Yea I'll stack the tear when im buying and running back to lane. Like Rex said, just keep an eye on the tear so you aren't wasting mana while it's on cooldown.
You used to be able to stack it really fast because Jayce's ult would work with it.
Remember to switch forms back and forth when running back to lane, the speed boost will get you back quicker.
Yeah took me a while to realize that ult doesn't work.. but yeah! ult is nice. Also because of inertia I accidentally put a point in ult when I reached 6, the first match I played lol. But it seems most if not all save it for last?
All i'm about to tell you is how old Jayce mid worked. I haven't seen enough of him to make a judgement this season.
Jayce mid kind of needs blue to get him rolling and win the lane. (Top Jayce can just auto the meta champs and harass like that)
In terms of mana stacking, it shouldn't be hard. I think you're just holding onto your cannon Q too much. Enhanced cannon Q to harass enemies whenever they are near minions for the splash damage (or when they aren't near minions and if you get use to the enhanced Q speed) and normal cannon Q to clear waves. You can do a normal cannon Q between the gate cooldown to clear waves rather than keeping it off cooldown if you have blue regen.
Don't have to be so conservative with cannon cooldowns, Jayce doesn't have a lot of mana problems with a tear built. His only issue with mana is when you use E too much in his hammer form. Then again, you shouldn't be touching this skill in mid lane unless you know you can execute people.
You can also spam gate to get to lane faster and use W in both hammer and cannon form if you are still finding it hard to stack the tear before mid game fights. It's only 40 mana so it'll regen pretty fast. Just watch the cooldown of tear so you don't waste mana spamming skills for no stacks.
I think my problem might be that I first built brutalizer THEN tear, but just checking now it seems it's 360 sword > Tear > maybe bruta?/Muramana item. Also, should I build tanky? And if so, when is it good to do so?
Also in terms of boots? It seems I see mostly CDR boots but not sure when I should aim for tenacity/tabis?
I still need to get faster with the E+Q combo on cannon, sometimes I'm too predictable and sometimes rushing it makes me completely miss (or shoot at terribly awkward spots).
Thanks a bunch guys! You have helped a lot! I am still not comfortable in taking it in normals but I'll try to man up soon. Sorry if I am a bit newbie in terms of asking a lot ;E