I just had the funniest game ever. It started off bad. We all called lanes, every member. Then the ADC decided he wanted top. I was top, called, locked, etc. Everyone else did too.
We get in game, Tristana goes top. I ping her, ask her what she's doing, and she just taunt spams. I give her a bit, then she starts creeping and pings me back.
I say "Sorry guys, I don't want to reward this player. I'm just gonna AFK. I know it sucks for you, but this isn't fun." Was I in the wrong? Probably. But I hate that shit. Instalocking is one thing. I can dodge or adjust. But thinking you're doing one thing, then switching to something else and laughing about it, that's just annoying.
Anyway, the Sona (mid Sona) goes off, calling me a cunt, a whiner, a baby, etc. I just calmly respond that I don't want to reward the Tristana. She says we can win, I say I understand that but this isn't fun for me, and that I'm sorry for ruining your game, but you should blame Tristana as well.
All game, literally non-stop, she's spamming all chat about me, never mentioning Trist. I say that if they want to report me, they can. The other team's ADC wonders what's going on, then realizes that he blocked the Sona a few weeks ago. He said she's obnoxious. We spend the rest of the game making fun of the Sona who is clearly a kid and throwing a tantrum. Yes, I'm an ass, but that was so fucking funny. Everyone reported the Sona.
Good times.