Well like I said it mostly affects crafting and all that stuff. Shouldn't really see it affect your questing or leveling at all.
You can earn in game gold and buy patron status with it (ala eve online) but the price is rising pretty rapidly on it right now..and I'm not sure how a non patron would even afford it.
kog has been showing on my client as the first champion as "**Kog'Maw" for some reasonbest bot name ever.![]()
Jesus this was a long match... Not my longest, but still... Annoying...
2nd ranked game as Zed.
Wow what was janna even doing?
Janna Zhonyas...what?imagine that arden censer + warden's mail money being spent on a zhonyas
or pink wards
Janna Zhonyas...what?
Janna Zhonyas...what?
Has new Sion been patched in yet? Or are we still looking at PBE. I know it seems like a silly question but I haven't even loaded up the client or watched any streams besides Worlds in like 2 weeks.
PBE, and his sounds aren't in yet so he won't be live for a while.
He'll never be live.
zed on the double ad enemy team?
Athenes/Morellonomicon first itemBeen reading up on Karma mid/top. Does she follow the typical AP mage build (Athene's Deathcap Void etc.) or can she be built tanky (SV or IBG top)?
Been reading up on Karma mid/top. Does she follow the typical AP mage build (Athene's Deathcap Void etc.) or can she be built tanky (SV or IBG top)?
Athenes/Morellonomicon first item
Sorc Shoes
Void Staff
those are your core items. the rest is situational.
2/5 of my mystery skins today were shen skins.
Because riot wants you to use him just so they can see if he is still buggy.2/5 of my mystery skins today were shen skins.
2/5 of my mystery skins today were shen skins.
was one of them the yellow jacket skin
cause thats a good one man
I actually bought that and frozen during sugar rush.
Then I got surgeon and blood moon today.
I now have 4 skins for a champion that I never play.
I played against the new Talon last night. He's bad. I guess he forgot about the lack of silence, and he did a tower dive and I stunned him under the tower. Dead.
He's just not the same threat anymore. You don't have to worry about him jumping in and leaving you without a reaction window.
You can build RoA, Rylai, SV and such tanky items (in fact I'd recommend that for top), but CDR cap is a must, so Athene is still pretty much core.
Jeff-DSA said:I played against the new Talon last night. He's bad. I guess he forgot about the lack of silence, and he did a tower dive and I stunned him under the tower. Dead.
He's just not the same threat anymore. You don't have to worry about him jumping in and leaving you without a reaction window.
It's almost like they're 2 completely different situations!I don't get Riot. They say Skarner/Olaf's permaslow was toxic, but somehow Ziggs/Ori/Xerath poking people down from like 700 range isn't?
You can get a chalice for near infinite lane sustain, get a RoA and then finish Athene. Or you can rush RoA then Athene, but I don't like that. If you do it, I'd recommend running CD runes. I have never taken Morello over Athene as Karma.I have an interest in playing Karma top as well. Would you say that Athene's is core as in you should buy this as soon as possible, or core as in it's required as a 2nd or 3rd option. vs. mostly AD champions am I better going RoA into maybe Morello's, or is still RoA into Athene's?
Nev said:I have never taken Morello over Athene as Karma.
I don't get Riot. They say Skarner/Olaf's permaslow was toxic, but somehow Ziggs/Ori/Xerath poking people down from like 700 range isn't?
Play Ziggs and see how easy he is. You'll be back here talking about mana issues, that it's dumb that bombs bounce OVER players since it's already easy to juke sideways, and that his ult no longer does enough damage for the length of its cooldown.
Ziggs is in a good place. He's very vulnerable and he takes a lot more skill to land his shots than you think.
Ziggs can't escape though. Even with his satchel, it only buys him a little time. He's so dang slow that you can catch him if you have any sort of gap closer, ranged attack, or CC. He's so squishy. Just get in his face.