it's not that hard to be effective as sona. you don't really have to do anything in lane, just play passive and survive. you don't even need to poke, you'll be useful later anyways.
i find that pretty depressing as sona used to be such a bully and now not so much
not really ocs of the rework but how they nerfed her q damage to the point it doesn't feel worth it so much
and u know if you play her well enough you still can rekk face. i run her with ignite, double pen and a risky ap quint and fight fight fight <3
FFS really? Warcraft 3... the game that spawned dota... that spawned League? You should know this!
what can i say the last time i played an rts i think was brood wars and even then i only stuck to the campaign cos playing against ppl is hard