I liked that! I sure love me those wombo combos. I still feel Braum was a bit too slow and could have caught Blitz with ult (maybe?) but it didn't matter in the end! GJ!
i think this was the best wombo combo i've ever gotten. it's a bit layered but that's actually kind o fbetter
depends on how projectiles are originally programmedThat sounds like a nightmare to program
i thinking that with the windwall work they did it shouldn't be that difficult
too oppressive in lane, wasn't doing so hot in yolo q + competitiveSo wait.. why did they nerf Cassiopeia?
rework is meant to update to a point she should be balanceable by rito's current standards
she'll get gradually buffed until she's in a right spot
I have arrived, Gold V. Time to not play ranked again until after the season ends. Just call me Normal Jeff.
congrats baby
this is very sadly truesome people don't give a shit
you can be 5k gold ahead at 20 minutes but because some shithead on your team lost his lane while everyone else won theirs all he wants to do is surrender for some dumb reason
ppl have this I MUST CARRY thing ingrained in their minds thanks to all the trick2g and nighblue and whatnot nonsense and now if you lose the lane it doesn't matter cos your whole team's full of retards that are gonna throw anyways
instead of, u know, looking at the scoreboard, seeing how everyone but you played well and maybe you should assist the ppl that are actually carrying you