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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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High as shit + bottle of wine. Go into aram. "Wait...why does aram have a draft mode?" "Why are people calling roles?" "Oh fuck I hit ranked...shit shit shit." "Oh fuck I'm banning...uhh fuckkk" "I'll pick rammus." 20 minutes later +25LP.... whew thank god.
...you know what you gotta do...

Keep on playing ranked that's what. Don't stop there, or else next time you get high and start drinking, it's gonna backfire on you ;P


He needs to rely on his built-in sustain and the Catalyst he's rushing, since he can't outpoke anybody. Swain's W has 900 range, so you can throw that out to zone enemies and walk in to cast your spells if they get caught.

Otherwise it's a lot of walking towards enemies when they use their spells and/or they're autoattacking to try to get in range for E and Q.

For his W. I gotta be psychic for it to disable them...I can never seem to land this damn thing.


And here we go!



Do I use rockets in a 1v1?

usually not as your pew pew is pretty bad, tho in general i don't think jinx is the best duelist

in teamfights i generally try to use missile a lot and switch to machinegun to kite bruisers or after i get a reset and want to clean up

Same. I'd rather see results than complaints about Triastana every post
yea i'm tired of negativity


good ol graga!
that skin is awesome

i miss grago :<


I have yet to do mystery skins and I am so tempted! Yet I only have a bit more than 2k RPs and not gonna buy in a long time. ._./


I have yet to do mystery skins and I am so tempted! Yet I only have a bit more than 2k RPs and not gonna buy in a long time. ._./

Well here's the thing...

You'll buy just one. If it's a good skin, you'll be excited and buy another, hoping for another good one. If it's a bad skin, you'll buy another and hope for a good one.

It's an endless cycle.

Just remember, you always have a chance to get this.


magician lux is the best lux skin after default

would prolly be worth using if it wasn't for the shitty american splash art

i can't believe they didn't replace that one, she looks like she's fucking 90 -_-


magician lux is the best lux skin after default

would prolly be worth using if it wasn't for the shitty american splash art

i can't believe they didn't replace that one, she looks like she's fucking 90 -_-

What. They have replaced it with the Chinese splash art.



like srs look at this fucking shit


vs young and beautiful


also chinese looks like she's not being hunted by a spirit tentacle monster

tho book is kinda random lol

What. They have replaced it with the Chinese splash art.

that's sorceress, not spellthief

sorceress is just a stupid ugly ass skin no matter how much i love dem chinese art high boot things


like srs look at this fucking shit

vs young and beautiful

also chinese looks like she's not being hunted by a spirit tentacle monster

tho book is kinda random lol

that's sorceress, not magician

sorceress is just a stupid ugly ass skin no matter how much i love dem chinese art high boot things

what. That's spellthief, not magician

In fact, there is no magician skin, but I thought sorceress was closer to "magician" than spellthief. I always thought the "granny skin" was the sorc lux skin


Nah, the western Spellthief art is better. It's tone is completely different than almost all other "look at me being badass" art.

But it doesn't matter, splash art is stupid because you see it for maybe 45 seconds out of every 45 minutes of gameplay.


what. That's spellthief, not magician

In fact, there is no magician skin, but I thought sorceress was closer to "magician" than spellthief. I always thought the "granny skin" was the sorc lux skin
both are granny skins cos rito can't let lux be a beautiful flower

but yea it makes sense you came to that conclusion it's just that i have insider information


now a magician skin like the one lebonk has yea i wouldn't say no to dat

Nah, the western Spellthief art is better. It's tone is completely different than almost all other "look at me being badass" art.
fix her face and i'm fine, not as whimsical but tolerable

But it doesn't matter, splash art is stupid because you see it for maybe 45 seconds out of every 45 minutes of gameplay.
well my friend has shitty pc that loads really slow so i get like a minute at a half of enjoyment

splash arts are the best shuddup -_-


I decided to dust off Thresh on Team Builder after buying Championship skin and we get matched vs a Diamond V Tristana who basically rammed us. Also Karthus disconnected/left.

I shrug it off and decide to queue again, Irelia and Yasuo are premade, she is Gold and he is Silver, Lucian giving me good vibes in builder chat. We are laning and get first blood but I get greedy and kinda fuck it up. We can still work it though (we are versus Quinn and Veigar -who btw is building Rod of Ages and Tear). Irelia is tilting and dying as soon as she gets in lane vs Fiora. We tell her just to stay and farm under turret. She leaves and Yasuo tells us she just left and said "all lanes were losing".

Enemy team is super disorganized and I keep telling them to focus on just picks, because hard engage is getting us nowhere. We try that and we get some picks but Fiora is split pushing and people are running into Veigar's stun (even though it's so easy to tell when he will pop it...). Also we have no sort of frontline.

Irelia comes back and keeps on feeding right when we have super minions in our door. Enemy team at this point is rooting for the rest of us, and being like x9 report Irelia! lol, was funny. And Irelia just replies with "^^".

It just boggles my mind, someone who can reach Gold on ranked seriously wouldn't get bothered and WOULD know how to not just die as soon as he gets to lane...? At least not to the point of leaving his/her premade partner?

fml. Just got Big Bad Warwick. A champion I never use. Q_Q Mystery Skin sucks! Where is my Forecast Janna!?
I'm trying to install League of Legends on my Windows 8 tablet to play with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. We'll see how this goes....I'm guessing my tablet won't even run it.
One more thing....just a rant. I hate when I'm squishy Vel'koz, and the team and myself are battling in jungle. I can't tell you how many times my team bails on a team fight, but instead of retreating towards me so I can remain in the back, and lead retreat, the team retreats down a side path, and I go from back of our force to frontline. I get murdered in seconds.

Am I being picky to expect that I should be protected a bit? Or is that a dumb way to retreat towards the backline?


One more thing....just a rant. I hate when I'm squishy Vel'koz, and the team and myself are battling in jungle. I can't tell you how many times my team bails on a team fight, but instead of retreating towards me so I can remain in the back, and lead retreat, the team retreats down a side path, and I go from back of our force to frontline. I get murdered in seconds.

Am I being picky to expect that I should be protected a bit? Or is that a dumb way to retreat towards the backline?
yea that's mages for ya

reason why i mostly play somewhat self sufficient mages like ori/syndra/lizzy. not that they're not team reliant but they all have some disengage tool to get ppl off their backs

which is kind of why i mostly stopped playing lux, the game evolved to the point that she just can't teamfight unless super fed or she'll get velkoz'd, frontline or not

also like pay attention to your own positioning, try to use walls and be overall mindful of abusing your range, it's the biggest tool you have.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
One more thing....just a rant. I hate when I'm squishy Vel'koz, and the team and myself are battling in jungle. I can't tell you how many times my team bails on a team fight, but instead of retreating towards me so I can remain in the back, and lead retreat, the team retreats down a side path, and I go from back of our force to frontline. I get murdered in seconds.

Am I being picky to expect that I should be protected a bit? Or is that a dumb way to retreat towards the backline?
Oh man, jungle team fights are the worse. The number of obstacles in there can really turn the battle to anyones favors. Thats were theyll usually single out ad and ap champs, so always stay behind someone when youre squishy velkoz. Just use your abilities and remember to back down, as usually youll deal the most damage with your true damage.

Jungle team fights are something I hope I don't ever have to experience again, right next to baron fights.
I need to play around with other mages. I haven't experimented much. I just figured I need to get the game mechanics and strategies down, then expand my champion horizons. Syndra looks fun. But yeah...I hate Jungle fights. I sweat bullets the whole time.

I'm still trying to figure out how to handle bad teammates who go off on their own, engage in dumb battles, etc. If I'm near, do I stick with them to give them some small chance of winning ill-fated engagements? Or do I run immediately and come off like a shitty teammate? I had a Zed last night hanging out in enemy base as enemy team respawned. I was at stairs, and Zed wouldn't leave to regroup. Do I join Zed, or run back home to meet with our team? I stayed, we died (killed 1 champ), then both got yelled at for being stupid.


i dunno how you can hate jungle fights as a mage it's basically ppl in a narrow corridor for you to dump all your aoe plus wall protection against flanks on the sides

it's like easy skillshots land

if anything as a mage you should hate open fights where ppl is spread out so they're hard to hit and assassins can come up from everywhere

baron fights are also really nice as ppl get mr debuffed and clump up in the pit for you to ori ult and be happy

I'm still trying to figure out how to handle bad teammates who go off on their own, engage in dumb battles, etc. If I'm near, do I stick with them to give them some small chance of winning ill-fated engagements? Or do I run immediately and come off like a shitty teammate? I had a Zed last night hanging out in enemy base as enemy team respawned. I was at stairs, and Zed wouldn't leave to regroup. Do I join Zed, or run back home to meet with our team? I stayed, we died (killed 1 champ), then both got yelled at for being stupid.
i generally would advice to try to quickly recognize who are the problematic players that are split-push obsessed/1v5ers and just play around them

if he wants to splitpush let him, ward his jungle side so he doesn't feed too much and pressure when he inevitably gets caught. if he constantly dies 1v1 then you're kind of fucked but other than that if it takes two or more ppl to kill him and you didn't get anything then it's prolly your fault

also when someone's caught and is gonna die just let em die, specially if you're adc/mid. waveclear is like the most valuable thing when you're outnumbered so like don't bother.


It's probably a dumb idea, but if I get caught out somewhere I'll generally ping the lanes to push while I draw attention to myself. If I'm gonna die anyway, may as well get pressure on an objective.
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