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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Agreed with above. The game is slow, sluggish, clunky, blurry and archaic. Not to mention the community is the biggest bunch of fedora tipping neckbeards that make the CoD community look good.

Probably luck unless your kill participation is over 80% every game

Last few games (I excluded two because I DC'd at the start and the other one everyone just gave up in)

15/6/11 Kha. Got a little cocky at the end because I knew we were going to win,lol
21/4/17 Aatrox. Carried two elo terrorists
10/3/10 Gnar. Also carried an elo terrorist.

let's do a test and find out

what do you think of syndra's champion design

Her ult turns her from a skillshot reliant mage into one that can guarantee a kill with minimal thought process.
Agreed with above. The game is slow, sluggish, clunky, blurry and archaic. Not to mention the community is the biggest bunch of fedora tipping neckbeards that make the CoD community look good.
All of that is true, and most of all it's just not much fun to play. League is so much better.


yeah it's weird without context

the reason i like it is:
the look on the guy's face before he gets hit
when the subtitles translates what he's saying as "The truth is," and then doesn't give anything
that fukkin song at the end


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not to mention snowballing is really easy to attain.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
But check out Leshrac's sick bio.
Background Story said:
Torment around me. Torment in me. Torment be with me. And let us conquer our foes. They do not understand our pain. Do you? No. Not a soul can. And for that, We shall make them feel the torment... The torment that inhabits my soul.
League lore will never have this level of prose.
Nothing sucks more than kicking ass to still lose the game. At one point very late game I still had 0 deaths, but I had to start putting myself into more dangerous situations. I became the real threat against the other team, and had multiple double and triple kills. If only my team would listen....I was very, very nice about strategy, but maybe too nice? What really sucked is we had their inhib down, and Jax had snuck a ward in their base. He told us to keep them distracted at our base once he respawned, and he'd sneak in. Well, he spawned. Then ran into our jungle. Did some shit, then into the river, and eventually got killed in their jungle. He never teleported into the damn ward, and we missed an easy steal for the win at the end. It didn't help that he'd disconnected 4-5 times due to lag throughout, so the opening of the game was 4 v 5. Another sign we were kicking ass? The enemy team got Baron at least 3 times, but I could still poke and tear them down so they accomplished jack with it. In the end, damn frustrating.


Bot really fed the hell out of Ez. Gragas was mid with me, and I had him under control. The opening kill of the game was a double-kill from me against Gragas and Warick who came in for a gank. I rocked them both, and Gragas eventually gave up when he realized he wasn't getting me and joined the party down bot since he realized they sucked and were feeding Ez like crazy.


Me: "top"
A: "top"
A: "einbroch i called it first"
Me: "the client sucks we need a third party"
C: "einbroch called it first on my screen"
B: "[other guy] called it first on mine"

A locks in.

I dodge because fuck them. Of course I look them up and A and B are a duo queue. Trolls always win.


Me: "top"
A: "top"
A: "einbroch i called it first"
Me: "the client sucks we need a third party"
C: "einbroch called it first on my screen"
B: "[other guy] called it first on mine"

A locks in.

I dodge because fuck them. Of course I look them up and A and B are a duo queue. Trolls always win.
I think it actually does show in different orders on different players' screens depending on whatever network timing stuff is going on. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Me: "top"
A: "top"
A: "einbroch i called it first"
Me: "the client sucks we need a third party"
C: "einbroch called it first on my screen"
B: "[other guy] called it first on mine"

A locks in.

I dodge because fuck them. Of course I look them up and A and B are a duo queue. Trolls always win.
Was saying you had it, or that A had it?

I just played A dominion game waiting for friend to get on. 100% bots. I was the only real player. What. The. Fuck. And the AI was worse than I've ever seen. It was like it could only control one or two guys at a time.


Was on a roll, 3 game winning steak, enemy mundo afk'd for some reason.

Zed wants blue, WW doesn't give. Becomes a bitch, just says "you never gank mid, gg"

Kept on going down mid and gave Jayce free kills.



I think it actually does show in different orders on different players' screens depending on whatever network timing stuff is going on. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Anyone outside of the people who are involved see the true order. The two/three people who call don't know the true order.


How long does it take for RP to show up in your account? I bought with paypal, I got the e-mail receipt, still hasn't shown up. Sorry to invade your community thread with noob questions.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
How long does it take for RP to show up in your account? I bought with paypal. Sorry to invade your community thread with noob questions.

Should happen instantly.


How long does it take for RP to show up in your account? I bought with paypal. Sorry to invade your community thread with noob questions.

Should be instant. Every time I've done it it's been on my screen before I can even exit the transaction screen.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most of us don't bite.


How long does it take for RP to show up in your account? I bought with paypal. Sorry to invade your community thread with noob questions.

Automatically from when I got RP with prepaid cards.

Never have used a CC though, but pretty sure it's the same. If it hasn't popped up within the hour, I would open a ticket.


Fosho, I should have known better than to buy RP right before a patch. Thanks!

Hmm, you think it's because of the patch that maybe it bugged out?

That could happen. Definitely open a ticket, and maybe a screenshot of the transaction on your bank account.


Jesus... been playing Darius in team builder and lost 4 games in a row... and I know this maybe high horse, but it wasn't my fault. Literally every game bot and mid just... fed them soooo badly. Only one game I did bad top, every other game I was always on top, on top lane...

Though I will admit, his damage really seems to fall off. He's really powerful at the start and then later on his bleed doesn't scale that well...


Man what is it with me and ranked.... I stop playing for a month and hop into a game and my top laner is dc'd again! He manages to come back at 5mins and I do my best to ward up for him and leave him blue side jungle for some cs. He ends up making his way back into the game at 5-3 but our botlane feeds 15 kills.
We also had a syndra support that bought maybe 3 wards(outside of laning phase).
I want to enjoy the competition in ranked mode win or lose but I am quite literally plagued by dcs every game.


Jesus... been playing Darius in team builder and lost 4 games in a row... and I know this maybe high horse, but it wasn't my fault. Literally every game bot and mid just... fed them soooo badly. Only one game I did bad top, every other game I was always on top, on top lane...

Though I will admit, his damage really seems to fall off. He's really powerful at the start and then later on his bleed doesn't scale that well...

Yeah, my experience against Darius in top lane is that, if I'm playing Mundo or Nasus, the amount by which I can lose lane and have it be okay is huge. Down by 30 CS and two kills? Don't worry, by 25 minutes I'll still be more relevant than Darius. He just has some fundamental scaling problem, so you can't just win the lane, you have to win the game off it, like really hard. If you win the lane, push the tower, and then declare victory and slow farm top, your team is probably going to lose.


Yeah, my experience against Darius in top lane is that, if I'm playing Mundo or Nasus, the amount by which I can lose lane and have it be okay is huge. Down by 30 CS and two kills? Don't worry, by 25 minutes I'll still be more relevant than Darius. He just has some fundamental scaling problem, so you can't just win the lane, you have to win the game off it, like really hard. If you win the lane, push the tower, and then declare victory and slow farm top, your team is probably going to lose.

He just seems like sooooo OP (at least in terms of damage) early on, and then like... 25 min mark? maybe a little bit latter, if you built tank, and he built damage, he just... can't do anything... :(

Going to play maybe a bot match as Irelia. See if I like her, just unlocked her.


Having tried Vayne and playing with Vayne players, I am joining the "dodge when Vayne shows up in your team" club. I'm sure there are some great Vayne players at higher elos, but down here, she is a huge liability.
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