I played it for a while, people weren't giving me shit for it.i wonder how many reports a game would i get for playing shyvanna mid
dam the goatee reveal...
in the shape of a tie...
God forbid a champion can't spam all of their spells in lane. That wouldn't be fun.Ouch. He is still very dominant so it is warranted, but damn, he's gonna run out of mana in lane much quicker now.
God forbid a champion can't spam all of their spells in lane. That wouldn't be fun.
Don't forget the Q lasts 2 seconds less now. Her midgame will be worse.The interesting thing about this Trist nerf is that it's a lategame nerf -- rather than accentuating weaknesses, they just reduced her strengths somewhat.
With Q up the nerf is just 7% AS.
What I'm interested in is what this does to early levels. At level 12, with Q maxed, Trist used to have 48% + 90% = 138% bonus AS. Now she'll have 30% + 110% = 140% bonus AS.
I think her vaunted "midgame" might actually get a little better here, especially if you forget about those extra points in E early.
Don't forget the Q lasts 2 seconds less now. Her midgame will be worse.
Sivir negating Blitzcrank grab with shield sounds like a good idea in theory, but it seems like it would require good ping and good reaction times, neither of which I have, haha.
also i like how koggy just ate helmet bro
also i appreciate everything about shyvanna except maybe that her face looks like the blonde rapist brother dude from game of thrones
Except Riot disagrees, so moot point. Nunu hate is strong in their ranks.stealth nunu ults are fun gameplay for everyone, so it's not a problem
Lee Sin didn't even need a new default splash art either. He wasn't Viktor / Shyvanna / Orianna levels of bad and others like Cho'gath have inexplicably been left alone too.That's not much an improvement, he still doesn't look anything like the lee sin in game or in any artwork previously made.
Except Riot disagrees, so moot point. Nunu hate is strong in their ranks.
Except Riot disagrees, so moot point. Nunu hate is strong in their ranks.
actually live lee sin splash is exactly same level as old ori splash.Lee Sin didn't even need a new default splash art either. He wasn't Viktor / Shyvanna / Orianna levels of bad and others like Cho'gath have inexplicably been left alone too.
Where are you guys reading these champ fixes? I can't find it anywhere. D;
Also, I was thinking of buying Lucian ._. but I really liked the no-mana on E.
I gotta get into the next GAF inhouse.
Got demoted to Bronze III.... I am not sure if I will still trying to reach Plat at this rate.
I gotta get into the next GAF inhouse.
What? That's something you say while in gold, don't get ahead of yourself.
i just realized tha tlee sin has tribal tattooes
like how obnoxious can a character design get lol
Riot has gone on record in the past to say Absolute Zero is one of the coolest - h4h4h4h4h4 - ults in the game.Except Riot disagrees, so moot point. Nunu hate is strong in their ranks.
Let's ask lux.
according to quickfind, i have 5 days til decay. how come i haven't gotten a warning in league yet, zzz...
time to play one ranked!
according to quickfind, i have 5 days til decay. how come i haven't gotten a warning in league yet, zzz...
time to play one ranked!
wouldn't ancient golem be super good with his stacking hp passive?
But then how would nautilus do in jungle without the AG?It wouldn't be bad. Problem is that much like Nasus he'll have an easier time stacking lane as opposed to jungle. Also, he has no issue proc'ing SotEL's passive. It's like Jarvan. Yeah, you can SotAG, but SotEL is better.
(That and SotAG sucks)
Anything gold and lower doesn't decay anymore btw. Not sure where you're placed though.
wow. i've been away for a long time. I'm gold V, every season i play rank and stop at gold just for the rewards.
Well a few posts up it seems sion's Q does the same thing, so they might HAVE changed their mind.
"CURRENTLY" being the key word + Riot having claimed before that fixing said bug is a daunting technical undertaking (supposedly) leaves me cynical enough to believe that Riot is very willing to gut Nunu once more as soon as they figure out how to set bush vision straight. Matter of time, just watch.this is literally yesterday "Currently it will act in the same way as Nunu's ult. If the enemy can't see Sion they wont see the Q charge. Brushes OP"
they don't seem to phased about it bro