NA dying. Sucks to be winning then be the only team with disconnects.
what are some good fizz tips
what are some good fizz tips
but im putting all my points into e
Let's take this time to discuss smash 4.
Villager is OP, megaman is garbage.
Palutena is top tier OP monster.
You generally want to max it first yes, but you better be damn sure that you can either kill them or get away safely if you lead with e. If their jungler is near or they have a stun and you lead with e you will be a very bad spot. Also if the other laner is smart they know to harass you while your e is down if you use it a lot to farm/ lead attacks.
Yeah.. megaman is so underwhelming.
Link feels pretty good
Still on the demo. Do you have the full game?
server is fucked right now
are the pokemon cool in the new smash brothers
NA dying. Sucks to be winning then be the only team with disconnects.
The turret creation has just as many drawbacks to me. How often do you really want to create a weaker point that you have to defend? Are you able to time its incredibly long cooldown properly? Are you okay with giving the enemy team gold for destroying it? If anything, it's massively more useful when not used just for the teleport options it opens up.i dunno i feel like once they patch his awkwardness away being sort-of-ori but also being able to melt turrets and create turrets of his own will be pretty strong
just a feeling i get
Yeah flask is the usual start, and yeah it's all pretty situational depending on that matchup. You have to be sure you have a minion to q to get back out. So if up against a kass or kat you could probably lead e, q out no problem. But if you're against a syndra or xerath I would be less apt to do so because they could just stun you when you try to q out and lay more harass on you.yeah i can see all that
is it worth it to expend all that mana for a wq harass in general
im probably starting with the based flask
i feel like if i feel safe enough to wq and e out, i would probably feel safe enough to e and wq out
i mean depending on the laner
no i mean the pokemon that come out when you throw pokeballs
This isn't AP Malphite.AP Malphite continues to simply crush.
Too bad I suck with every other champ I play.
This isn't AP Malphite.
GAWT DAMN that AP Malphite...still killin it
AP Malph cannot be stopped, top or mid. One game I even played ADC lol.
If your only AP item is Chalice it doesn't really seem like an AP Malphite build to me. I'm pretty hard to impress I guess.Umm sure it is. At Least its the smart way to play him but look at my masteries/runes. Full AP/Magic Pen.
Oh yeah, breaking the meta!Heres some more matches I have had with my version of AP Malph. 10 game+ win streak in ranked as well.
Oh yeah, breaking the meta!
if you ever get noticed by riot, expect nerfs soon
That's not really AP Malphite. That's just..Malphite.
Whoa whoa. I don't know anyone at all who goes AD on Malphite. Look at all the popular builds and they build almost identical to you.Well its not AD malphite which is what most people consider just malphite. Every item I get has AP, full AP runes full AP mastery and the only tank items are ones that directly benefit from having AP. Also I rotate Zhonya and Scepter which are mainly AP as well.
Syndra presses R on you
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD outplayed!!!!!!!!11111
Syndra presses R on you
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD outplayed!!!!!!!!11111
I think you mean Malzahar.Syndra presses R on you
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD outplayed!!!!!!!!11111
yea i'm not saying you're wrong but i see a couple of things that sound like could be potentially pretty good in skilled handsThe turret creation has just as many drawbacks to me. How often do you really want to create a weaker point that you have to defend? Are you able to time its incredibly long cooldown properly? Are you okay with giving the enemy team gold for destroying it? If anything, it's massively more useful when not used just for the teleport options it opens up.
His abilities can be polished up to help with ease of use on some stuff, but his damage will remain low, and his offensive options are truly limited compared to someone like Orianna, who also happens to have a stronger defensive options. I do not see a scenario in which Azir thrives, unless it comes with him in the support role.
you and nev should make a blog togetherSyndra presses R on you
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD outplayed!!!!!!!!11111
what does this even mean lolTired of this stupid ass Lee-sin esque muh skillshot bullshit going on.
well that's a bit too muchI wish it was that easy. In order to kill someone with her ult, you have to have the maximum number of spheres, probably ignite, and also hit them with some damage while setting the ult up.
I think you mean Malzahar.
well that's a bit too much
usually dfg, the stun damage and a 2 ball is enough
Whoa whoa. I don't know anyone at all who goes AD on Malphite. Look at all the popular builds and they build almost identical to you.