She's hard to not get dumpstered with, tho.
While this is impressive, this stuff is simply impossible on the NA servers for most people. Those moves can't be pulled at 90+ ms.
All the Rammus hype makes me regret not using him more. I even have the King Rammus skin.
He is my go-to Dominion champ though.
More accurately, use him now before Riot makes armadillo soupYou can still start using him now
i don't think she's hard to play at all. her laning is garbage but much like akali or yasuo shutting them down is really hard since they get lucky once and they're back inI see. But what I don't see is why people find her annoying. She's so hard to play effectively. I could see it being annoying to have her on your team, I guess. I'm pretty happy when there's a Katarina on the other side, unless I was hoping to play her. Most people who pick her just go glass cannon hyper aggression and end up with bad KDAs. The really good ones are terrifying, sure, but they're so rare.
While this is impressive, this stuff is simply impossible on the NA servers for most people. Those moves can't be pulled at 90+ ms.
Is Sion up yet!? I'm dying here.
o man i sure hope it's next weekOut with next patch (next week), presumably.
Thats the same as saying yi is hard to jungle with.Kat is about as difficult to play as Tristana.
Alistar is not in the meta.Top laners are the most insane though - the gaps in playstyle between Rumble, Nidalee and Alistar (to give three in-meta examples) are huge. Very few people can play teamfighters, engagers and splitpushers strongly in all situations.
You should have just let Vayne jungle.Is there a reason why we're not allowed to dodge promo matches w/o losing the series? I just lost a series because our 1st pick insta locked vayne and said that he/she was going to jungle with her. I picked Wukong to jungle with saying F that and then Vayne said "GG guess i'll support". What I dont get is why nobody on my team offered to support while letting Vayne adc since she picked an adc in the first place.
Out of all the types of matches in League, you would think that Riot would allow us to dodge in promo matches. This crap is just unfair.
"Oh, your team is having champion select issues, people are cussing, and there seems to be no sense of cooperation? And you're 1 win away from promoting? Hahahaha too bad. Enjoy the loss!" - Love, Riot.
I dodge promo matches all the time. Who cares about, losses, they don't mean anything. MMR is everything.Is there a reason why we're not allowed to dodge promo matches w/o losing the series? I just lost a series because our 1st pick insta locked vayne and said that he/she was going to jungle with her. I picked Wukong to jungle with saying F that and then Vayne said "GG guess i'll support". What I dont get is why nobody on my team offered to support while letting Vayne adc since she picked an adc in the first place.
Out of all the types of matches in League, you would think that Riot would allow us to dodge in promo matches. This crap is just unfair.
"Oh, your team is having champion select issues, people are cussing, and there seems to be no sense of cooperation? And you're 1 win away from promoting? Hahahaha too bad. Enjoy the loss!" - Love, Riot.
Alistar is not in the meta.
You should have just let Vayne jungle.
Picking a role someone else has called, even if it's a pick where they are goofing off, just sets you up for disaster. Either they'll fight you the whole way through and you have two junglers or you just push them into a role that's even worse.He said that he's never won a match as jungle Vayne before but that he's been practicing. Idk if he was lying or not, but that was a red flag.
play support and then u can do all 3 ez.Honestly most champions are not hard if you're well practiced with them, even complex mechanical moves on Lee Sin become second nature if you do them 2000 times. It's one thing to be an incredible jungler when you're playing Hecarim because you've played 100s of games with him and know how strong he is in every situation, know all his item builds and play patterns inside out, but it's entirely another to be incredible on Lee, Amumu, Maokai, Shaco, Elise and Hecarim.
Top laners are the most insane though - the gaps in playstyle between Rumble, Nidalee and Alistar (to give three in-meta examples) are huge. Very few people can play teamfighters, engagers and splitpushers strongly in all situations.
Picking a role someone else has called, even if it's a pick where they are goofing off, just sets you up for disaster. Either they'll fight you the whole way through and you have two junglers or you just push them into a role that's even worse.
Is there a reason why we're not allowed to dodge promo matches w/o losing the series? I just lost a series because our 1st pick insta locked vayne and said that he/she was going to jungle with her. I picked Wukong to jungle with saying F that and then Vayne said "GG guess i'll support". What I dont get is why nobody on my team offered to support while letting Vayne adc since she picked an adc in the first place.
Out of all the types of matches in League, you would think that Riot would allow us to dodge in promo matches. This crap is just unfair.
"Oh, your team is having champion select issues, people are cussing, and there seems to be no sense of cooperation? And you're 1 win away from promoting? Hahahaha too bad. Enjoy the loss!" - Love, Riot.
the in-game preview thingie on the right is pretty cool doe: of the Lotus Karma is out on EU.
For like, the two people who care.
Thats the same as saying yi is hard to jungle with.
speaking of kat, my first "ride to plat october" game featured a kat on the other team
she played tons better than me, even if i counterpicked her and shit but yeah she got a few kills and went crazy overdrive
was pretty rough, didn't play that game well at all :/
not the best way to start tho a win is a win
you don't lose the series, you lose the game
so if you were one win from promotion then yea you're fucked
generally you don't want to dodge on a promotion series unless you feel like it's gonna make you go on tilt
the in-game preview thingie on the right is pretty cool doe:
Is there a reason why we're not allowed to dodge promo matches w/o losing the series? I just lost a series because our 1st pick insta locked vayne and said that he/she was going to jungle with her. I picked Wukong to jungle with saying F that and then Vayne said "GG guess i'll support". What I dont get is why nobody on my team offered to support while letting Vayne adc since she picked an adc in the first place.
Out of all the types of matches in League, you would think that Riot would allow us to dodge in promo matches. This crap is just unfair.
"Oh, your team is having champion select issues, people are cussing, and there seems to be no sense of cooperation? And you're 1 win away from promoting? Hahahaha too bad. Enjoy the loss!" - Love, Riot.
What's the best way to counter jungle with Nunu? I've been doing basically a figure 8. One side of mine then the opposite of theirs, followed by either a gank or a repeat.
It's amazing how much the other jungler's afraid of me.
First of all, that Sivir build makes me vomit.
Anything I could have done differently? Or better?
We were doing great up until Kha went afk for 5 mins, and it let the other team get back into the game.
I was dropping the hammer on Garen in lane, but eventually they grouped as a team and our teamfighting was lackluster.
First of all, that Sivir build makes me vomit.
As for advice, you can't be letting the other team get dragons when you're so far ahead. Like at 15 minutes Sona gets a kill on you, and they just take dragon and a tower. I do not understand why that was allowed to happen. Remember it's always worth ditching lane for dragon, and you should come around 25s early to dictate map control around the area.
yea she struggled early but she was cleaning up pretty hard and she outplayed me pretty hard. she hurt my prideNo DFG on the Katarina? What the...? You simply need to build it on her. She fed just has hard as she ate though.
depends on what you builtCould someone give me some pointers as to how to play Ahri in teamfights? I just seem to get jumped on/cc'd and killed if I go for the adc. What's my role supposed to be?
you want either red or blue trinket lategame and i'm not sure about that randuins but i don't really play jayce. you also bought no pinks which is pretty bad (even one is a big improvement).
Anything I could have done differently? Or better?
We were doing great up until Kha went afk for 5 mins, and it let the other team get back into the game.
I was dropping the hammer on Garen in lane, but eventually they grouped as a team and our teamfighting was lackluster.
you gotta try my sonaraka laneTank Soraka keeping pace on damage dealt. Dangerously close to a full match history of Soraka.
you want either red or blue trinket lategame and i'm not sure about that randuins but i don't really play jayce. you also bought no pinks which is pretty bad (even one is a big improvement).
i also think if you were gonna run ignite on jayce you prolly should've split pushed more or something, you're below in cs against both mal and draven so i'm guessing you grouped a lot when you prolly should've pressed your ignite+shitting on garen in lane advantage.
tho overall i'd just suggest running tp. much easier to play as a team
Is there a reason why we're not allowed to dodge promo matches w/o losing the series? I just lost a series because our 1st pick insta locked vayne and said that he/she was going to jungle with her. I picked Wukong to jungle with saying F that and then Vayne said "GG guess i'll support". What I dont get is why nobody on my team offered to support while letting Vayne adc since she picked an adc in the first place.
Out of all the types of matches in League, you would think that Riot would allow us to dodge in promo matches. This crap is just unfair.
"Oh, your team is having champion select issues, people are cussing, and there seems to be no sense of cooperation? And you're 1 win away from promoting? Hahahaha too bad. Enjoy the loss!" - Love, Riot.
He said that he's never won a match as jungle Vayne before but that he's been practicing. Idk if he was lying or not, but that was a red flag.
legit mad