So riot just fixed Sona's Q...
yeah the lower range was driving me nutsSo riot just fixed Sona's Q...
How does our jungler, who is in Gold die trying to solo dragon? How does she constantly feed? How does our Janna not buy a single ward and end up buying Thornmail and still be in Gold?
These had to be purchased/boosted accounts, right? The two Gold players were easily the two worst on our team.
Maybe I want to go back to low Silver. People seem smarter there.
Will buy skin when on sale. Riot plsAchtius having a field day.
Anybody tried new viktor yet? Cuz i like to know if hes still completely outclassed by lux.
It only lasts for a second and only for as long as you sit on it. If she hits you at the edge of the AoE and you walk out, you can cast spells again.
Zkylon said:happy they fixed it, it's not a small buff
bought viktor. dunno if i'll play him since he doesn't seem to help much my roster but what i played of him pre-rework was fun and the q ms buff thingie is awesome (you're still gonna evolve e first 100% of the times tho)
The lazers obviously. Lux has a far wider range than viktor and can bully him indefinitely in lane.i didn't know old viktor was competing with lux on anything :I
Come on! Defeat the world boss by releasing Ult Skills Dynamically!
Good thing now we have their address in Google Play!
What do you mean? If you troll and lose, you will still get demoted, and/or kicked out of ranked and rewards if you get chat-restricted.Great, the non lp decay planned backfired.
There goes the dream...
i hated it, it always felt wrong in my head but felt like maybe i was just rusty with sonaCertainly will be noticeable. I actually did appreciate the short time with the bug though because it made the cast range of Q about the same as her AAs so it gave me a good feel of when I'm in range to AA-Q-(powerchord)AA. But yeah, many a bot laner escaped by clutches because Q would was slightly out of range.
i dunno, i don't see a mid laner ever choosing anything over 40% more damageI'll defer to Achtius and whatever the good Viktor's end up doing, but I wouldn't be surprised if evolving Q or E (or leveling order for that matter) is match-up dependent.
The lazers obviously. Lux has a far wider range than viktor and can bully him indefinitely in lane.
afaik if you lose games and your elo goes to shit you can still fall to silver/brozneWhat do you mean? If you troll and lose, you will still get demoted, and/or kicked out of ranked and rewards if you get chat-restricted.
Now i don't think ill ever get to gold if people are trolling in silver. Im just gonna not play for the whole season then.What do you mean? If you troll and lose, you will still get demoted, and/or kicked out of ranked and rewards if you get chat-restricted.
oh dear god, mystery skins are back. hold my wallet...
lendo khar is doing a patreon
i'm prolly gonna throw him a few bucks, tales of valoran has made me really happy
I'll do it for great justice.
Tried out Zyra tonight. Oh, my. She can be mean. I'm excited to learn her well and start messing teams up.
Edit: Zyra tips are currently being accepted and appreciated.
i hated it, it always felt wrong in my head but felt like maybe i was just rusty with sona
i dunno, i don't see a mid laner ever choosing anything over 40% more damage
we just like shiny things too much
I saw you trying her out last night but for some reason I couldn't spectate the match. Was gonna offer you some tips at that time.
Skill order can vary, but I prefer to start E. Against certain match-ups you can be a lil' shit and start W and W-E-W on an early level 2 against low-mobility ADCs to 99% guarantee an early flash. Starting Q is fine too. Get a point in all three skills first at then you max Q, but you can max E as well when the opposing duo have low mobility and your own ADC benefits greatly from the improved snare duration and easier time landing the knock-up on Zyra's ult.
First things to get a handle on with Zyra IMO is her seeds. Q or E then plant the seed. Both Q and E have decent cast time while W is instant. This let's you confirm hits on Q and E so that the W seed won't be wasted. Also doesn't give your opponents a chance to crush your seed or give them advanced notice of your intent to attack. Zyra's plants will auto-attack the nearest champion on sprouting, and then will attack whoever Zyra AAs. Be very mindful of that. If you put E-W to get the slow plant and you then AA a champion out of that plants range, it`ll just attack random shit. Also, don't ignore that your plants can act as mini wards in a pinch- particularly useful in the lane bushes to set traps.
Her ult is better as a mid-fight disrupt or disengage than as an engage tool. Try to hold onto it after the engagement has occurred and you can nail several targets.
General core build is FQC, Sightstone, Sorc Shoes and Haunting Guise.
Lost a game where I was doing great top as Garen against Irelia. Never died once by my bot lane fed like crazyyyyyyyyyy. I didn't risk taking on their Lucian, but agreed to surrender even after getting a double kill when Talon, Irelia and Blitz invaded top haha.
Thanks, man!
By the end I caught onto the whole idea of casting the seeds after the Q and E. That definitely upped my rate. I built FQC, Sorc's, Haunting Guise, Morellonomicon, and Rylai's for my items. Seems I was in the right area, but may need to tweak.
I can already see really big play potential with her. You can get so much mileage out of her snare with those seeds. I ran her with ignite, but I'll probably do exhaust in most cases. I didn't think about using her seeds to check bushes or for vision, that's a really nice tip.
Also, I had no idea what to do with skill order, so I kind of spread the points around evenly with E being the last to max. I like your start E suggestion. I started Q, so I'll try your skill order tonight.
the way i see it even if it's unrealiable it's at the very worst a huge boost to his waveclear and you know the dude comes with a slow+stun so if you get the slow off you're prolly gonna get the double e proc. so not a huge buff to his poke but it's improving his burst and his zoningI suspect that's true for most match-ups particularly mid where wave clear is just so critical, but it doesn't seem particularly hard to avoid evolved E's explosions. I can see some good use cases for evolved Q in top lane (where I think Viktor can do a good job, maybe not competitively viable, but he's certainly capable of being there).
Hell, pretty sure that now that his kit is more well-rounded and cohesive playing him as an off-support in the bot lane (like Veigar or Brand) is perfectly doable for shits and giggles.
We can mystery gift ourselves???
I do have 2k RP sitting....
yea that's why that rito message of "players that have negative attitude lose 68% or something more games". well no shit rito who has a negative attitude when winning
New Soraka feels weird. Her heal is absolutely insane. They wanted to make the best healer, they made it. Holy cow. Her passive is also really cool, but it falls off very easy. I think it would be better if it lasted even 0.5 seconds after the target was healed.
Her E may be good, but it feels super clunky. Since it doesn't slow or anything it's almost impossible to get the root. Again, this could just need practice, but it's very hard to land the root. Her Starcall is also interesting. It's not like Nami. If you use it right next to you it's basically instant. Far away? Has a delay on when it lands.
Need to play her more to really make a concrete opinion, but she kind of feels like a mess. I like the idea of heal to starcall to starcall to heal, but I don't know if it's implemented the best.
Did two gifts, Super Galaxy Rumble and then Hazmat Heimer.
well u know there's always SOMEONE but like usually ppl don't start fighting each other until someone makes a mistakeI've seen it. Winning game, our Jax all of a sudden has a hissy fit and decides to afk at fountain and taunt us for the rest of the game.
Shouldn't you have all the skins already for free??4 mystery gifts
Piltover Customs Blitz
Demolisher Nunu
Workshop Shaco
King Tryndamere
Soraka's rework reminds me of the time when she was played mid for a couple patches this season.
What a horrible time that was.
Heimer's is pretty easy for a mid lane dominance champ. If they walk to your sentiries, theyre already dead.Not that lucky, I'm absolutely atrocious on Rumble and I don't think I've ever actually played Heimer.
well now in lane her passive and w will be useless so i think lane soraka is pretty much dead
i hope