I think being toxic is really good for the game because there is chance the retards u are cursing will stop playing it eventually.
You are what's wrong with America
I think being toxic is really good for the game because there is chance the retards u are cursing will stop playing it eventually.
You are what's wrong with America
So I saw an Anivia for the first time, he died and transformed and I was like "what the hell is that, wait waaaaaaattt why do you have full health"
I have some money, is he fun? should I buy him?
So I saw an Anivia for the first time, he died and transformed and I was like "what the hell is that, wait waaaaaaattt why do you have full health"
I have some money, is he fun? should I buy him?
no, she isn't fun.
unless u're froggen.
You cant depend on tp in soloq, just go with ignite.My biggest problem right now top lane is identifying when I should start teleporting into a fight. I keep coming into a fight after it's over and we've lost, which just doesn't work.
How do you use TP effectively for teamfighting in solo q?
She was my first champ when I started! I loved her, especially her wave clearing post-6. But yeah...a bit too hard of a champ to start with. Now that I'm a year into the game, and had lots of mid practice as a mage with Vel'koz, I really want to go back and try her again. She has a special place in my heart, but I dropped her after my first week or two to try other champs.So I saw an Anivia for the first time, he died and transformed and I was like "what the hell is that, wait waaaaaaattt why do you have full health"
I have some money, is he fun? should I buy him?
Aatrox feeds like a man. Sometimes he does it twiceI go ignite because I'm not some fucking pussy ass bitch and I fight like a man.
I feel like 90% of GAF is in Silver 1 now
i think not going tp in solo queue is terrible advice
almost everyone runs tp, you basically set your team back a whole lot and if you somehow get behind in lane (say, enemy jungler camps you while your jungler is dying to golems) then you're basically losing the game pretty hard for your team
there's no need to force yourself to snowball your lane as a toplaner, just look for the back brush/tri ganks in botlane (coordinate with your team) or try and help when your team's outnumbered
unfortunately you can't know if your team's gonna follow up or not until you try in solo queue, but i'd totally say it's worth it to run tp over ignite.
i think not going tp in solo queue is terrible advice
almost everyone runs tp, you basically set your team back a whole lot and if you somehow get behind in lane (say, enemy jungler camps you while your jungler is dying to golems) then you're basically losing the game pretty hard for your team
there's no need to force yourself to snowball your lane as a toplaner, just look for the back brush/tri ganks in botlane (coordinate with your team) or try and help when your team's outnumbered
unfortunately you can't know if your team's gonna follow up or not until you try in solo queue, but i'd totally say it's worth it to run tp over ignite.
This kind of thinking is really misguided. Like most things in League, it's situational. Sometimes running ignite is the better option.only thing that gets fat when running ignite top is your ego
fat egos being arguably the biggest reason that people is incapable of climbing
only thing that gets fat when running ignite top is your ego
fat egos being arguably the biggest reason that people is incapable of climbing
You usually keep Janna in the back to disengage/peel for your ADC. Shield is used defensively and offensively so if you have the mana don't be afraid to use it often.
How can I snowballing as an ADC? I think I can overcome the enemy adc as early levels but in mid or late cames I dont know what to do and get killed in TFs
of course everything's situational, we all knows that, i didn't think it needed to be said, so ok, my bad for not saying it, w/eThis kind of thinking is really misguided. Like most things in League, it's situational. Sometimes running ignite is the better option.
This new high diamond ranked clamping is a joke. I went on a 7 game win streak on my D2 smurf to get to 91 lp, getting +9-13 a win, first loss -31 forget about it.
Scumbag Fallen hits Diamond 5 and never plays another game.Ya got to git even gooder
Weird, like 3 or 4 days ago when my smurf was in D3 I was gaining 20-25 a game and losing 15-18 a game. Since then I've gone on two 7/8 game win streaks and now I gain very little, lose a boat load. I'm baffled by it, my MMR has gone up and my gains suffered.It wasn't just high diamond. Whole of diamond experienced it.
Got demoted from D3 promos to D5 0lp in 6-7losses losing 30-35lp per game
Before the intro of master tier, I was earning 23-5 per win and losing 18 per loss.
We are the warriors that built this townobviously riots way of telling you to buy more skins.
Same here. FF and Chrome.For some reason the match history on my browser doesn't load... Weird.