That Ranked matchmaking tho.
That Ranked matchmaking tho.
Congratulations. You have finally beaten LoL. Do you want to try new game plus and get to challenger?GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!
zyra support too stronk. 15 game win streak. GOLD, BITCHES!
A lot of people go cdr glyphs. I usually just go vanilla ap caster - hybrid pen marks, ap quints, armor seals and scaling mr glyphs. Mostly because I'm too poor for more runes though.
Amazing post on GD
Also I swear to god Draven suffers from the retarded clown phenomenon. Literally every Draven i'm put with is god-fucking-AWFUL, but their draven is 1v5ing at the 20 minute mark.
ur probably getting matched with my buddy who started playing draven again this week
Pretty much, lore never directly translated to gameplay since Swain, Jarven, Darius, and Garen could all be on the same team. I miss summoners but I'm mostly okay with the recent developments since Riot can develop the surrounding world. I just wish we could get reason as to why these champions are in the rift fighting each other since the Institute of War no longer exists. Might as well just pull a street fighter and say there's another fighting tournament!!111.
Great, the non lp decay planned backfired.peeps be straight trolling in ranked tonight, lol
had a 5 melee game (wukong adc,) a game with jayce jungle, and now a game with blitz mid and vi top. fun times on the rift
edit: apparently an ap j4 in the jungle too
I max W-Q-E right? I've been evolving W then E then Q last.
zkylon said:i feel like the soraka rework is gonna be pretty broken
Welcome the change, I hear it's good.
Guys, guys. I have a major announcement. I just had a Vayne on my team that carried and wasn't toxic. I'm not making it up. I got her going early with some ganks and then it got nasty fairly quickly.
Fiora is so fun in the jungle. Not the best at the role, but man, if you get her rolling she's a monster.
Oh man, Kha'zix is fucking awesome. Gonna keep playing him for awhile.
I max W-Q-E right? I've been evolving W then E then Q last.
Yes.Is there some oddball here who actually has a Steam copy of League? I wonder if they keep it updated.
What's odd about that?
uh, the builds.What's odd about that?
What's odd about that?
Everything looks pretty normal to me... Maybe I'm missing something?uh, the builds.
Ohh, just realized he wasn't jungle looool.Top lane Maokai with Golem is pretty unfortunate. TP/Smite Yi with distortion also seems basically like a bad idea.
How does our jungler, who is in Gold die trying to solo dragon? How does she constantly feed? How does our Janna not buy a single ward and end up buying Thornmail and still be in Gold?
These had to be purchased/boosted accounts, right? The two Gold players were easily the two worst on our team.
Maybe I want to go back to low Silver. People seem smarter there.
That's actually pretty normal.TP/Smite Yi with distortion also seems basically like a bad idea.
Passive - Perseverance
YOUR PUNY WEAPONS ARE USELESS Perseverance is no longer removed by non-epic monsters at level 11 and above
HEALTH REGENERATION 0.4% maximum health per second at all levels ⇒0.4% / 0.8% / 2.0% maximum health per second at levels 1/11/16
COOLDOWN 9 seconds at all levels ⇒ 9/6/4 seconds at levels 1/11/16
W: Astral Infusion
Passive: Soraka heals herself whenever she hits an enemy champion with Starcall.
Active: Soraka sacrifices her own health to heal a nearby ally.
Not for long. W is already in Riot's sights. Welcome the change, I hear it's good.
Who the hell buys Infinity Edge on Darius? Seems like a waste in an otherwise great VO set.
Reading up on Soraka's changes (at work so i can't watch videos or various websites) what happens if you use her heal on herself, or is that no longer possible
I just wanted to chime in and say that support vel'koz is legit, don't listen to those who say otherwise. There is definitely some skill cap involved in playing that well.Do you recommend any particular streamers? And yeah...I got forced into playing Vel support when someone else saw I wasn't ranked after the game started, and stubbornly took over mid to all my teams protest. To make it easy, I said screw it and went support. It went better than expected, and I kinda liked it.
Golem =/= Ancient Golem. Only Dragon and Baron are classified as epic monsters.
Lulu transform is hard CC I thought -- it makes you unable to do anything (can you even flash?) and interrupts channels.
yea i wasn't sure if that counts since it's kind of a weird silence thing but sure if you think it's only sona and zilean it's even more interestingPolymorph?
i don't get why riot gave her an instant ranged aoe silence->rootThe kit in general looks quite strong, I'm having trouble figuring out how the specific numbers pan out though. I didn't have any prior intentions of doing so, but I think I'll try out new Soraka at some point in the near future. Playing as and against old Soraka left a bad taste in my mouth.
i like lebonk buffs, as someone that really enjoyed playing her while everyone was banning her and hating her i gotta say i'm happy they went and buffed her juking which is the most fun part about her kit
like they say in the rundown thingie, buffing her in this direction will make her a more unique champion among her assassin peers, so like zed's a splitpusher, ahri's a mage/assassin hybrid and lebonk will be jukemaster.
she'll prolly need a bit more help tho
yea i wasn't sure if that counts since it's kind of a weird silence thing but sure if you think it's only sona and zilean it's even more interesting
i mean i guess what's interesting is not so much that they're the only ones without hard cc but that all the supports they've added since i started playing had so much of it, specially with morg and zyra and annie suddenly turning support and stuff
i don't get why riot gave her an instant ranged aoe silence->root
that sounds super frustrating to play against
It only lasts for a second and only for as long as you sit on it. If she hits you at the edge of the AoE and you walk out, you can cast spells again.yea just impressions from reading the kit, might be balanced but i don't like how it sounds. i bet it has like a 20-15s base cd or something
Guys, guys. I have a major announcement. I just had a Vayne on my team that carried and wasn't toxic. I'm not making it up. I got her going early with some ganks and then it got nasty fairly quickly.
Fiora is so fun in the jungle. Not the best at the role, but man, if you get her rolling she's a monster.
i dunno i see it possibly as a pretty annoying thing specially coupled with her slow and hard cc from some other champion like jinx or ashe or a jungle gank.It only lasts for a second and only for as long as you sit on it. If she hits you at the edge of the AoE and you walk out, you can cast spells again.
I find most players aren't toxic if they get fed and are winning.
it's a nerf -_-So what benefits are there now for Talon's new E?
It benefits anyone that isn't TalonSo what benefits are there now for Talon's new E?