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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Yea I'll stack the tear when im buying and running back to lane. Like Rex said, just keep an eye on the tear so you aren't wasting mana while it's on cooldown.

You used to be able to stack it really fast because Jayce's ult would work with it.

Remember to switch forms back and forth when running back to lane, the speed boost will get you back quicker.

Yeah took me a while to realize that ult doesn't work.. but yeah! ult is nice. Also because of inertia I accidentally put a point in ult when I reached 6, the first match I played lol. But it seems most if not all save it for last?

All i'm about to tell you is how old Jayce mid worked. I haven't seen enough of him to make a judgement this season.

Jayce mid kind of needs blue to get him rolling and win the lane. (Top Jayce can just auto the meta champs and harass like that)

In terms of mana stacking, it shouldn't be hard. I think you're just holding onto your cannon Q too much. Enhanced cannon Q to harass enemies whenever they are near minions for the splash damage (or when they aren't near minions and if you get use to the enhanced Q speed) and normal cannon Q to clear waves. You can do a normal cannon Q between the gate cooldown to clear waves rather than keeping it off cooldown if you have blue regen.

Don't have to be so conservative with cannon cooldowns, Jayce doesn't have a lot of mana problems with a tear built. His only issue with mana is when you use E too much in his hammer form. Then again, you shouldn't be touching this skill in mid lane unless you know you can execute people.

You can also spam gate to get to lane faster and use W in both hammer and cannon form if you are still finding it hard to stack the tear before mid game fights. It's only 40 mana so it'll regen pretty fast. Just watch the cooldown of tear so you don't waste mana spamming skills for no stacks.

I think my problem might be that I first built brutalizer THEN tear, but just checking now it seems it's 360 sword > Tear > maybe bruta?/Muramana item. Also, should I build tanky? And if so, when is it good to do so?

Also in terms of boots? It seems I see mostly CDR boots but not sure when I should aim for tenacity/tabis?

I still need to get faster with the E+Q combo on cannon, sometimes I'm too predictable and sometimes rushing it makes me completely miss (or shoot at terribly awkward spots).

Thanks a bunch guys! You have helped a lot! I am still not comfortable in taking it in normals but I'll try to man up soon. Sorry if I am a bit newbie in terms of asking a lot ;E
Yeah took me a while to realize that ult doesn't work.. but yeah! ult is nice. Also because of inertia I accidentally put a point in ult when I reached 6, the first match I played lol. But it seems most if not all save it for last?
Can't think of many situations where you'd want to rank up ult before anything else. Sure the cannon shred should help if they're stacking armor, but you deal a ton of mixed damage so I don't see much value in it.


Yeah took me a while to realize that ult doesn't work.. but yeah! ult is nice. Also because of inertia I accidentally put a point in ult when I reached 6, the first match I played lol. But it seems most if not all save it for last?

Ya, always save it for last. It really isn't worth leveling up.

I think my problem might be that I first built brutalizer THEN tear, but just checking now it seems it's 360 sword > Tear > maybe bruta?/Muramana item. Also, should I build tanky? And if so, when is it good to do so?

Also in terms of boots? It seems I see mostly CDR boots but not sure when I should aim for tenacity/tabis?

I still need to get faster with the E+Q combo on cannon, sometimes I'm too predictable and sometimes rushing it makes me completely miss (or shoot at terribly awkward spots).

Thanks a bunch guys! You have helped a lot! I am still not comfortable in taking it in normals but I'll try to man up soon. Sorry if I am a bit newbie in terms of asking a lot ;E

Tear first. You wan't to get it stacked asap.

I don't really like building tanky. Jayce should just be poking with q e most fights. You can go in with your full combo to take someone out, but you'll be stuck once you end up in the middle of the fight.

I generally always go cdr boots. I guess tenacity would be good if you are against some crazy engage/cc team, but you should really just be poking away at them so they can't enagage anyways.

Practice shooting your Q, and then dropping the gate. You'll have time and it will catch them off-guard.

Also, remember when in melee for your W's passive gives you mana back while autoing.
Treat Jayce like an AD carry with extreme melee burst, played a solo lane and you won't go far wrong. You only build the defensive items you need to - if they have deadly single target CC like Rammus or Fiddle, you need Mercs, if they have magic you can't evade/play around (like Karthus), you need MR, if you're getting poked or being drawn into long fights, you need lifesteal (BT is great on Jayce) etc, but for the most part you pick the efficient damage items and keep on rolling.

Jayce can have difficulty against tanky opponents since his poke doesn't do too much to them and he can't just jump on Maokai (for example) and burst him. Might need your team to help you kite to beat them. Against squishies Jayce can either poke them down if they're grouped/under tower, or all-in burst like an assassin if they're isolated. He can clear minion waves in an instant and decimate towers' HP in seconds. He's quite technical but has high rewards, and definitely a champion that rewards learning/pushing the limits of.


If anyone is in Silver/Gold/Plat, is a support main, and is looking to rank up before the season ends hit me up with a PM.


Aah! Makes sense guys. I was going a bit too ham on him and ended up dying a bit due to no frontline (bots ofc!). I guess going into melee form would be more for 2v2 or small skirmishes/laning like that in early/midgame right?

Tear built up a bit faster with your tips btw!

Really appreciate it :3 I'll come back with more questions as I progress, ty again!


Aah! Makes sense guys. I was going a bit too ham on him and ended up dying a bit due to no frontline (bots ofc!). I guess going into melee form would be more for 2v2 or small skirmishes/laning like that in early/midgame right?

Tear built up a bit faster with your tips btw!

Really appreciate it :3 I'll come back with more questions as I progress, ty again!

Yea I really dont go into melee unless im trading 1v1 in lane, in a small skirmish, or dealing a final blow in a teamfight (just make sure you dont end up in a bad spot).

If anyone is in Silver/Gold/Plat, is a support main, and is looking to rank up before the season ends hit me up with a PM.

Yo hook a brotha up. Theoretically, I need 5 straight wins for gold


Yo hook a brotha up. Theoretically, I need 5 straight wins for gold
Sure, np. 5 wins in a row is doable.


sure takes a long time to get to 30 lol

still have no idea what champs to buy and which to avoid

i have annie,tryndamere,tristana,ashe and lux now


sure takes a long time to get to 30 lol

still have no idea what champs to buy and which to avoid

i have annie,tryndamere,tristana,ashe and lux now
Buy is tough, avoid isn't hard. Avoid: Zed, Rengar, Vayne, Yasuo, Nidalee, Kassadin, Aatrox, Olaf.
at first when we played 3 v 3 with bip we were pretty try hard in attitude and comps and lost both games

then we started trolling and stomped 3 in a row
3s is lame. You should gather up all the EU players and play 5s.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I guess that's true. Placements should be fun and easy stomps tho.
I'd like to play some with you to get an honest evaluation. When I stick to a few I tend to win and climb quickly (jax top, xin jungle and janna support) but when I go outside of that it tends to be a 50/50 on winning


What the hell is wrong with some people? >_>; like I was just playing Jayce vs bots, ended up going 1v2 on top because this Udyr wanted to jungle. I was like ok, I can deal with 1v2, and I did. Around midgame or so I see that enemy red is about to spawn so I hover there and I am like yeah, I'll take that thank you very much. Udyr comes rushing and as I'm about to kill the Lizard... smite. I didn't say anything else but something like: c'mon man...

Like why would you do that? He was basically playing a farming simulator. Fuck that noise.

Also as Jayce I'm having trouble building the Muramana. Am I not spamming enough? Should I just be spamming abilities otw to lane or something like that?

Pd. Jayce is a lot of fun, thanks for recommending! It doesn't seem as complicated as I imagined? Like it's pretty straight forward. I just thought that abilities shared cooldowns between stances but it's pretty nice that they don't.

yeah he's pretty straightforward, if you are having trouble stacking just build the manamune, it will stack off auto attacks too when it is built


Saw lots of Darius talk earlier. I think he's a good champion, but he has some restrictive win conditions. If you don't play things right, the late game can be pretty discouraging.

You need to win your lane quickly. With his bleed, his pull, and his ult, you are an all in machine. Even little buttholes like Teemo don't affect you because you can burst him without auto attacks, which is nice.

Anyway, you push your lanes hard, making sure to keep wards up. They will try to gank you often, because your whole goal is to snowball and then roam, and smart teams will try to prevent that from happening.

Go Hydra first. It allows you to push hard, get some life steal and regen, and get a little AOE. From there start tanking up a bit. Darius is one of the few champs where Sunfire Cape is a good idea. Build that next along with Randuins while getting your boots (I like Merc's). From there, you can go back to building damage and try to end the game as quickly as possible. Trinity Force is decent, Maw is awesome for jumping into team fights and surviving long enough to cause problems.

Your main role in the team fight is to tank your way to the ADC, pull them in, and execute them with your ult. On the refresh, hit their mage or whoever else is dealing big damage. You'll probably die, but it's generally enough to win the fight.

Darius shouldn't die much early, but it's not the worst thing if you're dying in the big fights late as long as you get his ult off twice. You're probably going to push things into your team's favor unless they're incompetent.

One thing to remember, on his Q it does way more damage to enemies on the edge of your range. Also, the indicator on his grab is garbage. The edges of it are outside of its range, so beware of that. I've missed a lot of pulls on enemies that were clearly within the indicator.

Darius is fun! He's a little bit "Baby's First Top Laner," but it's ridiculously fun in the mid game when you're snowballing and executing people right and left. Play him like Renekton. You have to finish the game before you become irrelevant with bad scaling.
sure takes a long time to get to 30 lol

still have no idea what champs to buy and which to avoid

i have annie,tryndamere,tristana,ashe and lux now
Honestly for low-level play, there's not that much you need to avoid. There used to be a bunch of old, poorly-designed champs but they've mostly reworked them, except Poppy and I guess Teemo.

Apart from them, I would avoid Aatrox, Fiddlesticks, Fiora, Galio, Malzahar, Mordekaiser, Olaf, Shaco, Swain, Udyr, Urgot, Veigar, Yorick. Not that they can't be used well, it's just not worth trying.

If you want competitive suggestions to buy, just name a role and I'm sure someone here can tell you.


Honestly for low-level play, there's not that much you need to avoid. There used to be a bunch of old, poorly-designed champs but they've mostly reworked them, except Poppy and I guess Teemo.

Apart from them, I would avoid Aatrox, Fiddlesticks, Fiora, Galio, Malzahar, Mordekaiser, Olaf, Shaco, Swain, Udyr, Urgot, Veigar, Yorick. Not that they can't be used well, it's just not worth trying.

If you want competitive suggestions to buy, just name a role and I'm sure someone here can tell you.
I don't see anything wrong with these champs. None of them are weak or overly complicated.
I don't see anything wrong with these champs. None of them are weak or overly complicated.
I don't think they're weak numbers-wise. Some of them are really good laners. I just don't really think they have a place in the game, or will any time soon. Like it's not worth getting invested in Swain or whatever, especially if you're a) new and b) don't have IP to spare. Also some of them are just one-trick ponies and I would never recommend someone play that.

Also I'm not saying DEFINITELY AVOID. I'm just saying if you're looking for things to avoid, you could be choosing more relevant champs.


I'm Fiora fan #1, but I wouldn't recommend her for someone who is learning and doesn't have the proper runes to run with her. She's not the easiest to lane with right now with all the ranged AP tops running around.
I feel like Fiora is one of the easiest champions in the game. I play her quite often.


I feel like Fiora is one of the easiest champions in the game. I play her quite often.

Yeah, but you're good at the game. I have around a 56%-60% win rate with her in ranked, but it's been harder the last handful of patches than before. I still love to use her, don't get me wrong, but she's in a weird spot in the current meta unless you can get free and start roaming early.
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