you go ap tank build on him or pure utility? jungle nunu that is. my kha'zix keeps getting banned and need another jungler just in case
If you've been following riot members on social media, you might notice everyone is pretty upset right now. A former Riot employee named Kate von Roeder committed suicide. Apparently she was trans and suffered a lot of depression. Here's her very matter of fact suicide note:
If you've been following riot members on social media, you might notice everyone is pretty upset right now. A former Riot employee named Kate von Roeder committed suicide. Apparently she was trans and suffered a lot of depression. Here's her very matter of fact suicide note:
If you've been following riot members on social media, you might notice everyone is pretty upset right now. A former Riot employee named Kate von Roeder committed suicide. Apparently she was trans and suffered a lot of depression. Here's her very matter of fact suicide note:
I hate Nunu. Either way too good at what he does or is an absolute counterjungling nightmare gg too ez
But then how would nautilus do in jungle without the AG?
also i like how koggy just ate helmet bro
also i appreciate everything about shyvanna except maybe that her face looks like the blonde rapist brother dude from game of thrones
If you've been following riot members on social media, you might notice everyone is pretty upset right now. A former Riot employee named Kate von Roeder committed suicide. Apparently she was trans and suffered a lot of depression. Here's her very matter of fact suicide note:
If you've been following riot members on social media, you might notice everyone is pretty upset right now. A former Riot employee named Kate von Roeder committed suicide. Apparently she was trans and suffered a lot of depression. Here's her very matter of fact suicide note:
Yeah. That's the worst part. It's a shame, going out not realizing how many love you. Those comments are heartbreaking.Its so sad when you see a person convince them self they're not a good person :/
how is that crazy lolHow someone can be so relaxed about it is crazy.
Who else reads more about league than plays it?
Goes to show how different people's perceptions of reality can be. She was clearly loved, but her mental state deprived her of realizing it![]()
how is that crazy lol
it doesnt take someone that seems raving mad to do something drastic.
Holy crap, Veigar is super fun.
Janna is queen of ARAM.
The buff to Janna's Q CD was great in ARAM. It only has a 1 second downtime with max CDR.
surgery for transitioning should be covered by insurance and counseling should be good, free, and accessible
Hi guys,
My friend is trying to get into this but is finding it a bit tricky, I'm not particularly great myself but I was wondering if there's anyway he could play a game and I could just watch him? I know it's possible for higher level/ranked games, but can I do it with a level 3 player as well?
Also, can anyone please recommend a good newbie character? I recommended Annie at first but he struggled with her, so I was going to suggest Yi as he can do a lot of damage but also escape quickly when needed.
Final question, can anyone please recommend a character that plays similarly to Yi?
when i first started playing my friend was like 'oh just try corki hes fun' and i fed hard in bot with nasus as my support. 500 games later ive never played corki again